Ward Wood

Ward Wood

출생 : 1924-04-08, Los Angeles, California, USA

사망 : 2001-11-03


Ward Wood was an American actor and television writer. Wood was probably best known for his recurring role as police Lt. Art Malcolm in the TV series Mannix from 1968 to 1975. Born in Los Angeles, California, he broke into acting in 1943, but very quickly took a hiatus to enlist as a Marine in World War II to avenge the death of his brother Charles, who was also an actor and also a Marine, after Charles was killed in action in the Pacific. After the war, Ward Wood returned to acting in 1947, and was active until the early 1980s. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

프로필 사진

Ward Wood

참여 작품

April 2013. Despite the American embargo, citizen Bob Wood returns to Cuba almost 60 years after he left.
Posse from Heaven
Heavenly forces send a guardian angel to assist an ex-cavalryman named Appletime find love and meaning in life.
Posse from Heaven
Heavenly forces send a guardian angel to assist an ex-cavalryman named Appletime find love and meaning in life.
Posse from Heaven
Heavenly forces send a guardian angel to assist an ex-cavalryman named Appletime find love and meaning in life.
The Loners
On his motorcycle Stein, a half-blood Indian, tries to stay out of the hands of the police, who are chasing him for accidentally killing a cop. Together with his friend Alan and a beautiful but desperate girl Stein will get involved in a robbery and more death. The police intensify the search, but the three won't give up that easily.
The Proud and Profane
Sergeant Chester Peckinpaugh
In this romantic drama, beautiful Red Cross volunteer Lee Ashley arrives on the South Pacific island of New Caledonia to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the death of her husband, Howard, in the Battle of Guadalcanal. There, Ashley falls for the gruff, seductive Marine Lt. Col. Colin Buck, but struggle and tragedy follow when the widow learns about the reality of Buck's life back home.
a deputy U.S. Marshall pursue the gang of Ben Thompson after the murder of another marshall. Along with a bounty hunter and a half-breed woman they follow the trail into Apache territory.
Having survived a plane crash in the jungle, Henty finds a fortress-like home in the middle of nowhere, belonging to the affable Mr. McMaster. The latter doesn't want Henty to leave.
The Bushwhackers
Henchman #2
Confederate veteran Jeff Waring arrives in Independence, Missouri shortly after the Civil War, intending never again to use a gun. He finds that rancher Artemus Taylor and his henchmen are forcing out the settlers in order to claim their land for the incoming railroad.
Union Station
Patrolman (uncredited)
Police catch a break when suspected kidnappers are spotted on a train heading towards Union Station. Police, train station security and a witness try to piece together the crime and get back the blind daughter of a rich business man.
Redwood Forest Trail
Matt Mason
Forest Ranger and singing cowboy, Rex Allen, attempts to save a camp for underprivileged boys with the help of "Alfalfa " Switzer who plays one of the boys.
성난 파도
Young Sailor
롤스는 남쪽 해엽에서 한 선박의 선장이며, 네덜란드 해운업계 왕인 반슈리벤과는 그가 사랑하는 여인 안젤리크에 대한 라이벌 관계에 있다. 반슈리벤이 롤스의 애인인 안제리크를 몰래 데려갔기에 롤스는 반슈리벤에게 오랜 원한을 갖고 있다. 복수심에 불타는 롤스, 상식을 벗어난 클라이막스에 앞서 값진 보석들을 둘러싼 일들이 계속 일어난다. 최후의 포상은 선박에 의해 운반된 황금이다.
Link Thoms
A cattle-vs.-sheepman feud loses Connie Dickason her fiance, but gains her his ranch, which she determines to run alone in opposition to Frank Ivey, "boss" of the valley, whom her father Ben wanted her to marry. She hires recovering alcoholic Dave Nash as foreman and a crew of Ivey's enemies. Ivey fights back with violence and destruction, but Dave is determined to counter him legally... a feeling not shared by his associates. Connie's boast that, as a woman, she doesn't need guns proves justified, but plenty of gunplay results.
Adventures of the Flying Cadets
Scrapper McKay
Four youthful cadets are implicated in a series of murders, and must attempt to clear themselves of suspicion.
에어 포스
Radio Operator Peterson
1941년 12월 6일, 9대의 B-17 폭격기가 샌프란시스코에서 하와이로 향한다. 폭격기 ‘메리 앤’은 아일랜드인 퀸캐넌이 조종한다. 폭격수 맥마틴의 여동생은 하와이에 살고 있는데, 부조종사 윌리엄스가 그녀를 좋아한다. 한편, 사수 위노키는 틈만 나면 군을 떠날 생각을 한다. 12월 7일 아침, 이들은 태평양을 건너 목적지에 도착하는데, 바로 그때, 일본군이 진주만을 습격했다는 소식이 들려온다. 진주만 습격과 관련한 역사적 사건을 바탕으로 한 작품으로, 놀랄 만한 비행 장면을 화면에 담았다. 혹스는 조종사의 삶에도 초점을 맞추면서도 공동의 책임의식과 팀워크가 전장에서 얼마나 중요한지 이야기한다. * 필름제공: The Library of Congress (USA) (2016 영화의 전당 - 세계영화사의 위대한 유산, 월드시네마 XIII)