Sardar Akhtar

참여 작품

Bandhe Haath
Shyamu is an orphan, living with his mentor, and has lived a life of crime. While his partner is recuperating in hospital from a injury incurred on the job, Shyamu decides to go straight. In a case of mistaken identity, he ends up in showbiz and gets a gig as a playwright for a beautiful starlet when he shows up instead of popular writer Deepak, whom he looks just like, and is met with considerable respect. One day Shyamu goes to Deepak's house for something and discovers just how identical they are. Unfortunately, Deepak is on his death bed and Shyamu, reverting to his evil nature, "helps" Deepak along on the way to his demise and takes on his identity, even down to learning to copy his handwriting. But not everyone believes the goings on are all above board, especially Deepak's girlfriend and a certain police inspector.
뮤직 룸
벵갈의 부유한 영주 비스왐바르 로이. 하지만 그에게 더 이상의 추가 수입은 전무하고, 강의 범람으로 토지는 점차 줄어들고 허물어진다. 그럼에도 사치스런 생활을 지속하며, 저택에서 가장 화려하게 꾸민 ‘뮤직룸’에서 음악을 즐기고, 연주회를 열던 로이는 쇠락해가는 현실을 직시하지 못하고 옛 영광만을 추억한다. 벵갈의 가난한 소년 아푸의 일생을 연대기적으로 그린 ‘아푸 3부작’으로 인도영화의 선구자는 물론 세계적 거장으로 자리매김한 레이는 ‘아푸 3부작’과 마찬가지로 네오리얼리즘적인 시선을 유지한다. 이전보다 좀 더 침울하고 애조 띤 화면은 한 시대의 우울한 몰락 과정을 감각적으로 환기시킨다.
Roti made in the early 1940s inspired by the German Expressionism, is a real critique of Indian society with prophetic insight. It deals with two models - one of a millionaire, possessed by money and power in an industrial civilisation, the other of a tribal couple living in a primeval state of nature. The millionaire is saved by the couple after an air crash, the tribal couple emigrate to the city, do not find happiness and return. The millionaire is ruined in the city, tries futilely to find salvation among the tribal.
Radha is a resolute mother, who strives hard against poverty and a lecherous money lender to feed her two sons who grew up with contrasting temperament.
A love affair and two feuding families who play out a Romeo and Juliet type drama in 17th century India, under the Emperor Jehangir.