A film about an ongoing cinematic adventure that began in 1978: a vast anthology of personality portraits called Cinématons, dealing with people in the arts. Historical, ethnological, sociological and psychological, this anthology is a living record of the artistic community of the last 20th century which attempts to answer these questions: Why film everyone? Why choose cultural personalities? How do the subjects look at their image? How much exhibitionism and narcissism is involved in being filmed?
Short film part of Paris Vu Par... 20 Years After
Short film part of Paris Vu Par... 20 Years After
제작 20주년을 기념하여 기획된 프로젝트. 역시 프랑스를 대표하는 감독들이 대거 참여하여 파리를 배경으로 자신만의 색깔을 뽐낸다. 배고픔과 추위만 해결되면 웃을 수 있는 사랑스러운 소녀들의 이야기부터 사랑의 기쁨과 상실을 통해 살아가는 사람들, 과거에 얽매여 사는 연인들의 이야기까지 갖가지 삶이 교차하는 파리의 공간적 매력을 농밀하게 잡아낸 단편들로 구성되어 있다.
Reel 24 of Gérard Courant’s on-going Cinematon series.
Assistant Director
Inspired by a letter by Friedrich Engels and a 1974 account of two militant Marxist writers who had been imprisoned by the Nasser regime, Straub-Huillet filmed this film in France and Egypt during 1980. They reflect on Egypt’s history of peasant struggle and liberation from Western colonization, and link it to class tensions in France shortly before the Revolution of 1789, quoting texts by Engels as well as the pioneering nonfiction film Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory (1895).