Art Direction
서기 2084년. 어느 신도시에서 광산일을 하고 사는 퀘이드(아놀드 슈왈젠에거)는 미모의 아내 로리(샤론 스톤)와 행복하게 살아가지만 밤마다 이상한 꿈을 꾸게 된다. 한 번도 가본 적이 없는 화성에서 이름도 알 수 없는 갈색머리 여자와 행복하게 살고 있는 것이 자꾸 꿈으로 나타나자 퀘이드는 리콜이라는 여행사를 찾아간다. 이곳은 싼값으로 우주 여행을 다녀온 것처럼 뇌 속에 기억을 이식시켜줌으로써 욕구를 충족시켜주는 곳. 이식을 받던 퀘이드는 커다란 충격에서 깨어나 놀라운 사실들을 알게 되는데...
Production Design
맥스(Max Donigan: 척 노리스 분)와 리오(Leo Porter: 루이스 고셋 주니어 분)는 친구 사이로서 수많은 모험을 즐기며 사는 젊은이들이다. 최근 중동의 사막지에서 구사일생으로 살아 돌아온 그들은 그런 생활을 관둘까 생각하고 있던 중에 패트리샤(Patricia Goodwin: 멜로디 앤더슨 분)라는 미모의 아가씨가 그들 앞에 나타나 한장의 보물 지도를 보여주며, 신비한 인디언 전설과 함께 엄청난 보물이 숨겨져 있다는 얘길한다. 그러면서 그녀는 둘에게 보물을 찾으면 50대 50으로 나누는 조건으로 함께 모험의 길을 떠날 것을 제의한다. 리오는 약간 내키지 않으나 맥스가 강권하여 둘은 승낙한다. 그러나 그 순간부터 세 사람은 인디언들의 표적이 되어 위험한 고비를 숱하게 넘기게 된다. 지도에 적힌 동굴에 도착한 일행은 황금대신 한 자루의 신비한 단검을 입수한다. 인디언 예언가 톨 이글(Tall Eagle: 윌 샘슨 분)의 도움으로 인디언들의 저주를 모면한 일행은 동굴에서 얻은 정보를 토대로 금을 찾아 산 미구엘로 간다. 그때부터, 불의 전사의 후예라는 엘 코요테(소니 랜담 분)의 끈질긴 추적을 받으며, 중남미의 불안한 사회환경 속에서 숱한 죽을 고비를 넘긴 끝에 마침내 사원에 도착하나 엘 코요테의 함정에 빠져 최대의 위기에 빠지나 모험으로 단련된 이들은 엘 코요테를 물리치고 엄청난 황금을 손에 넣는데...
Art Direction
After his rich father refuses to pay his debt, compulsive gambler Lawrence Bourne III joins the Peace Corps to evade angry creditors. In Thailand, he is assigned to build a bridge for the local villagers with the help of American-As-Apple-Pie WSU Grad Tom Tuttle and the beautiful and down-to earth Beth Wexler. What they don't realize is that the bridge is coveted by the U.S. Army, a local Communist force, and a powerful drug lord. Together with the help of At Toon, the only English speaking native, they must fight off the three opposing forces and find out what is right for the villagers, as well as themselves.
Production Design
Margo is an ex-stripper who meets her long, lost father in Mexico. She looks after him in the waning days of his life, with the help of a traveling projectionist. The father passes away, telling of the loot from a botched bank robbery that he buried years earlier. The two get jobs in town as their relationship grows and they search for the treasure on the weekends. But while the treasure seems to bring them together, it also seems to be tearing them apart.
