Col. Von Kahr
Edited version of the 1942 Republic serial "Spy Smasher," cut down to one hour and sold for TV release in 1966 in a syndication package with other truncated Republic serials.
Mr. Rolfe Bergh - Chaperon
어빙 월레스(Irving Wallace) 원작의 스파이 스릴러물로 노벨상 시상식을 둘러싼 음모에 주인공이 휘말려들어 겪는 모험을 그린 작품이다. 히치콕 영화의 아류같은 구성을 가지고 있지만, 의외로 탄탄한 구성을 가진 작품으로 에드워드 G. 로빈슨의 1인 2역을 비롯하여 연기진들의 조화도 좋고, 액션과 수수께끼와 로맨스에 유머까지 곁들여져서 제법 볼만한 작품으로 만들어졌다. 아기자기한 스토리와 뉴만 특유의 능청스러운 연기에 노벨상이라는 색다른 배경으로 재미가 있는 영화다.
Adaptation of the play Music at Midnight, set in the Iron Curtain.
Col. Wilhelm Krafft
An American Infantry officer assigned to a cloak-and-dagger role in Rome uses homing pigeons for outside contact, with humorous results.
American GI Ernie Williams, admittedly weak-kneed, has an uncanny resemblance to British Colonel MacKenzie. Williams, also a master of imitation and disguise, is asked to impersonate the Colonel, ostensibly to allow the Colonel to make a secret trip East. What Williams is not told is that the Colonel has recently been a target of assassins. After the Colonel's plane goes down, the plan changes and Williams maintains the disguise to confuse the Nazis about D-Day.
Dr. Leyden
Luigi, Jerry, and Mike are in boot camp when they are presented with a chance to represent their unit in competition on a national television show. The three guys are up to the challenge, which begins a chain of unusual circumstances that not only have them singing and dancing at the proper times, but also running into a trio of alluring young women.
Wilhelm Gottfried
The baron's grandson rents the family castle to a TV crew to fund his atomic revival of the family monster.
Col. Karl Osler
A couple wash up on an uncharted island where Nazi experiments are going on.
Dr. Louis DuPont
A botanical expedition to the Himalayas captures a Yeti and brings it back alive to Los Angeles, where it escapes and runs amok, seeking food.
Mr. Ettinger (uncredited)
연예계의 숨겨진 일화를 그린 영화. 영화배우 겸 가수로 주가를 높이고 있는 노먼 메인은 부와 명예를 지니고 있지만 삶이 권태롭다. 그런 어느 날 친구들과 다운비트 클럽에 갔다가 무명 가수 에스터의 선천적인 재질을 발견, 자신의 상대역으로 발탁시킨다. 두 사람은 점차 사랑하는 사이로 발전하고 비키 에스터라는 이름으로 바꾼 노먼은 팬들의 야유를 무릅쓰고 그녀를 공연에 출연시켜 대성공을 거두어 에스터는 하루 아침에 스타가 된다. 노먼과 에스터는 비밀리에 결혼식을 올리고 네바다 주의 사막에다 그들만의 보금자리를 꾸민다. 하지만 에스터의 인기가 높아 갈수록 노먼은 슬럼프에 빠지게 되면서 두 사람의 행복은 금이 가기 시작하는데...
Dr. Goebbel
When a cold medicine causes Sach to be able to smell diamonds, he and the rest of the Bowery Boys are induced by a diamond dealer to accompany him to Darkest Africa in search of a legendary cache of them.
Dr. Albert Fuss
방탕한 부잣집 자식이자 바람둥이인 밥 메릭. 밥 메릭은 어느 날 젊은 혈기로 고속 모터보트를 몰다가 사고를 당하고, 그를 구하기 위해 구조활동이 벌어지는 동안 필립 박사가 사망한다. 밥 메릭은 유족인 헬렌에게 미안함을 표시하려 헬렌을 찾아가지만 헬렌은 자동차 사고를 당하고, 그 결과 실명하고 만다. 시력을 잃고 절망한 헬렌에게 밥은 로빈슨이라는 가명으로 접근하여 위안이 되어주려 노력한다. 밥은 헬렌과 함께 스위스로 간 뒤, 그곳에서 중단했던 의학 공부를 다시 시작한다.
