Margret Völker

출생 : 1966-02-28, Hamburg, Germany

참여 작품

Gipsy Queen
Ali, once a promising young boxer from the Romani community and the only daughter of a Romani leader, falls in disgrace when she gives birth to her second child out of wedlock.
Fast perfekt verliebt
로카, 세상을 바꾸다
이 영화는 선생님들과 권위에 굴하지 않고 혼자 살아가는 총명하고 창의력이 뛰어난 11살 로카의 이야기를 들려준다. 로카는 자신의 독립성을 유지하기 위해 싸워야 하고 어린이도 세상을 바꿀 힘이 있다는 것을 모두에게 증명해야만 한다. (2020년 제8회 서울구로국제어린이영화제)
Aus dem Tritt
Wann ist der Mann ein Mann?
While his wife Linda jets through the world as a pilot, the architect Jan Weber takes care of the son as a full-time houseman. When Jan unexpectedly slips into an affair with the equally successful and attractive businesswoman Sophie Berger, who also makes a comeback in his professional life, Jan faces a difficult decision: Will he continue to stay a houseman or return to work as a "real man"?
What's Up with the Men in My Life?
Ms. Stuppe
The 12-year-old Fridolin Sternberg is looking for answers to the reasons for his parents' divorce.
Nanni Wilde
Bobby Kustermann is a young man with Down syndrome who lives in a loving family until his mother dies unexpectedly, leaving a hefty heritage. There is a dispute between Bobby's two siblings, Nanni and Johannes, as to whom could give Bobby a better home. Nanni and her husband Klaus would offer a “normal” family environment, but Klaus is only after the money. Johannes really wants to take care of Bobby and give him a home for the future. The problem is he is gay and lives with his partner Marc. The responsible offices don't like that at all. Only when the matter goes to court, do the parties to the dispute realize that this is mainly about Bobby's will and that he can actually best decide who he would like to live with in the future.
Double Pack
Kiss Me!
Louise Stör
Der Blaue
In this German political drama, an ex-Stasi agent encounters an old friend whom he may have betrayed after his friend tried to escape East Germany. The former East German agent is Otto Skrodt who after many years is about to be promoted in the highest government ranks. He is anxious to maintain a squeaky clean image. His daughter is Isabelle. The young and friendly Kalle returns after spending many years in jail for his escape attempts. He doesn't know exactly who blew the whistle, but his friend Skrodt is definitely under suspicion. Kalle returns to ostensibly renew the friendship and to see Isabelle whom he loves. The duplicitous friendship between the two men becomes the main focus of the story which features interesting plot twists at the end.
Novalis - Die blaue Blume