2차 대전을 배경으로 나치 장교의 아들이었던 소년 브루노가 아빠의 전근으로 베를린에서 폴란드로 이사를 가게 되는데 그의 아빠는 그저 군인이 아닌 나치의 최고 엘리트 장교 중 한 명. 농장이라고 생각했던 곳은 유대인들이 홀로코스트의 학대를 받은 아우슈비츠다. 숲 속을 거닐던 브루노는 철조망을 발견하게 되고 슈무얼이라는 동갑내기 유대인 소년을 만나 친구가 된다. 전쟁, 학살이라는 말조차 인식하지 못하는 순진무구한 소년들의 우정은 끔찍한 결말을 가져오게 되는데...
This film describes the narrator's childhood, the years before and after the Hungarian Soviet Republic, in a burlesque and fabulous style and with the humour of a child's fantasy.
A comedy about two twin brothers - Sándor, who emigrated and became a rich man, and Zoltán, who stayed in Hungary and lives the life of an average working-class man. When Sándor visits his twin brother, they are constantly mistaken for each other, and when Zoltán sees how differently people treat Sándor because of his money and his foreign citizenship, he begins to like being mistaken for him - until he realizes that this means he will lose his girlfriend Szöszi...
An ambitious theatre director arrives in Gyulaháza from the capital. The aim of the young Debrődy is to shake up the locals and turn the life of the town upside down.
A young priest visits a barber's shop to get shaved. When he leans back and closes his eyes, the barbers decide to play a prank on him. Instead of a male barber they let a female hairdresser take care of the shaving. When the priest feels her soft fingers on his skin, he opens his eyes and sees the woman. He cannot do anything but stay in the chair, as he has shaving cream all around his chin. The woman continues the shaving in a rather sensual way. When the priest leaves the barber's shop, he looks disconcerted.