Gonzalo Durán

참여 작품

시간과 바람
Erico Verissimo의 동명 소설 3부작을 원작으로 한 Time and Wind 는 150년 간의 테라 캄바라 가족과 그들의 적대자인 아마랄 가족의 이야기를 따릅니다. 두 가문의 투쟁의 역사는 예수회 선교 시대를 기점으로 19세기 말까지 이어진다 . 이 영화는 또한 리오그란데두술(Rio Grande do Sul) 주의 형성 기간 과 포르투갈 왕실과 스페인 왕관 사이의 영토 분쟁을 다루고 있습니다 .
The Curse
A group of young people with powers to save the world is hunted by the secret service.
Diary of a New World
In 1752, a ship arrives in Brazil, bringing doctor and writer Gaspar de Fróes. He keeps a diary about the dangerous trip, the diseases and hunger aboard, his impressions of the new country, and the political struggle between the crowns of Castela and Portugal. In Brazil, he is going to fall in love with the wife of a Portuguese officer.
Noche de reyes
The Legend of the North Wind
Athanasius (voice)
To get his hands on a valuable pod of whales, a 17th-century European daredevil in Newfoundland foolishly attempts to release the powers of the mythical North Wind, who was trapped in a pot thanks to a shared effort by Basque sailors and Mi'kmaq Indians. Now, the descendant of those Indian, Watuna, and the descendants of those Basque sailors, Ane and Peiot, must defeat the evil Athanasius before he achieve his purpose.
Los Trotamúsicos
Town Musicians of Bremen
Tonto el burro
Four farm animals, a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, leave their home to become musicians in Bremen. Based on the tale of the Brothers Grimm.
La gran quiniela
A young woman wins 200 million pesetas at the 'quiniela' football pool with 14 successfull 'aciertos' and begins to help everybody with the fortune.
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