Cikgu Azmi
"Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed by Othman Hafsham. The story still revolves around the misbehaviour of the female students in a private institution, which has now been taken over by the daughter of the previous headmaster, Pengetua Sofia (Rozita). However, Sofia is unable to control the discipline problems that plague the institution, so she resorts to seeking Azmi (Dharma Harun Al Rashid), something that her late mother advised her to do should she face those problems. Apparently, two rival dance groups known as Shuffle and Hip Hop, which are led by queen bees Bib and Su, respectively, are stirring up trouble among the other students.
"Adik Manja Returns" is the long-awaited sequel to the successful "Adik Manja" directed by Othman Hafsham. The story still revolves around the misbehaviour of the female students in a private institution, which has now been taken over by the daughter of the previous headmaster, Pengetua Sofia (Rozita). However, Sofia is unable to control the discipline problems that plague the institution, so she resorts to seeking Azmi (Dharma Harun Al Rashid), something that her late mother advised her to do should she face those problems. Apparently, two rival dance groups known as Shuffle and Hip Hop, which are led by queen bees Bib and Su, respectively, are stirring up trouble among the other students.
This film is about a futuristic life in the year 2021 where people lived in peace and harmony without any crimes being committed throughout the years. Kamal who had been migrated to America for the past 30 years had lead a good life and where money become his main concern. His marriage is inevitable to break off. Kamal whose profession is in multimedia programming was posted to Malaysia. His life began to change there, where he realized Malaysia is more than just his home...
태국과 버마의 접경에 위치한 사이암 왕국의 뭉쿳 국왕(King Mongkut : 주윤발 분)은 세계 열강들의 제국주의 야욕 속에서 국가의 독립권을 지키려면 제도와 교육을 근대화 하는 것임을 최선으로 생각하고, 자신의 자녀들을 근대화된 서구 교육을 시킬 목적으로 영국의 미망인 애나 레노웬스(Anna: 조디 포스터 분)를 가정교사로 초청한다. 아들을 데리고 사이암 왕국에 도착한 애나는 50명이 넘는 이나라 국왕의 자녀들을 가르치면서 고집센 뭉쿳 국왕과 사사 건건 의견 충돌을 일으킨다. 시간이 지나면서 통치자인 국왕의 고뇌와 인간에 대한 연민을 느껴 그를 동정하게 된 애나는 후궁으로 간택되어온 팁팀(Tuptim: 링 베이 분)이 옛 애인을 잊지 못해 도망치다 붙잡혀 사형 당하는 사건이 발생하자 뭉쿳 국왕의 냉혹하고 이기적인 모습에 실망을 느껴 사이암을 떠나기로 결심한다. 당시 제국주의가 팽배하던 이 지역은 영국과 프랑스의 각축장으로 끊임없이 전쟁이 일어나던 지역으로 사이암 왕국의 알락 장군(General Alak: 랜달 덕 킴 분)은 영국을 경계할 것을 강조하나, 국왕은 오히려 프랑스를 경계해야 한다며 이를 거부한다. 알락은 결국 뭉쿳 왕을 폐지하고 새 왕조를 일으키겠다는 야심으로 궁궐로 진격해 온다. 왕권과 가족을 보호해야 하는 뭉쿳은 애나의 도움으로 가족을 피신시키고 알락을 생포하는데 성공한다. 평화를 되찾자 애나는 뭉쿳 국왕에게 영국으로 떠나겠노라고 말하는데. 부왕 못쿳의 통찰력과 애나의 가르침에 힘입어 출라롱콘 국왕(King Chulalongkorn)은 샴의 독립을 지켰고, 노예제를 폐지하고 종교의 자유를 확립했다.
Two bickering mercenaries are hired by the CIA to overthrow a South East Asian dictator.
Os fails in his examination and his looked down upon by his family and the villagers. Nevertheless he is good in the chemistry and biology and invent a formula that enables mutes and animals to speak. A businesswoman is interested in his invention and brings him to Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately, she cheat him and he is declared bankrupt.
A story of a Malaysian high school teacher and his wife that move to Indonesia into a new home whose former owner had been killed by burglars.
Three best friends are on a journey in the jungle in search for a certain medicine but in return what they had to face was the endless attacks by wild animals and haunting screams. They were actually trespassing the area and made the Vampire annoyed. One of the friends managed to plunge a nail into the nape of its neck. Without his friends knowledge of her origin they bring her back to the city.
Talak tells of domestic upheaval Johan and Liza. They often only quarrel and eventually divorced. After that they refer back to. One day, without realizing it, Johan was pronounced divorce three to Liza. He was sorry for being unable to refer back to his wife unless his wife married to another man and then divorced again. Johan had to find a man who can be trusted. Finally he met a man who agreed to marry his wife and divorced again. Unfortunately, the man did not keep his promise, and do not want to divorce Liza.
The story about how Hamid and Jaafar, who worked as farmers and RELA volunteers, together sought the support of the villagers to bring down Jamali, a ruthless and unruly representative of the 'Clean, Efficient and Trusted' people. and promoted Hamid as the new people's representative to replace Jamali. In addition, it tells the current issues of the villagers, urging the people to keep savings in the National Trust, as well as the romance between the Dharma and Rosnah.
Hafiz is a young journalist who tries to help his girlfriend, Ruby, to overcome her bad and traumatic childhood experiences. On the other hand, Arif, a farmer, is struggling to prevent his plot of land from being acquired by land developer. The developer tries very hard to make him give up the property by sending his men to harassed and vandalized the land.
Two friends, Dharma, a lift operator and Hamid, a corn seller rent a house next to two girls. Nora and Norlia. The bachelors try to get to know the girls through various comical antics. Ibrahim, the house owner, has an obese wife, Yusni. Initially, Dharma and Hamid do not get along with Ibrahim. Then, they become friends although they sometimes quarrel. The bachelors dream of becoming rich through gambling and gaming activities. Dharma always outwits Hamid who learns to hold his patience.
Cikgu Azmi
A young teacher, Azmi is offered teaching post at a girl's school. The reaction from the students is quite hilarious as tis is the first time a male teacher has been posted to the school. Just before reporting for duty, he stumbles upon a baby which has been abandoned at a clinic. He takes the baby with him and the presence of the baby amuses the students and others teachers. However, one teacher, Bedah, dislikes Azmi and tries everything she can to get rid of him. Azmi get the help of another teacher, Sharina and some students to baby-sit. Azmi’s freindship with Sharina is miscountrued and malicious gossips begin to spread that the baby is actually their love child. At the same time, a jilted student tries to commit suicide.