Mariana Renata

Mariana Renata

출생 : 1983-12-31, Paris - France


Mariana Renata is a French-Indonesian actress and model. She was born on December 31, 1983 in Paris, Ile-de-France, France. She is known for her roles in Joni's Promise (2005), Someone's Wife in the Boat of Someone's Husband (2013) and Strangers (2013)

프로필 사진

Mariana Renata

참여 작품

이방인들: 디지털삼인삼색2013
묵언수행이라도 하듯 몇 년째 단 한마디 대화도 나누지 않으면서도 한 지붕아래 사는 부부. 전설 속 사랑이야기를 찾아 사와이 섬을 찾은 마리나와 그녀처럼 섬을 찾은 또 다른 이방인이자 전설 속 주인공과 같은 이름을 가진 청년. 구로동과 가리봉동,신림동과 경기도 안산, 대한민국에서 고단하게 살아가는 이방인들의 풍경. 칸이 사랑한 감독 고바야시 마사히로, 인도네시아 영화의 미래 에드윈, 시네아스트 장률 이 펼치는 ‘함께 있어도 혼자인 사람들의 이야기
Someone's Wife in the Boat of Someone's Husband
Legends abound on the Indonesian island of Sawai, but when a young woman arrives to find out more about a story her grandmother told her, no one knows a thing about Halimah who ran away from her husband to have an affair with the sailor Sukab. She does meet a young traveller called Sukab though. In this modest romance, almost documentary shots of village life are combined with the captivating beauty of jungle and sea. With a small walk-on for a squid. Edwin was invited to shoot this modern fairy tale by the film festival in the Korean city of Jeonju as part of the Jeonju Digital Project which in 2013 had the theme Strangers.
Joni's Promise
A film delivery man promises a beautiful young woman to deliver a film to a movie theater. But the whole city seems to conspire against him.