Drama ensues when Knutsen and Ludvigsen discover that they may loose their tunnel. Only the legendary pirate Captain Knutsen can help! But where is he? An amazing journey unfolds as Knutsen and Ludvigsen depart on a wild adventure to find Captain Knutsen and save their tunnel. But the salvation turns out to be even closer to home than anyone dared guess. It lives in the tunnel, has hundred of heads and at least fourteen legs…
인간이 멸종된 채 새들만 사는 게임 속 세계. 새들은 솅겐 조약에 서명한 26개국을 대표하는 영역을 오가며 그곳에 놓인 별을 따 먹어야 한다. 별을 먹으면 곳곳을 돌아다니는 정부 관료들이 잠시 동안 돈 주머니로 변하는데 그 찰나의 시간 동안 최대한 많은 돈 주머니를 획득해야 이후 비자를 받기 위한 돈을 마련할 수 있다. 만약 별을 먹지 않은 채 정부 관료와 마주치면 그대로 새는 사망한다.
인간이 멸종된 채 새들만 사는 게임 속 세계. 새들은 솅겐 조약에 서명한 26개국을 대표하는 영역을 오가며 그곳에 놓인 별을 따 먹어야 한다. 별을 먹으면 곳곳을 돌아다니는 정부 관료들이 잠시 동안 돈 주머니로 변하는데 그 찰나의 시간 동안 최대한 많은 돈 주머니를 획득해야 이후 비자를 받기 위한 돈을 마련할 수 있다. 만약 별을 먹지 않은 채 정부 관료와 마주치면 그대로 새는 사망한다.
‘더 스퀘어’라는 새로운 전시를 앞둔 스톡홀름 현대 미술관 수석 큐레이터 ‘크리스티안’ 누구보다 완벽했던 그에게 예측불허! 기상천외한 트러블이 빵! 빵! 터지기 시작했다. 통제 불가! 짜증 유발! 그럼에도 불구하고, HELP HIM, PLEASE!
Three delegates from Sweden, Norway and Finland are gathered in Lapland to decide which piece of art should be placed at the border of their countries. But the committee is in for a surprise… The delegates are faced with the challenge of making a democratic decision: is there something they can agree on to represent a true Nordic movement?
Three delegates from Sweden, Norway and Finland are gathered in Lapland to decide which piece of art should be placed at the border of their countries. But the committee is in for a surprise… The delegates are faced with the challenge of making a democratic decision: is there something they can agree on to represent a true Nordic movement?
What is the true cost of a bargain? Subtotal is a story of an nontraditional encounter between a Swedish salesman and a Norwegian couple on their monthly bargain hunting at the border between Norway and Sweden.
What is the true cost of a bargain? Subtotal is a story of an nontraditional encounter between a Swedish salesman and a Norwegian couple on their monthly bargain hunting at the border between Norway and Sweden.
A married couple in a sunny day. They are fully occupied. Surrounded with devices designed to simplify their lives, but that instead they only makes things even more complicated. She exercises, he looks after the garden and both remains in silence. Efficiency might not be the best way to happiness.
A married couple in a sunny day. They are fully occupied. Surrounded with devices designed to simplify their lives, but that instead they only makes things even more complicated. She exercises, he looks after the garden and both remains in silence. Efficiency might not be the best way to happiness.
A young man visits his parents in Norway with his pregnant Spanish wife. Expectations run high, but in the short ride from the airport, it becomes clear that this won't be the harmonious family occasion everyone hopes for.
A young man visits his parents in Norway with his pregnant Spanish wife. Expectations run high, but in the short ride from the airport, it becomes clear that this won't be the harmonious family occasion everyone hopes for.
In Back-to-work I was allowed to film a lecturer during a mandatory inspirational seminar for job seekers held by the Norwegian unemployment office (NAV).