Art Direction
멕시코, 쿠에르나바카(Cuernavaca, Mexico). 1938년 11월 1일, 죽은 자의 날(The Day Of The Dead) 세계가 요동치던 시기인 만큼 멕시코도 혼란으로 시달리고 있었다. 쿠아나바카 지방에서는 젊은 세 사람이 각자의 인생에 정열을 다하고 있었다. 정치적인 변혁을 꾀하고자 끊임없이 지식인들과 접촉을 하는 알로베는 언젠가는 맥시코가 부패하지 않은 깨끗한 정부를 갖게될 것이라고 믿고 있었다. 그의 친구인 미구엘은 자신의 출세만을 위해 기회적인 삶을 살아 가는 사람이었다. 이들 둘을 다 알면서도 어느 한 쪽도 선택할 수 없는 마리아는 두 사람이 시간이 지날 수록 어렸을 적 같이 했던 생각에서 벗어나서 판이하게 다르게 사는 것을 불안해 한다. 점점 자신들의 색갈을 뚜렷하게 해가는 이들은 결국 피할 수 없는 사건에 부딪치는데...
Production Design
Thriller directed by Arturo Ripstein.
Art Direction
비틀즈의 링고스타가 출연한 영화로 대사가 거의 없다 해서 화제가 되었던 작품이다. 부족에서 쫓겨난 아톡(Atouk: 링고 스타 분)은 산골의 동굴 생활을 시작한다. 처음에는 고통스러운 나날이었으나 점차 생활에 익숙해짐에 따라 불을 발견하고 음악을 만들기도 한다. 아톡은 부족으로 귀환하여 타라(Tala: 셸리 롱 분)와 결혼하고 싶다는 희망을 간직한 채 살아가는데 마침 그의 부족이 이웃 부족의 침입을 받게 된다. 부족이 위기에 처하게 되자 아톡은 앞장서 이웃 부족을 물리치고.
Art Direction
Giff Hoyt, a cafe owner in Cabo Blanco, Peru after World War II is caught between refuge-seeking Nazis and their enemies. After the murder of a sea explorer is passed off as accidental death by the corrupt local police, Giff becomes suspicious. The police chief also intimidates a new arrival Marie, and Giff intervenes to help her. Giff suspects Beckdorff, a Nazi refugee living in the area. Beckdorff, it emerges, is seeking to uncover sunken treasure.
Production Design
An elementary school teacher tries to rebuild her life with her son, which is the result of a rape in a distant city. The child tries to grow in a common way, but his mother overprotects him with terrible consecuences
Art Direction
Corporate smuggling of South American killer bees into the United States results in huge swarms terrorizing the northern hemisphere. A small team of scientists work desperately to destroy the threat, but the bees soon mutate into a super-intelligent species that threatens the world.
Set Designer
A Romanian aristocrat retreats to a desert isle with his wife and servants on the eve of World War II.
Art Direction
A Satanist cult leader is burnt alive by the local church. He vows to come back to hunt down and enslave every descendant of his congregation, by the power of the book of blood contracts, in which they sold their souls to the devil.
Production Design
While trying to save the famous Tivoli burlesque theater, the participants uncover a web of commercial corruption.
Production Design
The story of Armida (named ¨Doña Macabra¨ by her neighbors) and Demetria, two old women who live in an old house with Octavio, a kind of mad scientist. Their lives take an unexpected turn when the nephew of Armida, Lucila, recently married with Othón, arrive to the house looking for and old treasure, believed to be buried in the house. They will find a lot of dark and unexpected secrets.
Production Design
Three tales of horror, isolation and insanity set in Mexico.
Art Direction
A man thought-dead comes home to find that his wife has sold their ranch and married a Mexican revolutionary.
Art Direction
떠돌이 사내 호건(클린트 이스트우드)은 세 부랑자에게 겁탈당할 위기에 처한 여자를 구해준다. 그들을 모두 쏴 죽인 호건이 시신에서 총과 금품을 챙기는 사이 그 여자는 수녀옷을 입고 나타난다. 좀 전까지 반라의 여인이었던 그녀가 사실은 신앙심 깊은 수녀 사라(셜리 맥클레인)였던 것. 그때부터 두 사람은 함께 동행을 하며 그들을 쫓는 프랑스군을 합심해 따돌린다. 심지어 호건은 수녀인 사라에게 방울뱀의 꼬리를 들고 있게 하면서까지 프랑스군을 따돌리는 작전을 세운다. 오직 돈만 밝히는 호건은 멕시코 혁명군을 돕는 대가로 금괴를 받기로 한 상태고, 사라는 선량한 멕시코인들을 죽이며 식민지를 약탈하는 프랑스군을 증오해 혁명군을 돕고 있는 상태다. 목적은 다르지만 어쨌건 멕시코 혁명군을 위해 일하고 있는 것. 그렇게 프랑스 수색대에 쫓기는 가운데 두 사람은 밤마다 긴장한 상태로 야영을 하고 수시로 의견 충돌도 한다. 그러면서 둘은 묘한 우정을 쌓아간다.
