Vasilis Vasilakis

Vasilis Vasilakis

프로필 사진

Vasilis Vasilakis
Vasilis Vasilakis

참여 작품

양들의 복수
사채업자 스텔리오에게 돈을 빌린 '타나시'는 이자가 원금 2배 가까이 될 때까지 갚지를 못한다. 화가 난 스텔리오는 타나시의 농원을 찾아가 행패를 부리다 오히려 타나시에게 멱살을 잡히자 친구에게 부탁해 건달들을 마을로 보낸다. 한편, 타나시는 스텔리오에게 빚이 있는 친구들을 모아 강력한 목소리를 내기로 결심한다. 하지만 마을에 나타난 건달 두 명으로 인해 상황은 예상밖으로 흘러가고, 사채 빚에 시달리다 힘을 합하기로 했던 힘없는 업주들은 무리를 이루면서 어느 사이 먹잇감(양떼)이 아닌 잔인한 사냥꾼(늑대)으로 변해가게 되는데...
The Meaning of August
Andreas has to take care of the boss’s house and dog. The dog is mad. The house is luxurious. His co-workers are jealous. The neighbor is stalking close by. The dog is called Leben. The dog has its own plans.
υπεύθυνος κέντρου
Gus G.: Life Through Fire
We trace the course of internationally renowned Greek musician Gus G. across seven countries in three continents. We follow him on his tour with his band, Firewind, but also on his solo projects. With him and his colleagues, we travel into the magical world of hard rock, where many taboos, social and other issues are being analyzed, while at the same time a very special personality is revealed. This course of 20 years was not paved with rose petals. It was a hard road through persecution, sweat, hunger and immigration, until the final vindication of his close collaboration with Ozzy Osbourne.
Little England
Τwo sisters from the island of Andros, dubbed Little England because of its affluence, are both in love with the same man. Set in the Greek Civil War period and ending in the 1950s, the movie is based on the homonymous novel by Ioanna Karystiani.
King Kong
Born on 1988 in Athens Zoo and abandoned by his mother, silver-back gorilla Ivo has never been able to mate. Now he needs to be transferred to another zoo. KING KONG is a story about a 50 years old man, working in the Zoo while taking care of his bedridden mother. Unable to form any type of relationship and express his sexuality, he will go down the path of violence and despair.
Stone Years
The true story of a young couple (Babis and Eleni) fighting for love and freedom. An odyssey in and out of prisons during the dark period between the Greek civil war until the end of dictatorship in 1974