Gijs Blom

Gijs Blom

출생 : 1997-01-02, Amsterdam, Netherlands

프로필 사진

Gijs Blom
Gijs Blom
Gijs Blom

참여 작품

Dead & Beautiful
A group of young and spoiled rich kids turn into vampires after a night out, changing the course of their lives and driving a wedge between them all.
더 포가튼 배틀
Marinus van Staveren
세 젊은이가 2차 세계 대전의 포화 속으로 들어간다. 연합군의 글라이더 조종사, 네덜란드 출신의 독일군 그리고 레지스탕스로. 방법은 달랐지만, 이들이 원한 건 오직 자유, 그 하나였다.
The Dutch Boys
A married factory worker confronts his feelings as they bubble to the surface, two boxers fight for more than just keeps, a countryside coming out doesn't quite go to plan, while at the beach a boy makes an unreal discovery. Come and explore a thoroughly Dutch view on life and love. The 5 short films are: Brick [Steen] (2013); South of Heaven [Ten Zuiden van de Hemel] (2019); Lukas by the Sea [Lukas aan Zee] (2016); Dante vs. Mohammed Ali (2018); Beautiful Alexander [Mooie Alexander] (2019).
New Dutch Herring
Vuilnisman #1
Leen is a lonely fishmonger that has to choose between his beloved herring cart in his home town and being reunited with his family.
About That Life
Determined to live the high life and make their mark, a trio of audacious teenagers sets out on a riotous quest across Amsterdam to get into the city's most exclusive nightclub.
존 F. 도노반의 죽음과 삶
Rupert's Boyfriend
가상의 할리우드 스타 도노반과 팬이 교신한 편지가 매스컴에 노출되면서 벌어지는 일을 그리는 영화
고등학교 친구 킴, 애비, 펠리네와 피파는 기말 시험을 앞두고 우정을 다지기 위해 아르덴의 외딴 별장에서 시간을 보내기로 약속한다. 길에서 만난 동네 남학생들과 파티를 한 다음날 친구들이 하나씩 사라지고 폭설로 별장에 갇혀버린 소녀들은 점점 패닉에 빠진다.
Dante vs. Mohammed Ali
When Wolf refuses to fight his best friend Alexander during a weekly boxing match, the whole village turns against him. He tries to convince Alexander to join him leaving the village, but his overly romantic message runs into a wall.
A teenage hypochondriac and his equally peculiar mother, father and adolescent sister set out on a tumultuous road trip from Amsterdam to Spain when a family member falls severely ill.
Silk Road
A psychological thriller inspired by the life of Michael S., a small-town boy from Holland, who becomes the world's most wanted cybercriminal.
Production Assistant
When a boy is framed after an act of senseless violence by his friends, they turn against him for trying to tell the truth.
Oude Zoon
The rise and downfall of a family over the course of 20 years, in one living room, in a single shot.
Two boys with a troubled home situation decide to run away to Berlin.
Two boys with a troubled home situation decide to run away to Berlin.
Two boys with a troubled home situation decide to run away to Berlin.
Casper van Riel
Casper has never met his father and lives alone with his mother Marit. He likes to spend his free time playing the piano, so he is thrilled when he is chosen to become a pianist in a youth orchestra – and especially when he makes friends with Anouk. She knows what Casper is going through when he learns that his mother is seriously ill: Marit has cancer. Scared of what might happen to her, Casper and his best friend Pim decide to find his father.
The film tells the story of sixteen-year-old Nena, who is confronted with the suicide attempt of her handicapped father. At the same time she falls head over heels in love for the first time in her life with Carlo, whose father has just outed himself. Away from prying eyes of the adults - who struggle with failed marriages, blossoming love and insufferable physical decline - they push the boundaries of their friendship, love and sexuality. But while discovering her own lust for life, Nena realizes that her father's existence is becoming more and more unbearable.
Three teenagers appear to have a lot of fun on the children's oncology department on the fourth floor of a large hospital. Nick and Iwan both lost a leg as a result of bone cancer. For their friend Olivier, an amputation may be the next phase. The fourth of the bunch, Pepijn, is so ill and weak that he often stays in his room. Friendship and a deep desire to live keeps the guys mentally balanced. Their friendship changes when Gina arrives. Sickos is a humorous drama that deals with adolescence and chemotherapy.
매일 훈련에 열심히인 교내 육상선수 시거는 챔피언쉽 대회를 앞두고 만들어진 육상팀에서 자유로운 영혼을 가진 매력적인 마크를 만나게 된다. 여자친구 제시카를 만나도 자꾸만 떠오르는 마크 생각에 우정인지 사랑인지 혼란스러운 시거. 그런 속도 모르고 대담하고 솔직하게 자신의 감정을 표현 하는 마크. 급기야 시거는 그를 피하기 시작하고, 꿈꿔왔던 챔피언쉽 대회 전 날, 마크와 크게 다투고 아빠는 사고친 형 에디 때문에 대회에 오지 못하게 된다. 사랑도 우정도 그리고 가족도 지키고 싶고 꿈도 이루고 싶은 시거. 생애 처음 느끼는 감정들로 유독 이번 여름은 시거에게 벅차기만 하다.
In this road movie, mediator Bram drives his elderly father, Kees, to a German village - assured that he wants to pay a visit to an old friend. Once they arrive, Bram discovers the true goal of the trip.
Eine Frau verschwindet
Sonny Boy
Wim - 13 jaar
Waldemar Nods, a young man from Suriname, meets the older Dutch woman Rika van der Lans and they fall in love. In pre-WWII Netherlands they could not be more different. The one black, the other white, 17 years between them and on top of that Rika already has four children with another man. They love each other, but then Rika appears to be pregnant.