Production Design
A lady wrestler and her boyfriend, a policeman, battle a mad scientist who has developed a murderous killer robot and uses it to kidnap wealthy people.
Production Design
A band of outlaws appear out of nowhere on a ranchers property and viciously shoot him down. They steal what they can from his ranch and kidnap his wife. They make for the Mexican border, but something starts stalking them. From: Exploitation.TV
Art Direction
Dr. Satan, a mad scientist and sorceror, plans to take over the world. In order to do so, he wakes up three zombie slaves from the dead and attempts to make a deal with the devil. He sends his zombie servants to do harm to anyone who stands in his way. Will anyone be able to stop him?
Production Design
The funny story of a man who loses his memory in an accident and can not remember who was married to another woman, then meets another woman he marries and starts another life and lives alternately with a family 15 days and 15 days with the another arguing that their travel is for work in the Crown Brewery, which is in Veracruz where he lives with one family and one in Mexico.
Production Design
A shady character takes over as owner/manager of a nightclub, conflicts evolve.
Production Design
Intimate problems and the wickedness of friends is resolved in the ring.
Production Design
Jorge is arrested and brought to trial, where it is known that he chose crime due to the abandonment of his father.
Production Design
Backstage comedy; singer-dancer and her songwriter husband pretend to have an open relationship, because it makes them look smart and modern.
Production Design
If you've ever longed for a movie about wrestling women who take on various monsters, this is it! Xochitl, the mummy, can turn into a snake or a bat, which is difficult to get half-Nelsons on. Loreita, the Golden Ruby, joins her sister to battle the evil Prince Fugiyata and her Oriental female wrestlers. The mummy is also female and on the good side of the struggle.
Production Design
A young man eagerly prepares for triumph as a boxer in a neighborhood gym with the firm intention of escaping poverty to marry his girlfriend, who sings in a nightclub.
Production Design
A mysterious killer abducts girls off the street and covers them in wax.
Production Design
Follows an "unlucky" gun across the paths of five owners.
Production Design
Teenager covers for his no-count older brother. Ice-cream parlors, rock-n-roll dances, football games, jalopies and racing cars. Also tragedy.
Production Design
El Santo, the masked Mexican wrestler, investigates a series of kidnappings. He discovers that the mysterious Doctor Caroll is using the victims as part of his experiments to develop an army of monsters. Naturally, El Santo is able to overcome them all - with wrestling!
Production Design
A mad scientist terrorizes a city by kidnapping young women with his ape-man Gomar and then using them as subjects in sadistic brain transplant experiments. A female wrestler whose sister was one of the victims swears vengeance against the Mad Doctor.
Production Design
Nun interferes in the lives of a dysfunctional family.
Art Direction
Satan gives a woman three wishes in this version of the classic tale, "The Monkey's Paw."
Art Direction
Two screwballs get mixed up with monsters, mad scientists and vampires.
Production Design
Tito is a swindler who plans to appropriate a large sum of money supposedly sent abroad by airplane, with the complicity of Carlos, the cashier of a big company, who must put a time bomb aboard the airplane while keeping the money. Waiting for the plan to develop, Tito enjoys the company of the North American starlet stripper Rita, but he seduces a Mexican chorus girl, and the two women eventually fight over him. What seemed to be a faultless plan starts going wrong. A scavenger takes the money without knowing, and Carlos feels remorse for having placed the bomb aboard the jet flight, and is going to confess his crime. Tito is abandoned by his lover, locates the money and takes it back, locates Carlos and kills him. Even then, he will find crime does not pay.
