Armand Gatti

참여 작품

The Writing on the Wall
We do not have an overview for this movie.
The Writing on the Wall
We do not have an overview for this movie.
Le lion, sa cage et ses ailes
A video series directed by Armand Gatti.
Der Übergang über den Ebro
Aguirre, a Spanish father, left his family to work as a sewer worker in Germany. His son joined and he does hire. One day, the boy dies in an accident as well as German sewer worker who tries to save him. Aguirre tries to reach out to his widow and children who turn away. He understands that it is because he is a foreign worker and they reproach him as a foreigner, to be the cause of death of the German sewage worker. The universe Aguirre then collapses.
The Mistral
Scenario Writer
Dutch documentary filmmaker Joris Ivens follows the course of the famous wind as it originates in the Alps and finds its way to the Mediterranean Sea. Natural sounds and creative camera work provide a mood film showing the effect of the fury of the wind on the life of southern France.
El otro Cristóbal
Directed by Armand Gatti
Gatti focuses on two men in a German concentration camp who have been cruelly penned inside an enclosure. One of the men, Karl (Herbert Wochinz), is a strong, bitter anti-Nazi German -- a target of the Gestapo. The SS wants information on a rumored organization of resistance fighters inside the prison and they know he has it. The other man, David (Jean Negroni) is a Jew. If one of the men dies within a certain time then the other will be released. He will not be killed. Otherwise, both will be executed. The resistance fighters in the prison try to help the two as best they can, while the pair inside the enclosure slowly come to know each other as though they were brothers.
Gatti focuses on two men in a German concentration camp who have been cruelly penned inside an enclosure. One of the men, Karl (Herbert Wochinz), is a strong, bitter anti-Nazi German -- a target of the Gestapo. The SS wants information on a rumored organization of resistance fighters inside the prison and they know he has it. The other man, David (Jean Negroni) is a Jew. If one of the men dies within a certain time then the other will be released. He will not be killed. Otherwise, both will be executed. The resistance fighters in the prison try to help the two as best they can, while the pair inside the enclosure slowly come to know each other as though they were brothers.
한국전쟁이 시작될 무렵인 1950년을 배경으로, 한 젊은 노동자와 전통음악가의 딸의 사랑 이야기가 개성에서 펼쳐진다. 보나르도 감독과 각본가 아르망 가티가 한국전쟁이 끝난 지 5년 뒤인 1958년 봄, 북한에 초청된 크리스 마커, 클로드 란츠만 등 언론-예술인 대표단에 합류해 만든 영화다.
The Happy Road
Director of Photography
It is only the prospect of having a child that draws the otherwise strictly urban new wife, Suzanne, to a family farm, she really doesn't care for the countryside of for her in laws.