One day, Chizuru (Nana Asakawa) and Mioto (Aino Kuribayashi) enters problem-solving office Kurogarasu. The two girls look naive, but Chizuru is a leader of a enjo kosai group. Their group makes money by having young girls date older men for money. Thugs are threatening Chizuru for money. Chizuru pays 2.5 million yen to the problem-solving office Kurogarasu for their help. Kuroto (Tsubasa Sakiyama), Yuya (Keisuke Ueda) and Hina (Moga Mogami) take the case and begin to investigate the thugs, but they find something unexpected.
One day, Chizuru (Nana Asakawa) and Mioto (Aino Kuribayashi) enters problem-solving office Kurogarasu. The two girls look naive, but Chizuru is a leader of a enjo kosai group. Their group makes money by having young girls date older men for money. Thugs are threatening Chizuru for money. Chizuru pays 2.5 million yen to the problem-solving office Kurogarasu for their help. Kuroto (Tsubasa Sakiyama), Yuya (Keisuke Ueda) and Hina (Moga Mogami) take the case and begin to investigate the thugs, but they find something unexpected.
Kazuki works as a rookie host at a host club. One of his regular customers is Mai, but she disappears. Mai has a tab of 6 million yen with the host club. The bar owner orders Kazuki to find Mai within a week or Kazuki will have to pay back her debt. Kazuki turns to problem-solving office Kurogarasu. There, Kuroto, Yuya and Hina are hired by Kazuki to find Mai and he offers them 3 million yen.
Kazuki works as a rookie host at a host club. One of his regular customers is Mai, but she disappears. Mai has a tab of 6 million yen with the host club. The bar owner orders Kazuki to find Mai within a week or Kazuki will have to pay back her debt. Kazuki turns to problem-solving office Kurogarasu. There, Kuroto, Yuya and Hina are hired by Kazuki to find Mai and he offers them 3 million yen.
Hello Hijikichiro's original work "Velvet · Kiss" is made into a live-action image. Nitta is still swayed by Hanaoko's selfishness as ever. I was sending my absentee sleep every day with work and "friends" hanging on. While carefully meeting Saeki who I met by chance, there was no musical tone in the service to Hanaoko. Saeki sent me an e-mail so as to care for such Nitta. Nitora becomes ecstatic. And on the date of the day, calling Hanoko also heartlessly....
Hello Hijikichiro's original work "Velvet · Kiss" is made into a live-action image. Nitta is still swayed by Hanaoko's selfishness as ever. I was sending my absentee sleep every day with work and "friends" hanging on. While carefully meeting Saeki who I met by chance, there was no musical tone in the service to Hanaoko. Saeki sent me an e-mail so as to care for such Nitta. Nitora becomes ecstatic. And on the date of the day, calling Hanoko also heartlessly....
흔하디흔한 직장인 닛타 신. 웬일인지 요즘 그에게는 행운이 끊이지 않는다. 복권에 당첨되는가 하면, 영업 성적도 승승장구이다. 하지만 행운에는 언제나 불행이 따르는 법. 어느 날 갑자기 금융업 회사인 기쿠치야에서 그를 찾아와 그에게 자그마치 3.000만엔의 빚이 있음을 알린다. 알고보니 신의 친형이 빌린 돈에 보증을 선 적이 있는데, 형이 그 돈을 갚지 못해 변제의무가 신에게 돌아온 것. 청천벽력 같은 소식에 망연자실한 그에게, 기쿠치야가 기묘한 제안을 한다. 빚을 갚는 대신에, 어떤 여자의 친구가 되어달라고 하는 것이었다. 대체 어떤 여자일지 불안에 차 만나보니, 무척이나 어리고 귀여운 카나코였다. 카나코는 기쿠치야 사장 딸로, 성격이 제멋대로이고 기분 내키는 대로여서 아무 때나 신을 불러내고 폭언을 일삼는다. 쇼핑 시중은 물론 심부름에 잠자리 파트너까지 하느라 정신이 없는 신은 당연히 영업성적은 떨어지고 몸도 마음도 지쳐만 간다. 그러던 중, 직업 기자인 형을 통해 카나코의 안쓰러운 가정사를 듣게 된다. 카나코의 현재 엄마는 원래 이모였으며, 엄마가 돌아가신 직후에 아버지와 재혼을 하셨다는 것이다. 마음이 없는 친구들과의 문란한 생활에 외로움만 커져가는 카나코를 보며 신도 마음이 흔들리게 되지만, 그에게는 우연히 만난 사에키 루미라는 여자친구가 있다. 두 사람 사이에서 방황하면서도 카나코의 곁을 지키는 신의 눈물겨운 노력은 앞으로도 계속될 듯하다.
