Wolfgang Hübner

출생 : 1931-12-29, Berlin, Germany

사망 : 2017-01-29

참여 작품

‎Old Swede‎
A famous journalist wants to adopt a 13 years old orphan boy but their relationship are not perfect.
Schulmeister Spitzbart
Schulmeister Spitzbart
Jorinde und Joringel
Es steht der Wald so schweigend
Das Mädchen und der Junge
Puberty drama about the first love of a 15 year old girl from Berlin.
Das Mädchen und der Junge
Puberty drama about the first love of a 15 year old girl from Berlin.
Trumpeter Anton
Anton and his family moved into a high-rise building. In order for the new neighbors to accept his trumpet music, he has to perform a little "miracle" with the instrument.
Trumpeter Anton
Anton and his family moved into a high-rise building. In order for the new neighbors to accept his trumpet music, he has to perform a little "miracle" with the instrument.
Gevatter Tod
Gevatter Tod
Der Meisterdieb
Der Meisterdieb
Trampen nach Norden
The children of Herbert and Hella, two single train conductors, are going to vacation at Baltic Sea. Unfortunately the parents are to busy to go so the oldest sister is in charge.
The children of Herbert and Hella, two single train conductors, are going to vacation at Baltic Sea. Unfortunately the parents are to busy to go so the oldest sister is in charge.
The children of Herbert and Hella, two single train conductors, are going to vacation at Baltic Sea. Unfortunately the parents are to busy to go so the oldest sister is in charge.
Pirate with Obstacles
The fisherman's son Christian, called Spinner, has a lively imagination. When he is sailing with his pirate sailboat, he feels like the sailor Magellan on the oceans.
Pirate with Obstacles
The fisherman's son Christian, called Spinner, has a lively imagination. When he is sailing with his pirate sailboat, he feels like the sailor Magellan on the oceans.
Heiße Spuren
The Sinking of Emma
A funny adventures of a two young boys who are trying to rebuild the ship called "Emma" for their friend - the old captain.
Der Panzerkommandant
Schritt für Schritt
Im Sonderauftrag
Lieutenant Berger
Zwischenfall in Benderath
Distinguishing marks: none
Post-war Germany: Like so many other women, Gerda Krause has lost her husband during the war and has to fend for herself and her two children. She finds work as a seamstress but refuses the offering of her department chief Zimmermann to upgrade her qualifications. One day she meets Uschi, an old friend of hers, whom she has helped with schoolwork before the war and subsequently lost track of. The reunion reminds Gerda of her childhood dream: to become a teacher. Thus, she decides to enroll at university to make her dream come true.