Shiho Fujimura
출생 : 1939-01-03, Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Drama depicting the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11, 2011 from the perspective of a female doctor. Takako Kawashima works as head anesthesiologist at the Sendai Medical Center. She balances her married life with help from her husband Teiichi, who runs a private clinic, but their lives are upturned by the disaster.
Sister Marika
2012년 일본에서 방영된 드라마의 극장판
A story about a woman from Yanaka Village, Tochigi Prefecture, which was abolished by the government due to the Ashio Copper Mine pollution incident in the late Meiji Period. The drama depicts the struggle of the woman who gradually matures as a person through her encounters with versatile figures, including socialists and writers, after moving to Tokyo.
In Sapporo, college student Watanabe Sachi approaches her band leader boyfriend Takumi with the news that she is pregnant. Finding it difficult to deal with the fallout, the couple decide to leave Sapporo for the port city of Hakodate instead. Soon, however, they are separated and Sachi has to make a difficult decision about her baby on Christmas Eve. Her decision will ultimately involve Iwadate Shuichi and his wife Mizue, an older couple who still mourn the loss of their own child.
2011년 3월 11일, 동일본 대지진을 겪은 감독은 메이지유신과 2차 대전을 포함해 역사 속 큰 사건들의 비극적 순간을 그리기로 한다. 감독은 나가오카를 찾은 기자 레이코를 중심으로 시공간을 자유롭게 넘나들며 극영화, 다큐멘터리, 연극, 애니메이션 등 다양한 화법을 이용해 나가오카에 살았던 평범한 사람들의 기억을 재현한다. 과감한 실험적 형식이 돋보이는 작품.
Misayo Uegusa
아시하라 히나코의 동명만화가 원작인 작품으로, 부모의 이혼으로 외가로 옮겨와 살게 된 소녀 안이 첫사랑을 하게 되고, 어머니의 자살을 겪기도 하면서 꿋꿋하게 살아가는 모습을 담은 내용
Fujimi Hirano
Thirteen years afterward, I wonder if those who bombed Hiroshima are looking at me and saying: 'We did it! We were able to kill another person!' They should be," murmurs Minami (played by Kumiko Aso), one of the two leading female characters in Yunagi no Machi, Sakura no Kuni, as she lies dying in 1958, her life brought to a premature end by sickness resulting from her exposure to atomic bomb radiation. This is a story about those who at least initially survived the first U.S. atomic bombing of 1945 and their descendants in contemporary times. The film, based on a comic by Fumiyo Kono, jumps between the two time frames and quietly depicts the sorrow and mortification experienced through the everyday lives of laid-back and soft-spoken Hiroshima people. Only a few scenes of the bombing and the ensuing devastation are featured.
Chie Kuroyoshi
Kaori is pursuing her career as a journalist for a magazine with great enthusiasm. But as a result of an article she wrote, she is sent to work for a community magazine at Fukuoka. An anonymous letter arrives, which puts her in contact with an old and forgotten theater, the 'Minato Theater' in nearby Shimonoseki.
TV remake of Ozu's 'Late Spring'
Tomie Bonomiya
10대 시절 우연히 가진 성관계로 임신까지 했던 보노미야 미키는 사산 후 코치의 산간 마을에서 세상을 등진 채 41살이 되도록 혼자 살아간다. 마을 사람들은 이누가미(개귀신) 가문의 일족인 그녀를 두려워한다. 그러던 어느 날, 초등학교 교사로 발령받은 누타하라 아키라가 마을에 들어온다. 미야와 아키라는 서로에게 끌리고, 곧 깊은 관계를 가지게 된다. 한편 마을에서는 계속되어 사람들이 살해당하고, 사람들은 이 모든 것이 이누가미 때문이라고 생각하는데...
Screen icon Sayuri Yoshinaga stars in this historical melodrama about geishas in the southern city of Nagasaki set during the 1920s. Though she was sold to a geisha house at a young age, Aihara (Yoshinaga) has since become a master samisen player and woman of great elegance. Though not especially rich, she doles out money to street kids, in particular, a pretty young flower vendor named Oyuki, who becomes Aihara's godchild of sorts. Yet when a geisha (Reiko Takashima) from a rival red-light district insults Aihara and her brethren, she fights back. Soon an all-out geisha war looms. Dapper businessman and amateur scholar Tojiro Koga (Tetsuya Watari) appears on the scene and defuses tempers -- suggesting that difference be settled through a competition of artistic abilities. Smitten with her talent and mature beauty, Koga invites Aihara to record Nagasaki folk songs before they disappear forever
Yukio's Mother
명망있는 의사 유키오(모토키 마사히로)는 아버지에게 물려받은 병원과 아름다운 아내 링(료)을 두고 행복한 생활을 누린다. 그에게 한 가지 걱정이 있다면 링이 기억상실증에 걸려 과거를 전혀 기억하지 못하는 것. 어머니는 그것 때문에 링을 서먹하게 대하지만 유키오는 링을 사랑한다. 그러나 그녀가 집에 오면서부터 집안에는 어두운 그림자가 드리우기 시작한다. 집과 병원에 이상한 냄새가 진동하더니 결국은 유키오의 아버지가 죽음을 당한다. 어머니마저 갑자기 죽자 유키오는 집안에 누군가가 숨어 있다고 생각하는데, 어느 날 자신을 덮치는 그림자에 의해 우물에 갇힌다. 그는 유키오의 쌍둥이 형제인 스테키치(츠스이 야스타카), 스테키치는 유키오처럼 행동하고 링은 스테키치와 관련된 자신의 기억을 되찾기 시작한다.
