Chui Tien-You
출생 : 1983-05-16, Hong Kong, China
Chui Man-kin (born May 16, 1983), better known as Chui Tien-you or Tien You or "TY", is an Hong Kong actor, singer, writer and director.
In the 70's, Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption(HKICAC) was founded. The mission to hunt down corrupted detectives unveiled a new chapter of the colonial Hong Kong. Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) and Nam Kong (Tony Leung) who used to be two rightous police officers wanted to change the status quo. They built an empire of corruption by controlling organized crimes and eventually took the position of Chief Chinese Detective. However, power struggle has always been the cause of chaos between the triad and police. Lui Lok’s wife, Tsai Zhen (Du Juan) was targetted by the triad for helping her husband in gaining his position. Even the most loyal detectives Fat-Bee (Michael Chow) and Yim Hung (Patrick Tam), almost turned their backs to Lui Lok. A new episode of history has begun when HKICAC issued the wanted notices for Lui Lok and Nam Kong. Their era has officially come to an end. Where the wind blows, Hong Kong is no longer where it used to be.
Cheung Tung
격투기 선수 곽걸은 폐관 위기인 사부 덕박의 체육관을 지키기 위해서 출전비가 50만 달러인 시합에 출전한다. 하지만 그 시합의 상대는 링 위에서 상대를 죽이기로 유명한 태국 격투의 신 수랏. 결국 곽걸은 수랏과 링 위에서 싸우다가 큰 부상을 입는다. 곽걸은 부상 트라우마를 이겨내고 다시 수랏과의 결전을 준비하는데…
Wah Fu Estate in Aberdeen is the home of many urban legends, but few were as outlandish as the one that happened in the 1980s: One night, residents turned their heads to the sky and saw a giant UFO hovering above them for five minutes. No one else could prove or explain the odd phenomenon, but it becomes the pivotal event for three young people in this long-awaited return to form for director Patrick Leung (La Brassiere, Simply Actors). This charming sci-fi comedy also marks the reunion of Tsui Tien-you, Wong Younam and Charlene Choi, who co-starred in 2002 teen comedy hit Summer Breeze of Love.
Revolves around a group of individuals who are all connected by a lost bottle of breast milk.
An omnibus of 4 short stories, each of them occurring in different corners of our society, but all of which encompass the same themes: courage, determination, pursuance and hope.
Maid Cafe manager
조건만남으로 용돈을 해결하는 ‘클로에’ 원조교제로 생활비를 마련하는 ‘앨리스’ 사랑에 빠진 순수한 소녀 ‘트레이시’ 세상에 철저하게 내던져진 세 사람은 서로를 의지하면서 하루하루를 견뎌낸다. 그녀들이 우연히 한 남자를 사랑하게 되면서 단단했던 우정에 금이 가기 시작하는데… 발칙한 세 소녀의 첫 경험을 만난다!
기사와 16명의 승객들을 태운 심야 미니버스가 터널을 통과하자 반대편은 완전히 다른 세상이다. 오직 버스에 탔던 그들을 제외하고 지구상의 모든 사람들이 사라진 것이다. 문명이 사라진 세상에서 그들은 어떻게 살아남을 수 있을까? 일상으로 다시 돌아가는데 얼마나 시간이 걸릴 것인가? 홍콩에서 선풍적인 인기를 끌었던 온라인 소설을 화려하게 풀어낸 프루트 챈의 새로운 걸작. [제18회 부천국제판타스틱영화제]
죽마고우인 세 남자, 아담, 천성, 가락은 20년 만에 SNS를 통해 재회한다. 어렸을 때 영국으로 건너가 엘리트 코스를 밟아온 아담과 고등학교를 중퇴하고 재능을 살려 미용사로 일하고 있는 천성, 취직이 힘든 문학사를 전공하고 대학에서 시간강사로 일하고 있는 가락. 그들은 약속장소에서 세 명의 매력적인 여인을 마주치게 된다. 유명 정치인의 뇌쇄적인 아내 줄리를 만나게 된 아담. 재력, 미모를 다 가진 이혼녀 린다를 만나게 된 천성. 청순하지만 요염한 제자 설이에게 끌리는 가락. 그 날 밤, 술집에서 시작된 그녀들과의 우연한 만남은 점점 그들을 타락하게 만드는데…
"The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha" reproduces the journey of Sakyamuni from the birth of a prince, his renunciation, ascetic practice, seeking the Tao, until he became enlightened under the bodhi tree and became a Buddha more than 2,000 years ago.
