Like many, throughout 2020 Chinese-born, US-based filmmaker Zhengfan Yang (Where Are You Going, IFFR 2016) looked closer at his immediate surroundings. From his apartment complex in Chicago, the filmmaker records ostensibly quotidian scenes: people walking, window cleaners, street sweepers; life viewed from inside a bubble.
우한시의 양쯔강을 따라 이어지는 도시의 초상. 몇몇은 수영과 춤, 노래를, 몇몇은 삽질과 용접 그리고 망치질 등의 다양한 방법으로 공연을 펼치는 공공의 무대다. 자연에 의해 조각되고 포효하는 기계들과 치솟는 인프라에 의해 풍경은 극적으로 변화한다. 욕망을 심고, 기억이 묻힌 곳. 잃어버린 공간.
Director of Photography
우한시의 양쯔강을 따라 이어지는 도시의 초상. 몇몇은 수영과 춤, 노래를, 몇몇은 삽질과 용접 그리고 망치질 등의 다양한 방법으로 공연을 펼치는 공공의 무대다. 자연에 의해 조각되고 포효하는 기계들과 치솟는 인프라에 의해 풍경은 극적으로 변화한다. 욕망을 심고, 기억이 묻힌 곳. 잃어버린 공간.
Director of Photography
A blissful night is unexpectedly interrupted by a sound from downstairs. Different reactions are triggered as well as the relentless indifference.
A blissful night is unexpectedly interrupted by a sound from downstairs. Different reactions are triggered as well as the relentless indifference.
A blissful night is unexpectedly interrupted by a sound from downstairs. Different reactions are triggered as well as the relentless indifference.
아직 널리 알려져 있진 않은 중국 개인방송 진행자들의 자료화면이 차례로 편집되어 영화에 담긴다. 정체성, 장애 그리고 사회 경제적 지위 등의 이슈를 가진 이들은 오프라인에서는 면대면 관계를 형성하는 데 난항을 겪으며 온라인을 주요 활동 무대로 삼는다. 이들을 탐색해가는 영화적 콜라주는, 개별적 존재들이 가상공간 속에서 타인과 소통하고자 하는 열망을 충족하는 양상을 드러낸다.
September 24th, 2016, North Avenue Beach, Chicago. It was a sunny day. According to the weather report, the temperature was 75°F, with the barometer reading 30 inches high and the wind speed of 13 miles per hour. The time was 2:27 pm, I was standing by the Michigan Lake. In my hand there was a waterproof camera that weighs 2.6 ounces. I pressed the record button on the camera and threw it into the lake. The camera sank into the lake immediately and embarked on a mysterious journey. During the journey, it was elevated, pressed, panned, rotated, and spun by the water. The camera explored the space like a disembodied consciousness, and the moving image it captured was turned into an abstract painting improvised by Mother Nature. Eleven minutes later, the wave delivered the camera back onto the beach with one single long take. This eleven minutes long take later became Liquid Image.
Hong Kong as seen through a cab window. Inhabitants discuss their lives, problems and dreams as they are driven to their destination through the chaotic streets of Hong Kong.
Thirteen static shots tell a story of human communication.
Irresolvable instances experienced by different Chinese in different hotels, where they feel like strangers not only in the rooms but also in their home country.