Brian Pittman

참여 작품

메카닉: 리크루트
과거를 청산하고 평화로운 일상을 보내던 ‘비숍’(제이슨 스타뎀) 어느 날 의문의 세력에 의해 여자친구 ‘지나’(제시카 알바)가 납치당하고, 그들로부터 도저히 불가능한 3개의 암살 미션을 의뢰 받는다. 하지만 모든 거래가 그들의 뜻대로 될 것이라 생각하면 틀렸다. 그들도 올 여름도 끝장내러 그가 온다!
돈 패트롤
After the brutal murder of his beloved brother, a small-town surfer seeks revenge against the gang of merciless thugs he holds responsible. However, when another tragedy brings him face to face with the consequences of his actions, he must seek forgiveness from the very people he despises most.
A Haunting at Silver Falls
A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.
Insurance adjuster Elizabeth Alexander is abducted by a backwoods mentally slow Charley and his crazy mother in the swamps of East Arkansas.
이레나 샌들러
2008 Nobel Prize nominee, Irena Sendler, saved 2500 children from the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. Based on a true story.