Boo, Miu and TT each are facing problems with life, friendships and love, and decides to go on their journey to Malaysia due to an attractive pay job. In the hope of returning with a wealthy lifestyle, they found themselves in the trap of mysterious lady Zhu Ge. They soon realized that their task is not as simple as it looks, Zhu Ge is not merely a troublesome rich lady, but there is a significant plot behind. The girls were forced to get into a brutal boxing tournament, and found themselves trapped in a huge underground maze. At the brink of death, they deftly fight the syndicate with the combination of high heels, bras and female intelligence, creating a wild comedy.
Four short tales set in contemporary Hong Kong.
Chen Tianhua
혼돈에 빠진 1800년대 중국 청나라.거대한 역사의 소용돌이로 뛰어든 영웅들이 있었다!급변하는 정치적 상황을 겪고 있던 청나라 말 시기. 어린 시절부터 뛰어난 학식을 지니고 무예에 남다른 재능을 보였던 ‘추근’은 남성들과도 어깨를 나란히 견주는 용맹한 여인으로 성장한다. 그 후 베이징으로 이주한 ‘추근’은 가난에 허덕이는 난민들의 모습으로 보고 커다란 충격을 휩싸이게 되고 조국을 위해 일할 것을 결심하고 홀로 일본 유학 길에 오른다. 일본에서 ‘추근’은 ‘공애회’란 조직에 가입하여 활발한 활동을 벌이는데, 그 곳에서 훗날 중요한 협력자로 남은 ‘서석린’을 만나게 되고, 그를 통해 서양의 다양한 문물을 접하면서 지식을 키워나간다. 그러던 어느 날, 강압적인 청나라 유학법이 제정되자 분노한 추근은 유학생들은 규합하여 비밀결사대를 조직하여 이를 저지하기 위한 무력투쟁에 나서는데...
Li Fai
홍콩 출장에서 돌아온 베스(기네스 팰트로)가 발작을 일으키며 사망하고 그녀의 남편(맷 데이먼)이 채 원인을 알기 전에 아들마저 죽음을 당한다. 얼마 지나지 않아 세계 각국의 사람들이 같은 증상으로 사망한다. 일상생활의 접촉을 통해 이루어진 전염은 그 수가 한 명에서 네 명, 네 명에서 열 여섯 명, 수백, 수천 명으로 늘어난다. 한편, 미국 질병통제센터의 치버 박사(로렌스 피시번)는 경험이 뛰어난 박사(케이트 윈슬렛)를 감염현장으로 급파하고 세계보건기구의 오란테스 박사(마리옹 꼬띠아르)는 최초발병경로를 조사한다. 이 가운데 진실이 은폐됐다고 주장하는 프리랜서 저널리스트(주드 로)가 촉발한 음모론의 공포는 그가 운영하는 블로그를 통해 원인불명의 전염만큼이나 빠르게 세계로 퍼져가는데...
The story revolves around a Spring, a hitman from mainland China who is on a mission in Hong Kong with his partner Setting Sun. However, Spring falls ill and comes under the care of a screenwriter by the name of Soya and they find themselves developing into a tight and everlasting friendship.
Cashier at 7/11
홍콩 정부의 금연 정책에 따라 구석으로 내몰린 애연가들. 그렇게 담배를 끈으로 다양한 직종의 사람들이 흡연 구역에 모여 이야기를 나누게 된다. 그중 담배 연기와 함께 피어나는 사랑이 있었으니! 두 흡연 남녀의 이야기, 들어 보실래요?
Four short films by four Hong Kong directors.
말레이시아 뉴웨이브의 기수 호유항의 사회드라마. 2008년도 부산국제영화제의 장편독립영화 후반작업지원펀드 지원작이다. 20대인 툭은 인터넷 채팅사이트에서 만난 고등학생 잉과 성관계를 갖는다. 이 사실을 알게 된 잉의 부모는 툭을 고발하겠다며 위협한다. 툭의 엄마는 아들을 돕기 위해 온갖 노력을 다하는데...
PTU Rocky
Rumor has it that “Black Moly”, the Indian head of a gang has returned. His former subordinate Velu is released from prison, he refuses to follow the same path as before. But he is misconstrued by his buddy, Sonu that Velu betrays him. Sonu accepts the task for killing PTU’s Team Head. Sam and May from PTU and Velu can’t easily leave themselves out of account.
