Nicola Daley

참여 작품

Director of Photography
제1차 세계대전 당시의 전쟁 시인, 시그프리드 서순의 굴곡 많았던 삶을 들여다본다. (제23회 전주국제영화제)
Boys on Film 18: Heroes
Director of Photography
Boys On Film comes of age with uplifting and powerful tales recounting the lives of everyday heroes striving for their own identities and fighting for the right for us all to be ourselves. Volume 18: Heroes includes ten complete films: Dean Loxton's "Dániel" starring Csémy Balázs, Hilda Péter, and Henry Garrett… Niels Bourgonje's "Buddy" starring Daniel Cornelissen and Tobias Nierop… Tamara Shogaolu's animated "Half A Life"… Victor Lindgren's "Undress Me" starring Jana Bringlöv Ekspong and Björn Elgerd… Sam Ashby's "The Colour Of His Hair" starring Sean Hart and Josh O'Connor… Hope Dickson Leach's "Silly Girl" starring Ciara Baxendale, Mollie Lambert, and Jason Barker… Søren Green's "An Evening" starring Jacob Ottensten and Ulrik Windfeldt-Schmidt… Alejandro Medina's documentary "AIDS: Doctors And Nurses Tell Their Stories"… Kai Stänicke's "It's Consuming Me" with Volkmar Leif Gilbert… and Mikael Bundsen's "Mother Knows Best" starring Alexander Gustavsson and Hanna Ullerstam.
Director of Photography
친구처럼 가까운 모녀, 세상 기댈 곳은 오로지 단둘뿐인 린과 아이오나는 새로운 마을로 이사를 한다. 하지만 딸이 새로운 친구들을 만들기 시작하며 둘 사이는 급속도로 멀어지고 그 틈은 거짓과 질투로 차오른다. 린의 왜곡된 모성애는 오이디푸스 신화 속 이오카스테를 떠올리게 만든다.
Lost in Vagueness
Director of Photography
It's a music documentary that tells the story of Roy Gurvitz, who created Lost Vagueness, at Glastonbury and who, as legendary founder, Michael Eavis says, reinvigorated the festival. With the decadence of 1920's Berlin, but all in a muddy field. A film of the dark, self-destructive side of creativity and the personal trauma behind it.
Director of Photography
Dániel, a male escort, attends a lunch at which his close friend Nori introduces her new partner.
안나, 평양에서 영화를 배우다
Director of Photography
대규모 탄층 가스 채굴의 위협이 시작된 호주 시드니. 영화감독 안나는 자신의 가족과 마을의 안전을 지키기 위해 선전영화를 만들기로 결심하고, 세계에서 가장 강력한 선전영화를 제작하는 평양으로 향한다. 감독, 배우, 촬영가, 작곡가 등 북한을 대표하는 영화인들을 만나 도움을 청한 안나는 그들만의 독특한 영화 제작 기법을 배운 후, ‘평양 스타일’의 단편영화 촬영에 들어가는데… 과연 안나는 평양 멘토들의 기대대로 영화를 만들어 마을을 살릴 수 있을까?
I Am a Girl
Director of Photography
Six girls coming of age, ready to become something extraordinary.
Black & White & Sex
Director of Photography
Prostitute. Hooker. Sex Worker. Whore. Candid and seductive, Angie is determined to set the record straight about sex. As she reveals herself, layer-by-layer, she also exposes the man who is interviewing her. Sometimes provocative and confronting, sometimes tender, poignant and sexy, Black & White & Sex takes you behind the scenes and into Angies very special world. There's a question here for every man and an answer for every woman. Anyone who pays is welcome - but leave your expectations at the door sex is never black and white. Written by Angie Winter