Tilda Gáti

참여 작품

Football of the Good Old Days
Set Decoration
The film is set in Budapest, 1924. Laundryman Ede Minarik's only passion is football. His dream is to see his team, Csabagyöngye, qualify for the first division. For this goal he would be willing to sacrifice everything he has. But he has nothing, even footballers just barely. The team is just like the times. But still, "we need a team!"
Beyond Time
Set Decoration
The story of the film takes place in 1929 in a model prison providing a kind of reflection how society works out there. Udvardi, the weakling and indulgent director is experimenting with putting in practice a kind of pseudo-humanist utopia about the institution of a 'civilised prison'.
붉은 시편
Set Decoration
개성 강한 작가 중에서도 가장 독창적인 작가로 평가받는 미끌로쉬 얀초의 작품으로 1972년 칸 영화제 감독상을 수상한 작품이다. 붉은 시편은 단지 28개의 쇼트만으로 구성되어져 있는데 그의 작품은 발레를 보는 듯한 인물들의 움직임과 역동적인 카메라를 워크, 탁월한 색채 감각이 빚어내는 생동감 넘치는 이미지들이 특징이다.
아뉴스 데이
Set Decoration
1919년 혁명 진압 이후 헝가리에 파시즘이 도래했음을 비판하는 풍자극으로, 한 시골 마을에서 혁명군이 독실하고 광적인 신부 ‘바르가’의 목숨을 살려주지만, 그가 후에 학살을 주동한다는 내용을 담고 있다. 사회 변혁의 시대, 권력을 쥐는 세력이 바뀔 때마다 민중을 억압하는 방법은 더욱 정교하고 교묘해진다는 것을 한편의 우화로 보여주는 작품.
Set Decoration
Don’t Cry, Pretty Girls!
Set Decoration
Savanyú and his friend work at a plant. After the monotonous shifts they engage in the pleasures of the afternoon and the night, i.e. parties and concerts. Savanyú dates Juli, they are already engaged. The young men live as sub-tenants, the young women in workers' hostels. None of these places are suited for spending time together. They are in need of an apartment. Out of the ruinous apartment which they lay siege on, however, they are sent away by the otherwise friendly policeman. At a concert held in the Park of Youth, Juli gets to know Géza. They flirt, then go to the country with a pop-group. Savanyú and his friends follow them. A minor fight cools the atmosphere.
A Galant Story
Set Decoration
It is the story of Bálint Balassi , the poet and warrior. The scene is Hungary at the end of the 16th century. The soldiers stationed at the castles of Hungary's border defence-system spend their days with anti-Turkish raids, hunting and womanising.
A Mad Night
Set Decoration
The grotesque comedy with crime elements takes place in a grocery store.
The Boys of Paul Street
Set Decoration
In Budapest, two rival gangs of young boys lay claim to a vacant lot. The hostilities escalate yet never quite boil over into actual violence. Just when things do get out of hand, however, the problem is "solved" by the city government, which takes over the lot for future development.
Set Decoration
1947년, 전국민중대학생연합에 소속된 청년 공산당원들이 교회와 중학교를 점령한다. 마르크스주의의 유효성을 토론하며, 학생들을 자극하는 청년들. 학생 몇 명을 체포하러 온 경찰관을 두고 거친 논쟁이 벌어지고, 리더인 ‘라치’는 자리에서 물러난다. 그의 권력을 이어받은 두 여학생이 사제들의 옷을 벗기고, 책을 던지고, 창문을 깨트리는 폭력을 행사하면서 사태는 더욱 악화되는데…. 혁명이라는 이름으로 자행되는 폭력의 악순환과 권력욕을 비판하는 강렬한 수작. (한글자막 제공_전주국제영화제)
Production Design
1947년, 전국민중대학생연합에 소속된 청년 공산당원들이 교회와 중학교를 점령한다. 마르크스주의의 유효성을 토론하며, 학생들을 자극하는 청년들. 학생 몇 명을 체포하러 온 경찰관을 두고 거친 논쟁이 벌어지고, 리더인 ‘라치’는 자리에서 물러난다. 그의 권력을 이어받은 두 여학생이 사제들의 옷을 벗기고, 책을 던지고, 창문을 깨트리는 폭력을 행사하면서 사태는 더욱 악화되는데…. 혁명이라는 이름으로 자행되는 폭력의 악순환과 권력욕을 비판하는 강렬한 수작. (한글자막 제공_전주국제영화제)
Binding Sentiments
Set Decoration
Edit, who became the wife of a politician out of a simple peasant girl, suddenly becomes a widow as a result of an accident. She never loved her husband. She lives a wealthy and lonely life amidst false friends, facing one of the last alternatives of her life, i.e. having to face her past in the hope of an independent new beginning.