James Shum
La Lingerie concerns four women Miu, Donut, Celine and CC who’s lives and loves are linked through a sexy lingerie shop where Donut works.
Magic Boy is a beautiful youth romance set in Mongkok where a girl falls in love with two amateur magicians. One is into stage magic. The other is into street magic. Over 30 genuine magic tricks are performed in this first full length feature in Hong Kong to use amateur magicians as the subject matter. Anjo Leung, in his film debut, is a real student of magic while director Adam Wong continues his sensitive and poetic expression of the frailties of youth, this time using magic tricks as an allegory of the illusory nature of love.
Aspiring Undercover Officer
When undercover cops start losing their lives to drug lords who blame their demise on "poor acting", the Police Force counters by sending Hong Kong's Finest to acting school.
The Narranmoda Boarding School is strict for girls and has rigid rules of behavior, but the headmaster accepts four male students to improve the income of the school. However, the boys are segregated from the girls and the inspector Miss Fong keeps them under the surveillance of the dedicated monitor student Ho Yat-Man. The urban legend tells that the school is haunted and when students break the school rules, they are called to the director office and vanishes or are found dead.
In McDull, the Alumni, our protagonist has grown up. He is no longer the little boy who banters with his mates at school. How he wishes he could just go on bantering all day long with his mates at the renowned Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten. But that is not to be. Like all grown-ups, he has to grapple with harsh reality. McDull and his mates are scattered all over the place. Each one of them has to find his or her own path. In each of their hearts, they know they have failed. Meanwhile, life goes on in the kindergarten. Someone strums a guitar and the pupils chime in to the song: Puff the magic dragon, lives by the sea… A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys. With hindsight, McDull believes this could well be the maxim of the Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten alumni.
Kar Lok
The story of four soon-to-be-college grads who are about to embark on the big adventure known as life. The foursome concoct an elaborate plan to hire a Japanese porn actress (or "AV Girl") for a fake film. Then they'll have sex with her. What could go wrong?
Panic's nephew
Ronald has lived in the Himalayas since he was young and has grown up to become a clean-living yoga master who will soon marry an Indian beauty. But things change when an absent-minded tourist guide accidentally leads him onto her bus.
Shorts made by 11 directors in order to fight against the SARS epidemy that occurred in China and Hong Kong in 2003. The shorts were produced by the Information Service Departement of the Government of HK SAR. The aim was to bring back confidence to the HK popuation. The running-time is 1 to 2 minutes for each short.12 Short films: 1-"Rhapsody", director: Johnny To and Wai Ka-fai; 2-"My Sow Is Not Feeling Well", director: Fruit Chan; 3-"Smile", director: Teddy Chen; 4-"Of a Cause" (Animation) director: Tsui Hark; 5-"Hong Kong - A Winner", director: Stephen Chow; 6-"Who's Miss Hong Kong?", director: Joe Ma; 7-"Family of Heroes", director: Alex Law and Mabel Cheung; 8-"Until Then", director: Gordon Chan and Dante Lam; 9- "McDull 1:99" director: Brian Tse; 10-"Spring, 2003", director: Peter Chan; 11-"A Glorious Future", director: Andrew Lau and Alan Mak; 12-"Making of 1:99", director: Wong Shou-Ping.
Wong Yan Fat
Ming a marriage consultant who runs into the charming but blind Yeuk through a little help of a guardian angel. The wheel of fortune is set in motion after the lonesome Ming discovers that he is blind one day. Nobody else than Yeuk who is used to make her way through the labyrinth of the metropolis without relying on the power of sight every day becomes Ming's loyal helper. Will Ming's gift of seeing ever return and if so, will he stay together with Yeuk?
Tien-You has recently taken on a job as a security guard in an old mansion, and on the first night he takes his friends Nam and Priscilla along to keep him company. While exploring, they discover a mummy hidden away in the basement, which Tien-You accidentally breaks. The next day, Tien-You finds to his horror that his body is becoming dried out and transforming due to a curse from the mummy.
Lobo and Skid are very close friends. They study in the same class and often play in a band and play skateboards with their classmates. Soda, one of their classmates, has many girlfriends concurrently, and Suki is his closest girlfriend. Fion is another classmate. She is addicted to chat in phone with friends and strangers every day. She always thinks she will find a true love from playing line.
An ex-cop searches for a missing teen as a favour to her parents.