Jess Lee Brooks

참여 작품

잃어버린 주말
실패한 소설가 돈은 술병을 붙들고 산다. 동생 윅과 시골 농장에 가기로 한 주말을 앞두고 윅이 데이트하러 나간 사이에 돈은 윅이 가정부에게 주려고 숨겨둔 돈을 기어코 찾아내 술집에 간다. 결국 윅은 화가 난 채 혼자 떠나고, 돈은 술값을 마련하려고 소설가의 분신과 같은 타자기를 팔기 위해 거리를 배회한다. 와일더는 알코올 중독자의 처절한 극복 과정을 그리며 전후 미국 사회의 우울한 자화상을 포착해 당대의 공감을 이끌어냈다.
드라큐라의 아들
Stephen (uncredited)
브루스터 박사와 프랭크는 알루카드 백작이란 인물이 보내온 짐을 받게 된다. 그리고 브루스터 박사는 백작의 이니셜을 거꾸로 읽자 드라큘라라는 이름이 됨을 알고, 수상하게 생각한다. 그날 밤 캐서린의 아버지가 죽은 후 캐서린은 집을 집을 제외한 모든 권리를 언니에게 넘기게 되고, 알루카드 백작과 결혼식을 올리게 되는데...
Jungle Siren
Chief Selangi
A woman - raised in the jungle - tries to help an American stop a native uprising spurned on by Nazis.
Lucky Ghost
Door Man
An all-black horror comedy starring Mantan Moreland and sometimes partner (and straight man) F.E. Miller, Lucky Ghost is amusing low-brow fare that exploits the more base, stereotypical elements of old-time black life (chicken thievin', gamblin', runnin' from ghosteses) for laughs -- sort of like the BET of its day. Mantan and Miller win a house-cum-casino in a craps game, only to discover that the deceased former owners aren't too pleased that their old home is being used for "jitterbugging, jiving, and hullaballooing". I hate hullaballooing. The ghosts decide to scare everyone off by opening doors and windows, pulling out chairs, even playing the drums.
설리반의 여행
Church Preacher Showing Movie (uncredited)
영화감독인 존 설리반은 가난한 서민들의 삶을 다룬 "오 형제여 어디에 있는가?"라는 제목의 영화를 만들려고 계획 중이다. 영화소재를 찾기 위해 가난한 떠돌이처럼 차려 입고 길을 나섰던 그는 예상치 못했던 소동에 말려들고 급기야 감방에까지 갇히게 된다. 코미디 영화의 천재 프레스턴 스터지스의 40년대 클래식 중에서도 최고로 꼽히는 작품이며, 현기증 나는 유머의 코미디와 진지한 드라마가 이상적으로 결합된 작품이다. 코엔 형제의 는 바로 이 작품에 경의를 표한 영화.
Love Thy Neighbor
Master of Ceremonies - Costume Party
Capitalizing on the famous radio 'feud' between comedians Jack Benny and Fred Allen. The two stars play versions of themselves, constantly at each other's throats due to real and imagined slights.
산타페 트레일
Doorman at Washington Party (uncredited)
As a penalty for fighting fellow classmates days before graduating from West Point, J.E.B. Stuart, George Armstrong Custer and four friends are assigned to the 2nd Cavalry, stationed at Fort Leavenworth. While there they aid in the capture and execution of the abolitionist, John Brown following the Battle of Harper's Ferry.
Mystery Sea Raider
Second Fisherman
June McCarthy has unwittingly aided an undercover Nazi naval officer with acquiring a "mother ship" for German submarines in the Atlantic.
Mystery in Swing
John Carroll
In and around some great blues, swing and jazz music, a very unpopular band-leader. Prince Ellis, is killed in a Harlem nightclub, and, in and around some more great music, a detective finds the lists of suspects is very long, as Prince Ellis was indeed very unpopular with many citizens.
Gang War
Lt. Holmes
Two mobs fight for control of the jukebox racket.
Broken Strings
Dr. Matson
After noted violinist Arthur Williams suffers a hand injury which ends his playing career, his hopes are transferred to his son, who prefers swing music to classical.
The Sun Never Sets
Angry Heavyset Chief
The Randolph family have a tradition of working in the British colonial service. Clive comes home from a mission in the Gold Coast of Africa accompanied by his wife Helen. He discovers his younger brother John, is not keen on following in his footsteps. John is then persuaded to try colonial service by his grandfather. He is accompanied by Clive who has been sent to investigate the source of a series of radio broadcasts that are sewing unrest throughout the world. These may be linked to Hugo Zurof, a man plotting to rule the world.
Midnight Shadow
Sgt. Ramsey
A confidence man pretending to be a mentalist swindles a family.
Two-Gun Man from Harlem
A cowboy is wrongfully accused of murder. He winds up in Harlem, where he assumes the identity of a preacher-turned-gangster who looks like him. He infiltrates the gang to catch the men who framed him.
Spirit of Youth
Jeff Thomas
The story of the rise of boxer Joe Thomas, which paralleled the life of Joe Louis.