Three Nights of Love
Set Decoration
A young man spends his last three nights with his lover before his army regiment is ordered to war. When he deserts his unit to return to her side, he discovers the woman he loves is gone, and he is interrogated by the police when he learns his lover is a communist agent. The two finally are reunited at the police station where the embarrassed man denies ever knowing the accused woman.
Late Season
Set Decoration
Kerekes (Antal Pager) believes he is wanted by the police when his friends play a practical joke in this unusual comedy drama. He returns to his hometown where he was accused of turning a Jewish druggist and the druggist's wife over to the Nazis. With his friends following him, Kerekes tries to find out what became of the couple after they were deported. After being subjected to a mock trial by his friends -- and found guilty -- Kerekes becomes despondent and attempts to kill himself. Flashbacks and hallucinations are employed to tell this story that occurs during the Eichmann trial. Both the film and Antal Pager gained some unwanted publicity when a Variety article from April 23rd, 1967 accused Pager of being a Nazi collaborator for his role in an anti-Semitic film during World War II.
Set Decoration
1860년대 말, 헝가리에서 코슈트 러요시가 이끌었던 헝가리 혁명이 진압되고 오스트리아가 헝가리의 패권을 다시 잡았던 시기를 배경으로 하고 있다. 저항군들은 고립된 요새에 감금된다. 수용소의 교도관들은 이 수감자들 중에 반란군의 지도자들이 있다는 사실을 알게 되고 그들의 색출을 위해 온갖 고문을 자행한다.
Twenty Hours
Set Decoration
A crusading newspaper reporter covers the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. Initially critical of the communists, the feature later espouses the virtues of the social changes implemented since the invasion. The title refers to the period of time the reporter spent interviewing witnesses to the invasion.
백일몽의 시대
Set Decoration
대학 졸업 후 연치와 친구들은 어른들의 사회로 첫 발걸음을 내디디며 많은 경험을 한다. 각자의 너무 다른 가치관으로 인한 갈등과 설상가상 친구 러치의 사망은 모두에게 큰 충격을 주는데... [시대의 욕망과 도전을 전하는 이슈트반 서보 감독의 자전적 영화]
Eternal Dance
Set Decoration
Az Életbe táncoltatott leány is a 1964 Hungarian film directed by Tamás Banovich. It was entered into the 1965 Cannes Film Festival where it won a Technical Prize
Two Half-Times in Hell
Set Decoration
To celebrate Hitler's birthday, a soccer match is organized between the Germans and prisoners of war.
The Brute
Set Decoration
This drama about a boorish non-conformist takes place in Hungary after the war and is dulled a little by political overtones but is still an engaging story. The setting is the countryside, where an independent, landowning farmer busies himself in his free time by bedding down the women on his farm and then tossing them aside. One such ill-treated lass ends up marrying a young man who is in charge of a communal farm, a farm the womanizing "beast" of the title is later forced to join. The arrogant, formerly independent farmer does not reform his ways and is soon chasing after the young manager's wife, the woman he dropped not that long ago. The results are disastrous.