Ľubomír Paulovič

Ľubomír Paulovič

출생 : 1952-11-07,

프로필 사진

Ľubomír Paulovič

참여 작품

빛이 있으라
독일에서 건설 일을 하다 슬로바키아로 돌아온 남자는 아들이 극우파 민병대와 관련된 것을 알게 된다. 아들을 구하려면 그들과 싸워야 하는 상황에 처한다.
열지 못 한 미래
아들의 살인죄로 기소되었던 네 명의 가해자가 법원의 오심으로 석방된다. 진실을 밝히겠다는 일념으로 아버지는 비협조적인 경찰, 부패한 사법 제도, 편견 가득한 사람들과 외로운 싸움을 시작한다. 과연 그는 이 싸움에서 승리할 수 있을까?
Martin a Venuše
Mŕtvola musí zomrieť
Orest z rodu čarodejníkov
Broken Promise
Jožo Dobiáš
Slovakia, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The family of the young Jewish Martin Friedmann gathers to celebrate his bar mitzvah and make a solemn promise that they will all meet again a year later around the same table; but the storms of war and anti-Semitic fanaticism will lead each of them down very different paths.
Soul at Peace
Set against the majestic mountains of central Slovakia, first time director Vladimir Balko explores the difficulties and challenges one former inmate must face upon his release from prison. Tono has just been released after a five-year stint in prison for lumber theft. Although attempting to stay on the straight and narrow, Tono is faced with many obstacles including building a relationship with his son, saving his now fragile marriage, and avoiding the tempting lure of his previous life of crime. A story of friendship and betrayal, SOUL AT PEACE was an official selection at the prestigious Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.
Ábelův černý pes
Rajónové blues
Konecná stanica
A successful Slovak film adaptation of the eponymous play Radošina Naive Theatre.
Zostane to medzi nami
러시아의 탄광촌을 가로질러 가던 기차가 마주 오는 기차와 충돌하여 엄청난 핵폭발 사고를 일으킨다. 기차는 냉전시대 종식과 함께 러시아에서 보유하고 있던 핵무기들을 철거하기 위해 운반하던 도중이었다. 핵무기들은 습격을 받아 한 개만 장전이 된 채 모두 탈취된다. 이 사건으로 전세계의 나라와 국민이 위협에 처하고, 이에 백악관은 이 사고의 원인을 분석하기 위해 핵 물리학자인 줄리아 켈리 박사를 백악관의 핵무기 밀수 단속반 책임자로 임명한다. 그녀는 위성사진을 판독한 후 사건을 분석하고 탈취된 핵무기를 찾는 일에 착수한다. 그리고 이런 그녀를 돕기 위해 미 육군 특수정보국 소속의 토마스 드보 대령이 파견되는데...
...kone na betóne
Manžel Paulíny
Sny podľa Renoira
Zuzka Turanova
A ballad of unequal marriage taking place between the Slovak minority in Vojvodina, Serbia.
Zuzka Turanova
A ballad of unequal marriage taking place between the Slovak minority in Vojvodina, Serbia.
Dvadsaťštyri hodín zo života istej ženy
It's Better to Be Healthy and Wealthy than Poor and Sick
A satiric tragi-comedy about two women and their lover Robert who is an emigrant that keeps coming back. This film shows chaotic post-communist Europe after the fall of totalitarianism. Two opposite characters, women, meet during the Velvet Revolution in November 1989. Intellectual dissident Nona and a Communist secret police boss’ mistress Ester. They meet at an anti-regime demonstration and become friends. They don’t want anything to do with politics, both want to get married and have kids, but also get rich. Crazy plans and risky attempts to realize their shared dreams land them in many sticky situations in the post-revolution chaos. Too much money gets in the way of the power of friendship.
Ružová Anička
Celý deň obchádzam panelák
Kapitán Staso
Letiace tiene
O Džaudarovi a jeho bratoch
Radical Cut
Múdry Maťko a blázni
Dom pod morušou
Dies Irae
A 1984 Slovak language drama film directed by Martin Tapák.
Salt & Gold
Princ Kazimír
A fairy-tale about the power of love. The old king Pravoslav feels it is time to entrust the rule over his kingdom to one of his three daughters - the one that loves him the most. The youngest, Maruška, fails her father's expectations about proving how deep her love him is. He misunderstands her and she is made to leave the castle. She faces many dangers on the way to her loved one, the Salt Prince.
Letný strom radosti
She Kept Asking for the Moon
Johanka had a fling with a well digger she had not met before and who, she was most likely certain, would never be around again. Just before his departure, they have sex and she eventually becomes single mother of a baby girl. 18 years later her (now 18-year-old) daughter Paulina commutes by bus to work in the nearby city, which gives the village gossips the occasional opportunity to remind her of her unknown father. A resultant conflict with her mother makes Paulina take up residence in the city. Johanka, prodded by her also-single friend Jozefka who maintains that a woman without a man is nothing, begins to woo the new teacher Jarek only to discover later that he is married. Paulina, in the meantime, loses her virginity to the soldier Jirka who promptly makes himself scarce. Johanka fails to consider that she actually has a better life than some of her married neighbors, begins to see.
Najkrajší kvet
Vták nociar
Bičianka z doliny
The comedy based on the novel of Zuzka Zguriška whose story takes place at the Myjavske Kopanice.
O dievčine Rozprávočke
Vynes na horu svoj hrob
Já jsem Stěna smrti
Tri svadby
Inspector Wesely (voice)
Pani Heléne
Krótkie życie
Perinbaba a dva svety
Lukáš, Alžbetka's son, takes off into the world looking for happiness and love. His godmother, the celestial Lady Winter, keeps an eye on him. He arrives late in the fairy-tale land that she leads him to. Fear reigns where once cakes grew on trees. The miraculous ram has disappeared and the royal town is cursed. Lukáš has to decide what is closer to his heart: a fortune or love?