Yosep Anggi Noen
출생 : 1983-03-15, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Yosep Anggi Noen (born in Jogjakarta March 15, 1983) is an Indonesian filmmaker and screenwriter. Some of the awards he has achieved include the Citra Award for Best Director. Some of his films are screened at international film festivals, such as the International Film Festival Rotterdam (for the film "Hujan tak jadi datang/It's Not Raining Outside (2009, short)"), Locarno Film Festival (for "Vakansi yang Janggal dan Penyakit Lainnya/Peculiar Vacation and Other Illnesses (2012)"), Vancouver International Film Festival 2013 (managed to get a Special Mention Award for Vacancies), the Okinawa International Film Festival 2015 (for "Rumah/Home (2015, short)"), and the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival (for the short film Ballad of Blood and Two White Buckets)
2032년 인도네시아. 다소 불량한 아마추어 탐정 가스퍼(레자 라하디안)는 정부가 연루된 대량 학살 사건을 수사한다. 그 과정에서 어린 시절 흔적도 없이 사라졌던 친구에 대한 단서를 얻게 되고 인신매매 악당을 추적한다. 하지만 인공심박동기가 망가지는 바람에 24시간밖에 남지 않은 시한부 선고를 받는다. 얼마 남지 않은 시간, 아그네스(쉐니나 시나몬)와 킥(라우라 바수키) 등 친구들의 도움을 받아 복수를 완결하고자 한다.
1960년대 인도네시아의 조용한 시골 마을에 사는 시만은 과묵한 남자다. 그는 우연히 달에 우주인이 착륙하는 영상을 조작, 촬영하고 있는 장면을 목격하게 되는데, 그를 발견한 조작단에 의해 혀를 잘린다. 이후 시만은 우주복을 입고 우주를 유영하는 우주 비행사처럼 슬로우 모션으로 행동하기 시작하고 마을 사람들로부터 미친 사람 취급을 받게 된다.
1960년대 인도네시아의 조용한 시골 마을에 사는 시만은 과묵한 남자다. 그는 우연히 달에 우주인이 착륙하는 영상을 조작, 촬영하고 있는 장면을 목격하게 되는데, 그를 발견한 조작단에 의해 혀를 잘린다. 이후 시만은 우주복을 입고 우주를 유영하는 우주 비행사처럼 슬로우 모션으로 행동하기 시작하고 마을 사람들로부터 미친 사람 취급을 받게 된다.
1960년대 인도네시아의 조용한 시골 마을에 사는 시만은 과묵한 남자다. 그는 우연히 달에 우주인이 착륙하는 영상을 조작, 촬영하고 있는 장면을 목격하게 되는데, 그를 발견한 조작단에 의해 혀를 잘린다. 이후 시만은 우주복을 입고 우주를 유영하는 우주 비행사처럼 슬로우 모션으로 행동하기 시작하고 마을 사람들로부터 미친 사람 취급을 받게 된다.
1960년대 인도네시아의 조용한 시골 마을에 사는 시만은 과묵한 남자다. 그는 우연히 달에 우주인이 착륙하는 영상을 조작, 촬영하고 있는 장면을 목격하게 되는데, 그를 발견한 조작단에 의해 혀를 잘린다. 이후 시만은 우주복을 입고 우주를 유영하는 우주 비행사처럼 슬로우 모션으로 행동하기 시작하고 마을 사람들로부터 미친 사람 취급을 받게 된다.
Ning and Mur, a couple who sells congealed blood for a living, face a huge ordeal when people stop consuming blood due to a shift in religious beliefs. But they are sick of all hypocrites.
Ning and Mur, a couple who sells congealed blood for a living, face a huge ordeal when people stop consuming blood due to a shift in religious beliefs. But they are sick of all hypocrites.
The Suharto regime has been holding power in Indonesia for over 30 years, shutting down democracy time and time again. Highly critical of the regime and unafraid to speak his mind, Wiji Thukul is a poet whose words are often yelled proudly by the crowd during political protests. When riots break out in Jakarta in 1996, he and a few other activists are accused to be responsible. Forced to flee, Wiji escapes to Pontianak in Borneo where he hides for eight months, sometimes living with complete strangers. There, he has to change his identity several times, but continues to write poetry and short stories under a pen name. In the meantime, in Solo, central Java, his wife, Sipon, lives with their two children under constant surveillance. In May 1998, Wiji Thukul is declared missing, a month before Suharto is deposed by his own people.