흔하디흔한 직장인 닛타 신. 웬일인지 요즘 그에게는 행운이 끊이지 않는다. 복권에 당첨되는가 하면, 영업 성적도 승승장구이다. 하지만 행운에는 언제나 불행이 따르는 법. 어느 날 갑자기 금융업 회사인 기쿠치야에서 그를 찾아와 그에게 자그마치 3.000만엔의 빚이 있음을 알린다. 알고보니 신의 친형이 빌린 돈에 보증을 선 적이 있는데, 형이 그 돈을 갚지 못해 변제의무가 신에게 돌아온 것. 청천벽력 같은 소식에 망연자실한 그에게, 기쿠치야가 기묘한 제안을 한다. 빚을 갚는 대신에, 어떤 여자의 친구가 되어달라고 하는 것이었다. 대체 어떤 여자일지 불안에 차 만나보니, 무척이나 어리고 귀여운 카나코였다. 카나코는 기쿠치야 사장 딸로, 성격이 제멋대로이고 기분 내키는 대로여서 아무 때나 신을 불러내고 폭언을 일삼는다. 쇼핑 시중은 물론 심부름에 잠자리 파트너까지 하느라 정신이 없는 신은 당연히 영업성적은 떨어지고 몸도 마음도 지쳐만 간다. 그러던 중, 직업 기자인 형을 통해 카나코의 안쓰러운 가정사를 듣게 된다. 카나코의 현재 엄마는 원래 이모였으며, 엄마가 돌아가신 직후에 아버지와 재혼을 하셨다는 것이다. 마음이 없는 친구들과의 문란한 생활에 외로움만 커져가는 카나코를 보며 신도 마음이 흔들리게 되지만, 그에게는 우연히 만난 사에키 루미라는 여자친구가 있다. 두 사람 사이에서 방황하면서도 카나코의 곁을 지키는 신의 눈물겨운 노력은 앞으로도 계속될 듯하다.
HijiriJunon'na school, there is a woman that school delinquents proud of the national minimum deviation gather. for school management had led a powerful pipe and underworld, police do not move me at all to any disaster in the school. Moreover, the Gyujiri the school in the name of the student council, and waged torture, gang rape, prostitution, a Seizetsu Lynch, poor group of bills with calling himself "Oniyakko-kai" is, can be a risk factor for on-campus I was raised to one and all the victimization Sukeban us.
HijiriJunon'na school, there is a woman that school delinquents proud of the national minimum deviation gather. for school management had led a powerful pipe and underworld, police do not move me at all to any disaster in the school. Moreover, the Gyujiri the school in the name of the student council, and waged torture, gang rape, prostitution, a Seizetsu Lynch, poor group of bills with calling himself "Oniyakko-kai" is, can be a risk factor for on-campus I was raised to one and all the victimization Sukeban us.
2012 original video.
2012 original video.
Story of people looking for love.
Story of people looking for love.
"Tsukigaoka Gakuen" is a collection of inferior boycotts, fights, and bullying. One teacher, Mizuki Okochi, came to the cave of the problem children. A long time ago, Mizuki, who was scared of "Minagaroshi's red-flying feathers" and the bad guys, challenged the students who were fighting the fight with Taiman's education that was full of body, but the principal and the daughter of the PTA chairman Ayumi's black I am involved in a plot... Rina Kato wipes out the image so far and rampages!
"Tsukigaoka Gakuen" is a collection of inferior boycotts, fights, and bullying. One teacher, Mizuki Okochi, came to the cave of the problem children. A long time ago, Mizuki, who was scared of "Minagaroshi's red-flying feathers" and the bad guys, challenged the students who were fighting the fight with Taiman's education that was full of body, but the principal and the daughter of the PTA chairman Ayumi's black I am involved in a plot... Rina Kato wipes out the image so far and rampages!
High school girl, green was the leader of a female gang fight galore, of losing knowing since I was a kid, but it was unrelated to dominate the Academy as "Oniyakko-kai". Led by Ranko, Oniyakko-kai had to mediation as a "toy" to the president and principal of a high school girl in the back. By attacked by a principal, helped HARUE that has ran for his life from the demon guy Association, green day is made to wind up have a one-on-one battle and Ranko.
High school girl, green was the leader of a female gang fight galore, of losing knowing since I was a kid, but it was unrelated to dominate the Academy as "Oniyakko-kai". Led by Ranko, Oniyakko-kai had to mediation as a "toy" to the president and principal of a high school girl in the back. By attacked by a principal, helped HARUE that has ran for his life from the demon guy Association, green day is made to wind up have a one-on-one battle and Ranko.