Dr. Loran
Rocky Jones tries to free the hostages and thwart the plans of the evil Queen Cleolantha.
Dr. Yeager
A group of communist spies plan to blow up an essential commercial artery, the Panama Canal. To this end, they have kidnapped a nuclear scientist and are traveling by steamship to the coast of South America. Luckily for western civilization, the hard-nosed ship's captain, played by Barton MacLane, has other ideas.
Capt. van Dorck
Marine Sergeant James O'Hearn is being tried at the San Diego Marine base for desertion, theft, scandalous conduct and destruction of property in time of war. He refuses to testify or plead guilty or not guilty to the charges. Showgirl Ginger Martin takes the stand against his protest. She testifies O'Hearn won't talk because he is protecting the name of his pal, Marine Private Davey White. Ginger tells how she, broke and stranded, met the two marines in Shanghai two weeks before Pearl Harbor.
Dr. Wyatt
After a UFO sighting, a mysterious phantom in a bizarre outfit starts attacking people in San Fernando Valley.
Gregory Marek
An innocent man accused of a murder hides out aboard a steam ship in South American.
German (voice) (uncredited)
A former prisoner of war, Frank Enley is hailed as a hero in his California town. However, Frank has a shameful secret that comes back to haunt him when fellow survivor Joe Parkson emerges, intent on making Frank pay for his past deeds.
Rudolph Busch
Eight strangers meet in Shanghai to stake claims to the fortune of a late shipping magnate, then must evade a murderer in their midst.
Rodeo star Roy Rogers returns home to find that his old friend Tom Craig has been murdered after he was accused of stealing a family crest from Helen Williams. Helen joins up with Roy and Gabby Whittaker to find the killers and the crest.
Escaped Nazi POWs hold the denizens of a California resort hostage.
Two Russians fight to escape the seven Nazi soldiers trapped with them in a bombed building.
Braun (uncredited)
비밀병기를 둘러싼 거대한 음모, 일촉즉발의 영국을 구원하라!! 셜록홈즈의 숙명의 적 모리아티 교수. 뛰어난 두뇌로 극악무도한 범죄를 서슴지 않고 저지르는 그는 신무기 개발에 성공한 과학자를 납치하여 비밀병기를 나치에 팔아넘기려는 거대한 음모를 꾸민다. 셜록홈즈와 왓슨 박사의 손에 걸린 영국의 운명. 일촉즉발의 상황에서 그들은 모리아티 교수에 맞서 나치로 넘어가기 일보 직전의 비밀 병기를 차단하고 과학자를 구해야만 하는데..
Karl Hofmann
An Englishman kills a German look-alike and poses as a Nazi spy in London.
Horner - Nazi Saboteur (as Robert O. Davis)
An English refugee and a street thug go to military school together.
Nazi Officer at Hitler's filmed Speech (uncredited)
Adolf Hitler, Benito and Suki Yaki are placed in a series of Three-Stooges routines, with the premise that the Board of Directors of Hell has put the Devil on notice they intend to replace him with Adolf Hitler unless he can get Hitler to commit a good deed. The devil has his work cut out for him, and doesn't appear likely to escape being replaced by the German leader.
During WWII, when an allied bomber is shot down over Germany, the five surviving crew are captured but cleverly escape detention after learning German secret information and knocking out a Nazi major. With the angry major in hot pursuit, aided by military personnel, Gestapo agents and Hitler-loyal citizens, the five wend their way across perilous Germany, intent on reaching the UK with the secrets they have learned.
Rudi Thysson (as Robert O. Davis)
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Agent (as Robert O. Davis)
In this western, three Texas Rangers decide to do their part to save the world and join the Army, but before they can, they are sent to Alaska to destroy a secret Nazi operation involving a submarine refueling station. The outpost is located behind an impenetrable tangle of barbed wire. The rangers get a little help, and discover a traitor. Then to get through the wire, they start a cattle stampede and save the day.
