Mara Lynn

출생 : 1927-07-17,

사망 : 1988-04-06

참여 작품

Beyond the Law
Ilse Fuchs
Takes place over the course of one feverish night in a Manhattan police precinct and neighboring bar.
The Confession
Madame Rinaldi, owner of a bordello, helps thief Mario Forni locate an ancient buried treasure.
사랑을 합시다
Lily Nyles
미국의 대부호 클레이몽(Jean-Marc Clement: 이브 몽땅 분) 회장은 한 연극무대에서 자신을 놀림감으로 삼는다는 이야기를 듣고 연극을 중지시키기 위해 극단을 찾아간다. 그러나 아이러니컬하게도 클레이몽은 연극배우인 아만다(Amanda Dell: 마릴린 몬로 분)를 보고 그만 짝사랑에 빠진다. 게다가 클레이몽 자신이 신분을 숨긴 채 극중에서 우스꽝스런 역할까지도 맡게 된다. 이때부터 클리이몽은 아만다의 환심을 사기 위해 갖은 노력을 다한다. 엄청난, 돈을 들여 당대 최고의 일류 개그맨과 댄서, 가수들의 레슨을 받지만 모든 것이 서툴기만 하다. 또한 클레이몽은 가난해서 빚으로 넘어가려는 극단을 살리고 자신의 부하직원을 후원자로 삼는가 하면, 아만다의 상대역이 되어 그녀의 사랑을 차지해 보려고도 하지만 역시 역부족이다. 그러나 이런 클레이몽을 언제나 격려하고 위로해 주는 아만다. 마침내 그는 아만다에게 자신의 진실한 사랑을 고백하며, 자신의 신분을 밝히지만 그녀는 믿으려 하지 않는다. 애가 탄 클레이몽은 그녀를 회사로 불러들여 자신을 믿게 하려 하는데.
예술가와 모델
Dancer (uncredited)
릭(딘 마틴)은 만화가 지망이고 유진(제리 루이스)은 동화작가 지망으로 뉴욕의 한 아파트에 살면서 성공을 꿈꾸고 있다. 항상 만화속의 세계에 갇혀 사는 유진은 만화의 내용을 그대로 악몽을 꾼다. 릭은 유진의 악몽이 자신의 만화의 소재가 될 수있다는 걸 깨닫고 작품을 만들기로 한다. 제리 루이스/ 딘 마틴 콤비가 출연한 작품중 최고의 걸작으로 꼽힌다.
Top Banana
Dancer (uncredited)
Jerry Biffle is the star of the Blendo Soap Program. He has been invited to participate in an autograph-signing party for his new book at an important department store. Jerry meets Sally Peters, one of the department store models, and makes her part of his TV troupe. As part of his campaign to court Sally, Jerry gets Cliff Lane, the tenor of his TV company, to sing to her over the phone. When Sally and Cliff meet, they fall in love, with Biffle ignorant of the complications.
Sky High
When he is told that he is to spend three more years as a tailgunner, goofball GI Herbert Pumice thinks that a promotion--which he has little to no chance of getting--will get him out of the job he hates. He asks his girlfriend Sally, who owns the base café, for help. She goes to the base commander, Col. Baker--who she knows has a crush on her--to help out Herbert. Col. Baker schedules a promotion hearing for Herbert that Friday. He naturally fails it miserably, and then learns that Col. Baker is going out on a date with Sally. Meanwhile, the base military intelligence officer discovers that Herbert is a dead-ringer for the head of a spy ring intending to sabotage a new automated plane, and gets Herbert assigned to infiltrate the gang. Complications ensue.
Leave It to the Marines
Sgt. 'Foghorn' McTaggert
Gerald Meek and Myrna McAllister go to city hall to apply for a marriage license. Gerald wanders into the Marine Recruiting office by mistake and Sergeant Delaney signs him into the Marine Corps and sends him for a medical examination before Gerald realizes what has happened. He finds himself in uniform and ready to be shipped to boot camp without any delay, other than explain to his intended-bride that Uncle Sam has other plans for him.
Leave It to the Marines
Myrna McAllister
Gerald Meek and Myrna McAllister go to city hall to apply for a marriage license. Gerald wanders into the Marine Recruiting office by mistake and Sergeant Delaney signs him into the Marine Corps and sends him for a medical examination before Gerald realizes what has happened. He finds himself in uniform and ready to be shipped to boot camp without any delay, other than explain to his intended-bride that Uncle Sam has other plans for him.
G.I. Jane
Private Pilsnick
A civilian, ordered to report to his draft board, slips off into a dream about the army life ahead of him. He is assigned to a remote desert post where the soldiers crave female companionship. He forges orders that brings a platoon of WACs who are forbidden to fraternize with the soldiers.
Prehistoric Women
Tigri and her stone age friends, all of which are women, hate all men. However, she and her Amazon tribe see men as a "necessary evil" and capture them for potential husbands. Engor, who is smarter than the rest of the men, is able to escape them. He discovers fire and battle enormous beasts.