A salaryman faces a major life change as his firm undergoes financial difficulties. To add to his troubles, a man claiming to be his long-estranged father shows up at his house requesting shelter. One of the best of Somai's seriocomic studies of the messiness of family life.
인정받는 젊은 사진작가 시마즈(다케나카 나오토 분)와 순수한 감성의 부인 요코는 아름다운 집에서 서로에게 첫사랑과 같은 감정을 계속 지닌 채 결혼생활을 한다. 어느날 시마즈의 동료들이 그들의 집에 놀러오고 술자리를 갖는 와중에 요코는 시마즈의 직장동료에게 마즈타리라고 부르는 실수를 한다. 그 실수에 예민하게 반응하는 요코. 요코는 3일간 아무 연락도 없이 집을 나간다. 직장에는 남편 시마즈가 교통사고를 당했다는 어이없는 변명을 한 채.. 그 후 요코 옆집 남자 아이에게 여자 옷을 입히려 하고, 귓속에서 계속 모기소리가 난다고 호소하는 등 다른 증세를 보인다. 여린 감성때문인지 계속 이상한 행동을 하는 요코에게 왠지 불안감을 느끼는 시마즈는 그들의 신혼여행지로 다시 여행을 가자고 제안을 한다. 신혼 여행지에 도착한 그들은 서로에 대한 사랑을 다시 확인한다. 그리고 요코는 결국 남편 시마즈를 남겨둔 채 먼저 세상을 떠난다. 아내와의 사별 이후에도 그녀를 계속 추억하며, 그리워하는 시마즈. 어느날 우연히 부엌에서 무엇인가를 보고 기쁜 울음을 터트린다. 그녀가 왜 마즈타리라는 이름을 불렀는지를 그제서야 깨달은 것이다.
A dying pianist composes one final song for his childhood friend.
Wife of the Chamberlain
A noble samurai serving the Shogun as 'Kogi Kaishaku-nin' (Official Executioner) is the target of a plot by the evil Yagyu Clan to take away his position and replace him with a member of their own family. When his wife is murdered and evidence is produced that he was plotting against the Shogun the Code of Bushido calls for him and his son to commit sepuku. Instead he defies the Shogun's orders and takes up arms against his enemies, becoming an assassin for hire.
Mayumi Asai
A single mother is being investigated into the death of her ex-husband, which brings to the fore the obscure details of her past.
Sayo has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday when she attends a temple festival. On her way back she sees a large cherry tree which is infamous for the legend of dead white horse. When her fiancé returns from war and visits her he comes across a white horse which he takes in. The man also does not see himself engaged anymore as his family has lost its wealth.
This film is Beat Takeshi's first starring role.
Tora-san becomes friends with Toraya's newest tenant, a pachinko-playing electrician that goes by the nickname Watt. Tora attempts to match Watt with a young waitress.
Drama and intrigue about defense contracts and corruption.
The Shinobi-no-Mono series was so successful that Daiei Studios dipped into the well one more time, making the best 60′s B&W ninja movie ever seen in the otherwise color-dominated year of 1970. Issei Mori directs Hiroki Matsukata as the reluctant leader of a small band of spies charged with kidnapping a noblewoman from a heavily ninja-proofed castle. The finality of the air slowly began to fill like smoke, and in all that had become dark the loyalty of the Ninja who dared to go shone like light as they entered a world shrouded in mystery. Things do not go as planned in what is possibly the darkest and most fatalistic of the already noir-ish 60′s fare. Both the decade and it’s distinctive style of shinobi cinema went out on a high note with Mission Iron Castle.
