Sara Norte

Sara Norte

출생 : 1985-04-08, Lisbon, Portugal

프로필 사진

Sara Norte
Sara Norte

참여 작품

실종: 사라진 아이
아들이 실종된 지 몇 년 후, 어머니는 여전히 살아 있다고 믿는 아이를 애도하도록 강요하려는 우주에서 움직이고 있는 동안 정의로 해결할 수 없는 납치 사건 이후 아들을 계속 찾으려고 노력합니다.
A Morte do Super-Homem
Luís Carlos is back from a six-week trip to Boston, where he was doing research on Superman for his master’s thesis. He considers Superman to be one of the best heroes of all time – if not the best. When he arrives in Lisbon and discovers that Superman has died, despair takes over his life.
The journey of 11 women while they go on a pilgrimage from Bragança to Fatima.
Famel Top Secret
New Jorge Monte Real movie
A Bomba
A group of innocent hostages is left to their own deaths facing a clockwork bomb, while the whole country watches them on the TV.
The young, sickly girl Bernadette comes from a poverty-stricken family. When the Virgin Mary appears to her in a cavern near Lourdes, no one takes the girl seriously, even when she digs up a wellspring at the Virgin's instructions The local authorities even try to hush up the entire incident. In vain, however, because when Empress Eugénie requests water from the spring for her sickly son, they are forced to acquiesce. And even the local priest is finally convinced. While taking his tuberculosis-stricken fiancé Claire to a sanatorium, the young doctor Henri Guillaumet meets Bernadette. The water from Lourdes' spring heals Claire's disease overnight, but the scientist in Henri doubts the miracle and wants to expose Bernadette as a liar. It is not until Henri again meets Bernadette, who has in the meantime become a nun and works as a nurse, that he finds a way to balance belief and modern science. And his love for Claire is strengthened as well.