Special Effects
멕시코 탐피코 마을. 일거리를 찾지 못하던 돕스는 팻에게 고용되어 목수 일을 하게 된다. 팻이 임금을 주지 않자 돕스는 커틴과 함께 팻의 돈을 훔쳐 달아난다. 여관에서 우연히 만난 노인 하워드가 사금이 나온다는 계곡 이야기를 들려주자 둘은 함께 금을 찾으러 떠나는데...
존 휴스턴의 페르소나라 할 수 있는 험프리 보가트와 아버지 월터 휴스턴이 함께 연기한 작품으로, 인간의 탐욕을 적나라하게 그려냈다.
Musical - Romance and music accompany this comedy about a film director searching for a mule to star in his new movie. - Martha O'Driscoll, John Carradine, Eddie Dean
Call Boy in Montage (Uncredited)
Helen Chernen pushes her younger sister Katherine into show business in order to escape their small town poverty.
Eddie Pratt
Army Private Eddie Pratt smuggles his new bride into camp in hopes of having a happy wedding night. Instead they discover a murder. Colonel Rogers of Army Intelligence arrives to take over the case. The prime suspect, Jevries, is well-known to Rogers, who sets out to get a confession from Jevries even though there are plenty of other suspects.
Office Boy (uncredited)
Thelma and Patsy get jobs at a radio station.
Secretary Marilyn David falls in love with British aristocrat Charles Gray, to the dismay of her best friend, reporter Peter Dawes, who secretly loves her. When Peter learns that the already-engaged Charles has hurt Marilyn, he fabricates an article casting her as the "No Girl" who refused to marry a callous aristocrat. But when the publicity brings Marilyn unexpected fame, and Charles returns, she is forced to choose between the two men.
When the romance between radio-singer Eddie Blake and Bessie Dunn goes sour through a series of misunderstanding, Bessie packs to take a week-end trip with the station boss,Stephen Barclay, and Eddie proposes to Hazel, who appears to be open to any kind of proposal. With all of the principals involved and in the office elevator, a cable breaks and the elevator is suspended between floors...and the resolvements begin.