Asami / Mountain Harlot
Set shortly after the end of World War II, a philosophical boxing drama of two fighters from opposite worlds (USA and Japan) who are pulled together for a questionable fight arranged by their unscrupulous managers and the Yakuza.
Trapped inside an old mining complex, somewhere in the ruins of Chernobyl, a group of international mercenaries must band together to fight an army of mad men. 8 against 800, they just couldn't lose.
Party Girl (uncredited)
성공한 작가 릭(크리스찬 베일)은 어린 시절 아버지가 들려준 왕자의 이야기를 기억한다. 무언가를 열망하지만 그것이 무엇인지는 모르는 릭의 삶.
[The Tower: 재난, 불명예, 전락]
막내 빌리의 죽음은 그림자처럼 릭을 따라다니고 아버지에게 죄책감을, 동생 배리에게는 삶의 끔찍함을 느끼게 한다.
[Judgment: 부활, 승리, 결과]
이혼한 아내 낸시(케이트 블란쳇)와 연인 엘리자베스(나탈리 포트만)에게서 숨 쉴 곳을 찾는 릭. 하지만 그녀들 속에서 릭은 더 큰 혼란을 마주한다.
[Death: 격변, 파멸, 새로운 시작]
릭은 기억을 잃은 채 계속해서 꿈에 빠져 있을 것인가? 아니면 잠에서 깨어나 나아갈 것인가?
봉사활동을 하고 있는 주인공의 친누나 어느날 심한 폭행을 당하게 되고 남동생인 주인공이 범인을 찾으러 다니는 내용의 액션영화
Jenny Kaylin
Young Samantha Walker has been tortured by nightmarish visions for years. With the help of Dr. Hoffman, she faces her unknown past by taking his advice and traveling to Germany. Having been adopted in the U.S. as a baby she decides to seek out the true roots of her ancestral past. Her journey leads to "Wallenhausen", a former German convent. Samantha's break-in to the convent at night becomes a fight for life and death as a masked monk starts the merciless killings of her companions one after another. Finally the secret of her past reveals itself and she has to face - the Sin Reaper.
Yei Fei
A man has been trained in a deadly form of hand-to-hand combat using ballistics and firearms. He is one of the few Americans who has perfected it, which makes him the CIA's best weapon against International Terrorism.
Dottoressa #1
The story of some Italians at Beverly Hills during the Christmas holiday.