Art Designer
During the Mexican Agrarian Reform, an engineer travels to a town to distribute the land of the landowners among the peasants.
Supervising Producer
Post-revolucionary Mexico. War secretary Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate for presidency, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows that his boss and current president, El Caudillo, has chosen a second one.
Production Design
Dedicated, saintly nurse has a twin sister who is a Bad Girl.
Production Design
The second chapter of director Ismael Rodríguez's series about Pancho Villa. Several stories about the life and death of the famous mexican revolutionary general.
Production Design
The third and final chapter of director Ismael Rodríguez's series about Pancho Villa. Several stories about the life and death of the famous mexican revolutionary general.
Production Designer
Production Design
In this movie a couple of comedians try to disappear for a while and end up in an asylum, where confused as the mad, and try to escape, but one of them falls in love and that complicates things.
Production Design
Beautiful woman with disfiguring facial scars learns to cope.
Production Design
Cleto, a poor newspaper boy, dreamed of becoming a cyclist and inventor. His latest invention is delivering newspapers by rockets. When he finds the owner of the newspaper, dismisses him. But Cleto do not give up and shows Don Macario his latest invention: " The telemirófono ", a device that allows you to see the person talking on the phone...
Production Design
The disembodied head of Pancho Villa, kept in a glass jar in a research institute, is the narrator of several short stories from his own life, stories that might or might not have happened but are the stuff of legend.
Production Design
Family comedy and family melodrama involving father and son wrestlers, little brothers, little sisters, girlfriends, waitresses...
Production Design
Jorge Bueno and Pedro Malo are best friends who consider giving up their womanizing ways when they each fall in love. As fate would have it, Pedro Malo unexpectedly marries Jorge Bueno's girlfriend, and the conflict between the former buddies begins. A year later they find themselves in the same town and confront each other once and for all.
Production Design
Young man returns to his home town from USA to reclaim his inherited properties.
Art Direction
Los dineros del diablo (The Devil's Money) is a Mexican drama film directed by Alejandro Galindo. It was released in 1953 and starring Amalia Aguilar and Roberto Cañedo.
Production Design
The simple life and the values of loyalty and solidarity of the poor people in the environment of professional boxing, is the plot of this film, where Pepe el Toro shows the effort and tragedies that are experienced in this profession.
Production Design
Homeless/unemployed dude has a spiritual awakening and rehabilitates himself working at a circus.
Production Design
A young man goes to the capital to prove himself as an opera singer, after being rejected he must find other means to achieve fame
Production Design
신혼 여행을 떠난 청년 올리베리오는 갑작스런 어머니의 임종 소식을 듣고 집으로 돌아온다. 어머니의 유언장을 작성할 공증인을 데려오기 위해 올리베리오는 버스를 타고 읍내로 향한다. 제정신이 아닌 버스 운전사, 올리베리오를 유혹하는 요염한 라켈, 그녀를 갈망하는 국회의원들 때문에 버스에서는 일대 소동이 일어나고 급기야 버스 운전사는 자신의 어머니 생일을 축하하기 위해 차를 멈춘다. 술에 잔뜩 취한 운전사를 대신해 올리베리오는 버스를 몰고, 버스에 동승한 라켈과 사랑을 나눈다.
Production Design
Young woman elopes with her fiancé; during their honeymoon, things happen that cause them to be separated, and she finds herself alone in a big city with no resources to fall back on.
Production Design
Valentin reaches Mexico City to stay with his countrymen Marcelo and Sirenia, parents of thirteen children. Marcelo gladly serves Valentin until he realizes that he is poor and throws him out of the house. By a suggestion Sirenia, Marcelo employs Valentin as a servant and exploits it mercilessly. But with the help of Andres, the fate of Valentin takes an unexpected turn.
Production Design
Young lady goes shopping for a millionaire husband.
Production Design
Tin Tan falls in love with a young woman who does not love him, but when he wins the lottery she changes her mind.
