Mari Szemes

Mari Szemes

출생 : 1932-05-07, Sastin, Czechoslovakia [now Slovakia]

사망 : 1988-12-10

프로필 사진

Mari Szemes

참여 작품

Valahol Magyarországon
Diary for My Loves
A continuation of "Diary for My Children," the film picks up in 1950, when Juli, the diarist, is 18 and determined to become a movie director.
A béke 7. napja
András édesanyja
Átok és szerelem
내 어린 날의 일기
는 마르타 메자로스 감독 자신의 어린 시절을 담은 첫번째 ‘일기’ 영화이다. 소련에서 헝가리 이민 가족으로 살고 있던 율리는 그곳에서 부모님을 잃고, 조부모와 함께 헝가리로 돌아온다. 그들은 공산당의 고급관료인 마그다의 집으로 들어가서 살게 된다. 마그다는 율리를 양딸로 삼으려고 하지만 율리는 세상과 고립된 상황과 그 집안의 냉랭하고 굴욕적인 분위기 때문에 고통스러워 한다. 그녀는 어린 시절 해외에 있던 기억을 떠올린다. 영화관은 그녀의 피난처가 되고 자유로운 생각을 가진 엔지니어 야노스가 율리의 안식처가 되어 준다. 소련과 헝가리라는 서로 다른 두 세계의 영향을 받고 자라난 율리는 그녀의 할아버지가 세상을 떠난 후 마그다의 품을 떠나기로 결심한다. - 제9회 서울여성영화제
흰 암말의 아들
Fehérló / Hókirálnyö (voice)
A horse goddess gives birth to three powerful brothers who set out into the Underworld to save three princesses from three evil dragons and reclaim their ancestors' lost kingdom.
A zebegényiek
Az okos Zebegényi felesége
Jutka anyja
Jutka, a young woman who works in a factory, falls in love with Andras, a university student. She pretends to be a student, to him and to his parents, and begins to live a lie. Finally she rebels against Andras and his demands and the social conventions that forced her to live a lie.
Martin Cuckoo
Marci, an impertinent crook buries his drunk parents and chooses to wander instead of becoming an apprentice.
The Black City
Feature film version of the 1971 series.
In the Prime of Life
The film describes the general situation and conditions of the middle-aged intellectuals.
Binding Sentiments
Edit, who became the wife of a politician out of a simple peasant girl, suddenly becomes a widow as a result of an accident. She never loved her husband. She lives a wealthy and lonely life amidst false friends, facing one of the last alternatives of her life, i.e. having to face her past in the hope of an independent new beginning.
The Lost Generation
Ambrusné, Anna
The engineer Ambrus has been suspended in his job because he publicly called the attention of the customers to a construction mistake of some goods designed to be exported. His immediate boss learns the news on a business trip to Paris. He meets his old friend Lendvay, an emigrant from Hungary, and his French wife in a cellar bar. After their talk Benkő starts seeing things in a different perspective. When he returns home, he decides to take a stand for Ambrus against Ferenczi, the general director, despite his wife's and the old director's advice.
The Healing Water
In a little town named Lombos, suddenly a smelly, sulphonic thermal water gush out. Félix Szombathy, a swindler sees a great business opportunity in this. He founded a fraud company and promised to revive the town.
Cold Days
Andras Kovacs' film, considered one of the most important Hungarian films of the 1960s, centers around four men who await trial for their involvement in the massacre of several thousand Jewish and Serbian people of Novi Sad in 1942. Each denies any responsibility, claiming that they were only following orders. The film is significant for its willingness to address the subject of Hungary's role in WWII, which was taboo at the time of the its release.
Gasoline Damage
"Are you looking to buy a car? Not sure which one to buy? Clueless? We can solve all your problems. Watch our latest film! All your problems will be solved because we'll talk you out of them for the price of a single ticket." - says the comedy's obliging narrator (Ervin Kibédi), who tries to talk the viewer out of buying a car. To do this, he tells the audience some instructive and humorous car-related stories...
Egy ember, aki nincs
Anci Kiss
Házasságból elégséges
Zsuzsi Körmendi
Until the Day is Breaking
Mihály Zágon has been struggling with his conservative mother-in-law for a long time. Now, that his wife is pregnant, the old woman wants Piroska to stay in bed. Mihály is elected to be the president of the co-operative, but nobody is happy about this back home. His wife often pretends to be ill to keep him by her side.
Csutak and the Grey Horse
Csutak édesanyja
Csutak is just a pain in the neck, the little boy is even excluded from play by his mates. Vacation is spent lonely until one day he sneaks the woman haulier's old, shabby horse, a creature that would be better off in a slaughterhouse, out with himself. Possessing the animal is the key to the children's gang. They all try to find a place for the horse.
Summer Rain
Miskei, the popular and dynamic president of a co-op falls in love with Mari, the attractive wife of the elderly Pató. The deeply feeling woman is fed up with the service beside the haughty land holder, she is longing for tenderness and a child. The passion of Miskei is growing when he sees how crudely, humiliating Pató treats her. During a powerful summer shower, when chance brings them together in an abandoned press house, he storms on Mari confessing love. The woman refuses him bitterly. Miskei calms down and he keeps on expressing his love and high esteem with the woman by steadfast and tiny compliments. Early one morning Mari leaves her husband and sets off to the city to learn and to begin a new life.
October, 1956. Colonel lieutenant Szabó sends a platoon with the mission of calming the people demonstrating in the town. The platoon is lined up under the command of Lieutenant Csendes and the soldiers aim at the demonstrators. Szusza Kis changes sides, and Csendes is unable to shoot at his childhood mate. They withdraw.
A Window on the Sky
Mrs. Fazekas and her three sons live in a tenement house in the outskirts. The eldest son, Fecó, is saving money in order to buy a washing machine for his mother, while her other two sons spend time by hanging around and playing tricks.
The Last Adventure of Don Juan
Hungarian film.
At Midnight
On New Year's Eve in 1956 the artist couple, the actor János and the dancer Viki are hastily packing. While they are waiting for the car, which is to take them across the border, their entire life is replayed in front of their eyes.
Adventure in Gerolstein
In Gerolstein, those girls who were born the same year as the princess, cannot marry until she remains maiden. An attractive and very rich husband is needed for Antónia in order to fill the treasures up. The wonderful reigning princess meets her selected bridegroom, the emperor of the neighbouring Pecunia in disguise and by accident.
Honour and Glory
Rózsi, Luckó's bride
Goose Boy
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