Sasha Gioppo

Sasha Gioppo

프로필 사진

Sasha Gioppo

참여 작품

Children Without Parents
Children Without Parents is a work of autobiographical fiction, where the filmmaker Casey Puccini explores his relationship with his brazen siblings in the days right after their father’s suicide. The orphaned adults soon enter into a match of emotional destruction, targeting each other’s insecurities, and channeling the worst of their posthumous father’s personality. Puccini plays himself in this heartfelt pre-enactment, revealing the destructive underbelly of family dynamics.
발칙한 러브스캔들
결혼 생각 없이 가벼운 연애만을 추구하는 바람둥이 조쉬, 밴드하는 철없는 남친을 부모님께 소개할 생각에 기대 반 걱정 반인 몰리. 조쉬와 몰리는 서로의 애인과 함께 몰리 엄마의 결혼식이 있을 시카고를 가기 위해 공항을 향한다. 하지만 출발하기도 전에 애인과 갑작스러운 이별을 하게 되는 조쉬와 몰리. 여친과 헤어진 지 몇 시간이 채 되지 않았음에도 공항에서 여자에게 작업을 거는 조쉬와 헤어진 남친에게 배신감에 사로잡혀 슬픔과 분노를 제어하지 못하는 몰리는 공항에서 마주치게 된다. 그러던 중 아버지의 전화를 받게 된 조쉬는 급작스러운 아버지의 시한부 선고를 듣게 되고, 죽기 전 조쉬의 신부를 보고 싶다는 아버지의 이야기를 듣고 얼떨결에 몰리와 약혼했다는 선의의(?) 거짓말을 하게 되는데...
Present Company
Sam Manero
Leading very separate lives, Christy and her boyfriend Buddy live together in her parent's basement with their baby Mikey. As Christy, a waitress and aspiring writer, and Buddy, a plumber's apprentice, struggle with the realities of their lives, questions are formed about obligations, consequences, and all the identities we employ to get through the day.
Loud bar friend
After an old friend's visit ends, Lori is feeling a bit down. Bored with her job, agitated at home, and frustrated with money problems, Lori takes out her anger on her ex-marine boyfriend, Anson. However, after a broken mug, a trip to the zoo and a case of the shingles Lori's mood changes.
I Don't Care
More poseur than visionary, a filmmaker struggles to keep his creativity alive as he bumbles through the production of his sophomore film. Instead of rising to the challenge, he conflicts with his cast and crew, inevitably becoming a pathetically manipulative prick who no one can stand being around. A cast of Chicago talents star in this dark comedy about the consequences of pernicious narcissism developed from unchecked mediocrity in the world of independent film.