희귀혈액병을 앓고 있는 생화학자 모비우스는 동료인 마르틴과 함께 치료제 개발에 몰두한다. 흡혈 박쥐를 연구하던 중 마침내 치료제 개발에 성공한 모비우스는 새 생명과 강력한 힘을 얻게 되지만, 동시에 흡혈을 하지 않고는 생명을 유지할 수 없게 된다. 그러던 중 모비우스와 같은 병을 앓고 있던 그의 친구 마일로도 모비우스와 같은 힘을 얻게 되는데…
Director Jared Leto crafts a sweeping yet intimate cross-section of America shot on a single July 4th in 2017 with 92 film crews fanning out across each of the United States and Puerto Rico to capture A Day in the Life of America. A gargantuan production shot over a single 24 hour period across the country, the film weaves a wide range of beliefs and backgrounds into a rich tapestry of life.
Named Bartholomew Cubbins 2006–2014 from Jared Leto's longtime directorial pseudonym, the video includes all short films directed by Leto from 2006 to 2014. It also features exclusive behind the scenes footage for the music videos of "The Kill", "From Yesterday", "Kings and Queens" and "Hurricane".
In the dead calm of the open sea, a fishing boat discovers an abandoned yacht after responding to a strange distress call. A deckhand agrees to take lone control of it while it’s towed into port, but he soon discovers why the rest of his more experienced crew members call it a “ghost ship.”