Don Byron

참여 작품

Joe Papp in Five Acts
Joe Papp, the founder of the New York Shakespeare Festival and, subsequently, The Public Theater—arguably the most important theatre in North America—is profiled in this documentary that neither sanctifies nor vilifies him. He brought us free Shakespeare in the Park, Hair and A Chorus Line, and nurtured many of America’s greatest playwrights, directors and actors. His complex personality and mercurial behavior are much in evidence and spoken of with frankness through interviews with some of America’s most celebrated artists, including Meryl Streep, Christopher Walken, Martin Sheen, Kevin Kline, and James Earl Jones.
Lulu on the Bridge
Tyrone Lord
This film is about a famous jazz saxophonist, Izzy who's life is forever changed after he is accidentally shot.
캔사스 시티
Hey-Hey Club Musician: Clarinet / Baritone Saxophone
1934년 캔사스시티, 그 지역을 장악한 보스 톰 팬더가스트의 폭력적인 선거전야. 그 곳은 미국전역을 휩쓸고 있는 불황의 절정기에도 열린 도시였고 끊임없는 재즈의 박동이 울려 퍼지는 곳이었다. 젊은 전화교환원 블론디 오하라(Blondie O'Hara: 제니퍼 제이슨 리 분)는 목숨을 건 계획을 세운다. 프랭클린 루스벨트 대통령의 고문인 헨리 스틸튼의 부인이자 사교계의 명사인 캐롤린(Carolyn Stilton: 미란다 리쳐드슨 분)을 납치하는 것이다. 목적은 흑인을 가장하고 도둑질을 한 죄로, 악명 높은 갱 셀덤 신(Seldom Seen: 해리 벨라폰테 분)에게 잡혀있는 그녀의 남편(Johnny O'Hara: 더모트 멀로니 분)을 캐롤린과 교환하기 위해서이다. 둘을 둘러싸고 있는 도덕적 혼란의 소용돌이 속에서 두 여자는 피할 수 없는 결말로 치닫고 서서히 납치범과 인질의 관계로부터 가까이 신뢰하는 친구의 관계로 변화한다.
A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden
A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden was the first film to document the klezmer revival, tracing the efforts of two founding groups, Kapelye and Boston's Klezmer Conservatory Band, to recover the lost history of klezmer music. For nearly a millennium, this vigorous and soulful music was part of the celebration of Jewish life in Eastern Europe. In the early decades of this century, the music took root in America. Klezmer musicians learned hundreds of tunes by ear and their ears were open to Gypsy, Ukrainian and Greek melodies of the old world, as well as to the new sounds of American jazz. Music born in Eastern Europe lived on in the imaginations of composers for New York's Yiddish theater, men whose tunes entered the mainstream through such unlikely adapters as the Andrew Sisters. Eventually Klezmer went underground as its audience assimilated into mainstream American culture.