Seven policemen, seven deadly sins, a murder case, secrets and the filth of everyday police work: Traffic Department transports the viewer into the darkest Warsaw streets.
1943년 늦가을, 깊은 산 속에 레지스탕스 소대원들이 질병, 배고픔과 싸우며 나치 대원들을 사살하고 동조자들을 납치해 처형하는 임무를 위해 숨어있다. 한편 독일군과 조국의 변절자들을 가차 없이 잔인하게 처치하기로 유명한 오터 상병은 나치의 끄나풀이자 어릴 적 학교 동창인 콘돌레비치를 납치해 죽이라는 명령을 받는다. 그는 콘돌레비치를 레지스탕스 은신처로 끌고 오지만 부대원 전체가 목이 잘려 처참히 학살당한 모습을 발견한다. 분노에 찬 오터는 비극의 진실을 파헤치고 배신자의 정체를 찾아내 피의 복수를 하기로 결심한다. 하지만 냉혈한 살인마인 오터도 자비심과 동정심을 지닌 인간임이 드러나고 영웅의 모습으로 변모한다. 나치의 대대적인 수색대가 점점 포위망을 좁혀오는 가운데 복수를 끝내고 홀로 남은 오터는 독일군의 총성과 고함 소리가 들려오지만 도망치지 않고 마지막 임무를 수행한다.
Poland, 1978. Edward Srodon, a zootechnician, makes an accidental stop at the Dziabas family farm, located in the remote area of the Bieszczady Mountains. Years later, on a winter day during Martial Law, a People's Militia investigation team examines a crime scene.
There is a writer who in the late 1970s managed to publish a poem in the monthly "Nowy Wyraz". It was enough to become a self-confessed writer whose name began to appear in the state media. The writer takes full advantage of his privileges - he flirts with power, sympathizes with the opposition, and collapses his studies at the same time. He is saved from going to the army by an exalted essayist whose sister is the head of the psychiatric hospital in Tworki. In a psychiatric institution, a writer meets a schizophrenic who writes a novel. After his suicide, the protagonist takes over the draft, which he publishes outside of censorship under his name, thanks to which he gains fame, fame and money. August '80 breaks out....
Operation Danube was the cover name for the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968. The fleet of Polish tanks which arrive to liberate their neighbor, ostensibly threatened by a counter-revolution, includes the old tank nicknamed Ladybird, which is the last to leave the barracks.
Lucjan Bohme is a ruthless debt collector working in a post-industrial Silesian town. In the land of unemployment and misery, he's got a lot of work and no mercy at all. Until something happens.
Młody człowiek mieszka na Suwalszczyźnie, ma się żenić z córką miejscowego bogacza. Jest jednak absolwentem konserwatorium, chciałby zostać kompozytorem. Zatrudnia się jako akompaniator popularnej piosenkarki ,która przybyła do miasteczka na gościnne występy.