Kato's Wife
In the prewar days leading up to the Second Sino-Japanese War of 1937, head flight instructor Lt. Katō Tateo of the Imperial Japanese Army-Air Corps trains new volunteers from the Army's Infantry to become Japan's next generation of fighter pilots at the Tokorozawa Flying School. Flying Kawasaki Ko-4 biplanes, Lt. Katō will train both friend and future foe alike. But as war in China breaks out, Katō now in command of the 5th Rentai will take his untested men flying antiquated planes into aerial combat against the Chinese Air Force who is now headed by Lt. Cho who Katō both earlier befriended and personally trained himself. While Katō's squadron ultimately achieves air superiority over the skies of Manchuria, it comes at a high price in men to which each loss carries a heavy burden that he alone must carry. As the war widens into the Second World War, Captain Katō must battle an ever advancing array of deadlier new enemies flying ever more modern fighter planes.
Just when you think Kyoshiro's life can't get any stranger, someone starts running around raping and murdering, and leaving notes proudly proclaiming that he did it. Tracking down the real culprit willtake him along a twisted trail that involves the Shogun's harem, hidden christians, and positively pregnant politics!
Set up to be the patsy by a rival gang, Furuta Makoto attacks the yakuza boss he thinks is responsible for his father’s murder. He then learns it was all a plot to take over his father’s turf and he seeks vengeance against the puppet master behind the entire conspiracy. His quest for justice leads him to prison where he must fend off the attack of a master assassin before he can make his escape and go after the true killer!
Well before “Shogun” as warring clans were fighting for power throughout Japan, a Portuguese vessel ran aground off Tanegashima. Lord Tokitaka helped Captain Pinto repair his ship. The grateful captain offered the lord a gift--a matchlock musket—the first firearm ever seen in Japan. But like a great stone hurled into placid waters, this simple gift will start a revolution. Tokitaka tasks Kinbei, his greatest swordsmith, to copy this musket and build guns for Japan. While Kinbei struggles to forge Japan’s first musket, a great love blooms between Captain Pinto and Kinbei’s daughter Wakasa. But for Kinbei, to let Wakasa marry Pinto and go to Portugal is unthinkable. And as Kinbei creates Japan’s first matchlock factory, Lord Oda Nobunaga will seize upon firearms as the key to sweep all other clans before him, tearing a blood-soaked path of destruction through Japan.
A master sculptor and his apprentice are trapped in a bad snow storm after finding a special tree for carving a statue for the local temple. Finding refuge in an abandoned hut they celebrate their luck in finding the tree but soon they are visited by the Snow Witch who freezes the sculptor to death but takes pity on the apprentice. He must promise to never speak of this or she'll return and kill him.
In the 19th century Edo period, sisters Oshizu and Otaka have sacrificed their personal happiness to work and care for their ailing father. Otaka falls in love, but can’t accept a marriage proposal since her older sister needs to marry first. When Oshizu learns of this decision, she takes matters in her own hands.
A Japanese film
Zatoichi comes upon the town of Tonda, overrun by gangsters. Using one of his favorite techniques, Zatoichi proceeds to win 8 ryo in a rigged gambling game. Of course, the local gangsters attempt to kill him, and the adventure begins. It turns out a blacksmith named Senzo examines Zatoichi's cane sword, and discovers it to be forged by his old mentor. Senzo discovers the sword is at the end of its usefulness and will break when it is used next.
Nemuri Kyoshiro discovers a conspiracy centering around a band of disgruntled samurai wanting to avenge the death of their sensei, a political reformer that pushed for better provisions for the lower classes until he was assassinated by Shogunate agents. Their plot, to set fire to the oil refineries of two rich merchants and unleash a raging inferno that will hopefully burn down the Edo Castle.
The story contrasts the life of two doctors, former classmates and now both assistant professors at Naniwa University Hospital in Osaka. The brilliant and ambitious surgeon Goro Zaizen stops at nothing to rise to a position of eminence and authority, while the friendly Shuji Satomi busies himself with his patients and research.
Lady Sayuri
The tyrannical Lord Danjo Mikoshiba covets the rich, fertile lands surrounding Lake Yakumo. During a memorial ceremony for the late Chigusa lord, Mikoshiba launches an attack, overthrowing the honorable Lord Juro. Just when all seems lost, Daimajin rises from Lake Yakumo to settle a score of his own.
A naively honorable samurai (played by Raizo) comes to the bitter realization that his devotion to moral samurai principles makes him an oddity among his peers, and a very vulnerable oddity in consequence. He takes the blame for the misdeeds of others, with the understanding that he will be exiled for one year and restored to the clan's good graces after the political situation dies down. As betrayal begins to heap upon betrayal, he realizes he'll have to live out his life as a master-less ronin, if not hunted down and killed.
[Period covered: 1616] Kirigakure Saizo (Mist Saizo) returns for the final time as he sets out to assassinate Tokugawa Ieyasu in order to avenge the death of Lord Sanada Yukimura. But first he must contend with Ieyasu’s own ninja group led by the powerful Fuma Daijuro, who has a score to settle with the men of Iga that dates back 280 years to the war between the Genji and the Heike at the Battle of Dan-no-Ura. Tremendous fighting and great plot twists highlight this exceptional look into the lives of the mysterious ninja of Japan.
