Sophie Finkelstein

참여 작품

에밀리 디킨슨의 밤
First Assistant Director
출판업자 메이블은 천재적인 여성 작가 에밀리 디킨즈가 생전에 남겼던 그녀의 편지를 낭독한다. 바로 그녀의 연인이자 올케 수잔 디킨즈와 주고 받은 러브레터인 것이다. 독신자로 살며 베일에 감춰져 있던 에밀리에게 수잔은 지대한 영향을 미친다. 메이블은 에밀리가 짧은 생을 마감하기 이전까지 수잔과 나눴던 열렬한 사랑의 이야기들을 들려준다.
"Expecting" is a story of a teenage girl that finds out she is pregnant on the day she is to portray the Virgin Mary in her church Nativity play. She must negotiate a kicking and screaming baby Jesus as she sorts out her life crises for her entire church to see.
Druid Peak
Assistant Director
A troubled teen is sent to live with his estranged father, a park ranger. During his time there, he develops an unusual affinity with and passion for the wolves in a local pack.
Jerome's Bouquet
Production Manager
82 year-old Elena Klein, a retired New York florist, can't stop arranging — only now it's not flowers she's arranging, but people's lives.