Production Design
This musical comedy tells the story of two men whose friendship (whose beginning is told in "A toda máquina") is affected by assumptions love triangles and misunderstandings between the two, however, the value of that friendship overcomes all difficulties.
Production Design
A low-class baker accidentally gets to know an attractive but bitter fiancée. By getting her snobby, dead-pan family to spend some time with his scumbag friends, he changes their lives, while at the time stealing the girl's heart.
Production Design
A drifter lands a job as an officer in México City's elite motorcycle police unit and gets home with a mate of this unit. The mate is in love with a girl, but he and she are always making jealous to each other. The drifter and the mate get involved themselves in a fight to become the winner of conquering ladies and performing unit acrobatic tricks, interfering with their friendship and profession.
Production Design
Well-intentioned Tin Tan who is always making trouble for other people, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident.
Production Design
The encounter with an old lover puts a revolutionary general in great danger of death.
Production Design
Art Direction
Set Designer
Her stepfather rapes her and she runs away to home. After that, she's exploited by a series of men, and...
Production Design
Mexican romantic musical.
Set Designer
Blind nightclub pianist takes in a young singer/entertainer when she hits bottom... but once she gets stable and starts thinking about maybe a boyfriend, his unspoken intentions start to surface.
Art Direction
Convicted on flimsy evidence of complicity in a jewel robbery, there's nothing he can do afterward to put his life in order. Downward spiral.
Art Designer
Art Direction
Safe-cracker sets up a gangster rival to get arrested; after some unrelated adventures, that guy escapes from jail and pays him back.
Production Design
A villain has his cronies kidnap a teacher and pretends to be him, teaching in a hidden town.
Production Design
A man steals to buy medicine for his sick mother but when she dies he gets into drug trafficking at a local cabaret.
Production Design
Film version of the 'hitchhiking ghost' urban legend.
Production Design
Concentration Camp survivor tries to start over with a new identity.
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
Curious film about the Mexican immigrant stunned by the dollar and the English language. The plot deals with a serious social mood, but narrated as a tale of romantic entanglements. Agustin Isunza is a funny former farm worker, whose employers, young and attractive blond Joan Page and Clifford Carr, dazzle the sibling pair starring Luis Aguilar and Amanda del Llano. Miguel Inclan, a rich potter from the area, has put his eye on them to marry their children, Katy Jurado and Raul Guerrero.
Production Design
Production Design
In a small tropical town, two sisters fight over the love of a young man named José. Fabiola is a noble woman but Sandra will do anything to get him, including witchcraft.
Production Design
Heroic adventures in the banana industry.
Production Design
Movie in which funny situations based on the entanglements caused by a woman named Felicidad to her family because of her feminist ideology are presented, to the extent of bringing her daughters and herself to a divorce trial.
Production Design
Priest nags a crusty old man into reconciling with his daughter-in-law and granddaughter after the death of his son.
Production Design
Adaptation of Dumas' swashbuckler classic.
Production Design
Three boys grow up to be a priest, a military commander and the town mayor.
Production Design
A 1940 film.
Production Design
Two journalists, Carlos and Lola, investigate the murder of a young woman whose body appeared with her heart torn out, in what seems to be a human sacrifice. The investigation leads the reporters to a museum, whose director is the famous Doctor Gallardo.
Art Direction
A 1938 film.
Production Design
At birth, three children are abandoned in a convent. They are Polito Sol and his siblings, Adriana and Carmelo Águila and they grow up to become the "Águila o Sol" trio. Many years later, Don Hipólito, Polito's father becomes rich and decides to search for his son. In the end he finds Polito and the Aguila siblings.
Art Direction
A melodrama that tells the story of a young woman forced to leave home because her stepfather abuses her.
Art Direction
With revolutionary Mexico as a backdrop, a successful local rancher returns triumphant from the war to the praise of townsfolk, and "El General" is ready to take a wife. However the senorita of choice already has fallen for a secret admirer, and a boyhood rival who is threatened by the General's popularity in turn plots against his life.
Production Design