Nezumi Kozō is the nickname of Nakamura Jirokichi, a Japanese thief and folk hero who lived in Edo during the Edo period. His exploits have been commemorated in kabuki theatre, folk songs, jidaigeki, and modern pop culture.
After a yakuza boss is assassinated by a rival, his naval officer son returns home to take over the gang.
[Period covered: 1616] On May 8th, 1615 the summer campaign of Osaka has reached the climax. This film takes place immediately following 'Ninja 4: Mist Saizo, Last of The Ninja'. Staying one step ahead of the Shogun’s forces, “Mist” Saizo tries to save the Sanada Clan, and avenge the death of his lord by assassinating the first Tokugawa Shogun. Following the first four films in this remarkable series, more previously unknown Ninja skills are shown to the world for the first time. The action heats up as Saizo single-handedly attacks the Shogun’s Palace!
A fugitive christian "saint" (female, of course!) and a sadistic drug-addled princess both have their eye on Kyoshiro. The fact that a bunch of ruthless smugglers also want him dead is the least of his problems!
A comedy directed by Koji Shima about a men's game. Reckless and exciting, definitely worth watching! Miyoshi Oki was born in Hokkaido and grew up in a dirty carriage that his father owned. His dream was to have a horse with a good coat that costs 10 million yen and he set a goal for it. At the invitation of Otaki-gumi executive Iwasa, he joined Otaki-gumi while the leader Sozaburo was sick. Miyoshi's method is not to deal with the yakuza's morale and slashing, but to handle things mentally....
Wandering samurai Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) finds a bulls-eye on his back after befriending the shogunate's tightfisted financial adviser, Asahina, who's earned the wrath of the shogun's self-indulgent daughter for cutting off her allowance. The enraged princess promptly hatches a scheme to have Asahina bumped off -- along with his protector, Kyoshiro. Shiho Fujimura also stars in this installment of the enormously popular film series.
Zatoichi is sworn to protect the life of a young girl and without any real allies finds himself in the middle of a bloody turf war.
평화로운 생활을 보내던 고에몬은 오다 노부나가의 닌자들에 의해 아이를 잃는다. 복수의 화신이 된 고에몬은 반 오다 노부나가 파인 사이카당에 들어가서 닌자 부활을 선언한다. 고에몬은 아케치 미쓰히데를 이용해서 오다 노부나가를 죽이게 된다. 오다 노부나가의 죽음 이후 천하의 형세는 변하게 되고, 권력을 잡은 도요토미 히데요시가 사이카당을 전멸시키려 군사를 일으킨다. 여기서 고에몬 혼자 살아남게 되어 도요토미 히데요시에게 복수를 하려고 하나, 결국 도중에 잡히고 만다.
The warlords overrun the country while the farmers are starving, and forced to become soldiers to keep the wolf from the door. The farmers are recruited in groups of fifteen. In Yaju's village, there are only twelve men, so they press Oto, who looks more like a boy than a girl, to join, disguised as a man.
As winds of change sweep Japan, an honest man joins the Shinsenhumi out of admiration for its leader and because he wants to live and die as a samurai. However, as his involvement grows, reality and idealism come into deadly conflict.
거물 도둑으로 유명한 이시카와 고에몬을 권력에 대항하는 반역자로서 그린 무라야마 토모요시의 소설을 영화화한 작품. 탁월한 기능을 갖고 있으면서도 신분제도로 인해 최하층민으로서 살아갈 수 밖에 없는 이시카와를 이치카와 라이조가 연기하고 상업적으로도 크게 히트하여 시리즈화 되었다. 당시 황당무계한 내용이 유행하던 닌자영화에 리얼리즘과 호쾌한 액션, 권력투쟁이라는 모티브를 도입하여 시대극에 새로운 지평을 여는데 공헌한 사회파의 거장 야마모토 사츠오의 작품.
A fishing village is terrorized by a giant whale, and the fishermen are determined to kill it.
Fujiko Yamaguchi
사무라이 액션영화에서 특히 빛을 발했던 대스타 이치카와 라이조 주연의 ‘검 3부작’ 중 1편. 영화가 시작하면 한 몸종이 주인을 칼로 살해한 후 순순히 체포당해 죽음을 택한다. 그리고 20년의 시간이 흘러 한 사내가 등장해 전국을 떠돌며 여행을 다닌다. 과연 그의 정체는 무엇일까. (한국시네마테크협의회)
우시마츠의 아버지는 그에게 자신의 하층 계급 유산을 절대 드러내지 말라고 말했고, 몇 년 후, 그는 이제 그러한 차별에 맞서 싸우는 운동가에게 비밀을 털어놓을 생각을 하고 있다.