Juan Carlos Ortega

참여 작품

자선단체 설립 기념 파티에서 만난 에스코바르(하비에르 바르뎀)와 비르히니아(페넬로페 크루즈)는 인터뷰를 계기로 급속도로 가까워지게 된다. 유명 앵커인 비르히니아는 에스코바르의 내연녀이자 조력자가 되어 메데인 카르텔의 보스인 에스코바르의 정계 진출까지 돕는다. 하지만 미국 내 마약의 80%를 공급하며 엄청난 달러를 축적하는 에스코바르를 두고 볼 수 없었던 미국은 에스코바르를 잡으려 혈안이 되고, 이를 담당한 마약단속국의 셰퍼드 요원(피터 사스가드)은 그의 내연녀 비르히니아에게 접근하는데… 11월, 세기를 뒤흔든 마약 전쟁이 시작된다!
A malignant force analyzes the people living in a house. They don't seem to notice their fate, except for and old man who is sure that finishing his masterpiece will save everyone from the inevitable.
Written with Blood
Kitty is attacked and raped before the eyes of 38 witnesses but no one does anything to defend her. The event is on the news the following day and Gabriel, a journalist, becomes obsessed with the case and decides to confront all witnesses, opening his own investigation, reconstructing the events and introducing him into the life of the casualty.
El hijo de Ruby
A broken-hearted young man goes through a journey of healing the memory of his junkie dead father through the one thing they have in common, dance.
El hijo de Ruby
Sound Montage Associate
A broken-hearted young man goes through a journey of healing the memory of his junkie dead father through the one thing they have in common, dance.
Chronicle of the End of the World
A retired teacher fears the world is coming to an end when his jobless son is abandoned by his wife after having a baby.
The Invisible Half: Luis García Berlanga's The Executioner
Documentary about Spanish director Luis García Berlanga's "The Executioner" (1963)