The Suharto regime has been holding power in Indonesia for over 30 years, shutting down democracy time and time again. Highly critical of the regime and unafraid to speak his mind, Wiji Thukul is a poet whose words are often yelled proudly by the crowd during political protests. When riots break out in Jakarta in 1996, he and a few other activists are accused to be responsible. Forced to flee, Wiji escapes to Pontianak in Borneo where he hides for eight months, sometimes living with complete strangers. There, he has to change his identity several times, but continues to write poetry and short stories under a pen name. In the meantime, in Solo, central Java, his wife, Sipon, lives with their two children under constant surveillance. In May 1998, Wiji Thukul is declared missing, a month before Suharto is deposed by his own people.
Erik King
Love Story Not explores the daily lives of two female prositutes, Martha and Ning, focusing on the dynamics of the relationships with the people around them, particularly their relationship with Erik King, their shared lover.
Love Story Not explores the daily lives of two female prositutes, Martha and Ning, focusing on the dynamics of the relationships with the people around them, particularly their relationship with Erik King, their shared lover.
Love Story Not explores the daily lives of two female prositutes, Martha and Ning, focusing on the dynamics of the relationships with the people around them, particularly their relationship with Erik King, their shared lover.
Ayumi, 34 years old, has been working as an information call center operator for the past 10 years. In this day when anyone can find whatever they want on the internet, inquiries have dropped markedly. The phone doesn’t ring much anymore. Ayumi is plagued by feelings of emptiness and loneliness. She responds to only one or two calls a day, routine inquiries from older people who use the telephone as their source for information. One day, Ayumi is summoned along with several of her coworkers by her boss that she would be laid off. She then returns to her parents’ house where her father, whom she hadn’t had any contact in years, is waiting.
Genre Sub Genre is a short experimental episodic film that documents the predictions of a land in the Southeast of Indonesia.
Genre Sub Genre is a short experimental episodic film that documents the predictions of a land in the Southeast of Indonesia.
Genre Sub Genre is a short experimental episodic film that documents the predictions of a land in the Southeast of Indonesia.
"A Lady Caddy Who Never Saw a Hole in One" displays a love story filled with absurdities regarding homeland, jealousy, hope, and fundamentally a statement about luck. Ning is a female caddy, while Mur is a man who is loyal to his homeland.
"A Lady Caddy Who Never Saw a Hole in One" displays a love story filled with absurdities regarding homeland, jealousy, hope, and fundamentally a statement about luck. Ning is a female caddy, while Mur is a man who is loyal to his homeland.
"A Lady Caddy Who Never Saw a Hole in One" displays a love story filled with absurdities regarding homeland, jealousy, hope, and fundamentally a statement about luck. Ning is a female caddy, while Mur is a man who is loyal to his homeland.
Ning, a young Catholic woman, takes up a better job with a furniture company, while her hapless husband—occasionally hawking gasoline—spends most of his time doing pretty much nothing. It is when Ning is required by her new job to go on a road trip with Mur, a male Muslim colleague, that the suffocation of her marriage gives way to an awakening of repressed desires. Set in Yogyakarta, this delicately observed mood piece and debut feature touches on unspoken issues of sexual repression and adultery in contemporary Indonesia.
Ning, a young Catholic woman, takes up a better job with a furniture company, while her hapless husband—occasionally hawking gasoline—spends most of his time doing pretty much nothing. It is when Ning is required by her new job to go on a road trip with Mur, a male Muslim colleague, that the suffocation of her marriage gives way to an awakening of repressed desires. Set in Yogyakarta, this delicately observed mood piece and debut feature touches on unspoken issues of sexual repression and adultery in contemporary Indonesia.
Ning, a young Catholic woman, takes up a better job with a furniture company, while her hapless husband—occasionally hawking gasoline—spends most of his time doing pretty much nothing. It is when Ning is required by her new job to go on a road trip with Mur, a male Muslim colleague, that the suffocation of her marriage gives way to an awakening of repressed desires. Set in Yogyakarta, this delicately observed mood piece and debut feature touches on unspoken issues of sexual repression and adultery in contemporary Indonesia.
The girl lends her lips to the boy who lends her a pair of eyes. Her lips become his voice as his eyes become her sight.
A three-part documentary directed by five young Indonesian filmmakers. It tells the stories about girls that carry burdens as the backbone of their family.
A man and a woman bring a sofa into a room that is too small and don't know how or where to turn.
A man and a woman bring a sofa into a room that is too small and don't know how or where to turn.
A man and a woman bring a sofa into a room that is too small and don't know how or where to turn.