Axel is Dutch Surinamese, but after 20 years of living in the Netherlands he has become 100% Dutch. He has married a Dutch girl, Victoria, and has never been back. When his free-spirited mother Gladys summons the family to her guesthouse in Surinam for Christmas and an important announcement, Axel, his wife and her sister Mirna reluctantly make the journey. They have barely arrived when the situation gets completely out of hand, with his brother Virgil winding him up and his daughter Wonnie, who is doing an internship in Paramaribo, admitting that she is pregnant...
In an orphanage around the year 1900, the principal of an orphanage tries to earn some money by selling the orphans for child labour. The moment we step in the story one of the orphans, Wim, is about to be sold to a brutal man. The man wants Wim to go to the market with a little monkey to pickpocket people. By the time they get to the market, Wim succeeds in escaping with the monkey by hiding in an old canalboat with the help of Jet, a girl who lives at the countryside. When they arrive at the farm where Jet lives, he meets Jets little sister Sien and her friend Ot, two little children who will take care of Wim and the monkey for the next weeks. When the brutal man finally finds out the hiding place of Wim, a true chase follows and Wim is locked up in the orphanage again. But then Jet’s father, a schoolteacher, interferes…. A story for the whole family about the start of the compulsory school attendance in 3D!
17세기 신흥 강국으로 부상한 네덜란드. 2만 척의 배로 전세계를 누비며 교역으로 부를 쌓고, 정치적으로는 공화국 체계를 구축하며 국민에게 자유를 장려하던 네덜란드는 왕당정치를 고수하던 유럽 열강국들에게 위협적인 존재로 성장하기에 이른다. 이에 영국은 함대를 보내 네덜란드의 교역로를 차단하려 하고 끝내 교전이 빈번하게 일어나는데… 영국과의 해전 중 전사한 트롬프 장군은 선장에 불과한 미힐에게 그의 뒤를 부탁한다는 유언을 남기고 이에 힘입어 선원들 사이에서 뛰어난 지도력과 전략을 선보여 인정을 받았던 미힐은 왕당파의 반대에도 불구하고 새로운 장군으로 취임하게 된다. 미힐이 장군이 됨으로써 처음으로 영국과의 해전에서 승리를 거두고, 그 뒤에도 미힐은 계속해서 네덜란드에게 승리를 안겨주지만 그를 향한 왕당파의 시선이 곱지만은 않다. 이렇게 나라 안팎의 적들을 상대하며 미힐은 네덜란드 함대를 유럽 최강으로 올려놓기 위해 고군분투하는데… 위대한 업적으로 혁혁한 공을 세우며 지금까지도 역사상 가장 위대한 제독으로 기억되는 장군 미힐 드 로이테르는 과연 마지막까지 네덜란드에게 승리를 선사할 수 있을 것인가.
The Dutch football team has just released the heroic World Cup final lost to archrival West Germany. The whole country is in mourning and Jaap Kooijman throws out of sheer frustration the brand new TV out the window. This event is the prelude to an equally comical , exciting and touching family film.
Scenario Writer
During a riding vacation on the island Ameland, a young girl discovers a dangerous horse who distrust people. To prove that the horse isn't dangerous at all, the girl secretly trains the horse to trust humans again.
Tom goes along with Miriam and Snuf one week stay with their uncle and their cousin Hans Jaap. Near the house of Uncle Hans was a haunted castle.
Four-part musical about the life of Dutch actress Fien de la Mar, chronicling her earliest days on stage with her father, her glory days as a stage and movie star and the building her own theatre, up until the tragic end of her life.