German Squad Leader
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
Colonel Eric Hartwig (as Robert O. Davis)
In 1937 the life in out West has not changed much. The boys are working at the Wyoming ranch of Captain Marvin herding horses which he sells to Kurt Redman. Marvin will not sell any horses to any army, but the boys find out that Redman is a German agent shipping the horses directly to the Third Reich. When Marvin tries to stop Redman, his son Tad, who is studying medicine in Germany, is arrested and held hostage. Marvin must fire the boys as the sneaky German agents take over the ranch, but the boys will not give up their attempt to stop them.
Col. Von Kohr
Prior to the United States' involvement in World War II, the masked vigilante Spy Smasher fights Nazi agents operating within the US, led by the treacherous sabotage leader codenamed The Mask.
Gestapo Sergeant at Desk at Top of Hotel Stairs (uncredited)
1939년 바르샤바. 그다지 유명하지 않은 배우인 조셉 투라와 폴란드에서 전국적으로 유명한 그의 아내 마리아는 반나치적인 연극을 공연하기로 하지만, 검열 때문에 뜻을 이루지 못하고 햄릿으로 대체하게 된다. 한편 젊은 파일럿인 스타니슬라프 소빈스키 중위는 마리아를 사랑하게 돼 밤마다 꽃을 보낸다. 마리아는 그에 대한 보답으로 분장실로 그를 초대해 조셉 모르게 둘만의 시간을 갖는다. 그러던 중 독일군이 폴란드를 침입하게 되고, 소빈스키 중위는 영국 공군 내의 폴란드 기병대로 근무하게 된다. 그곳에서 소빈스키 중위는 알렉산더 실레트스키 교수란 사람을 알게 되는데...
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
His Excellency
Tom King Jr. seeks to discover who murdered his father, a Texas Ranger; the trail leads to a network of Axis spies.
Dr. Fleming
Detectives Dick Williams and Andy McAllister find themselves trying to solve several crimes at an isolated mentally-ill hospital, where the patients range from slightly daffy to criminally insane, and they don't know which is which. A gang is out to steal a fortune inherited by one of the patients and, before Dick and Andy solve the case, several patients are transferred to the cemetery. And 'tiddlie-winks" are indeed involved.
Henry Schrode
A group of neighborhood teenagers discover some suspicious goings-on near a naval base in San Diego, and suspect that a foreign espionage ring is at work trying to find out military secrets.
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.
Prussian Officer (Uncredited)
In 1939, American Tom Martin, who fought in the Spanish Civil War, awaits execution at the hands of the Fascist victors when reporter Augusta 'Gusto' Nash, for a scoop, aids him in an audacious escape. Of course, Tom tries to romance Gusto; but though she likes him, her career comes first, and Tom himself prefers freedom-fighting to settling down. Comedy becomes drama as their mixed feelings lead them on a circuitous path through the deepening chaos and catastrophe of the early days of World War II.
Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay, stars of Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, let their hair down and went "screwball" in the Universal comedy-mystery Meet the Wildcat. Bellamy plays a New York gumshoe on the trail of an art thief. His investigation is confounded by the presence of snoopy girl reporter Lindsay.
Tomanian Commandant at Osterlich / Robert O. Davis
세계대전에서 패배한 토매니아국에 힌켈이라는 독재자가 나타나 악명을 떨친다. 한편, 힌켈과 닮은꼴 외모의 이발사 찰리는 국가의 유태인 탄압정책으로 인해 곤경에 처하지만 병사로 참전했던 전쟁에서 우연히 구해줬던 슐츠 장교의 도움을 받아 위기를 모면한다. 독재자 힌켈의 악행은 갈수록 도를 더해가고, 찰리는 유태인 수용소에 끌려가게 되지만 기지를 부려 탈옥에 성공한다. 하지만 이발사와 똑같은 얼굴을 한 힌켈이 탈옥범으로 오해 받아 감옥에 잡혀 들어가게 되는데…
Elder in Norway (uncredited)
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Storm Trooper
An American vacations in Europe with her husband and watches him turn into a Nazi.
Gestapo Official Hartman
The Roth family leads a quiet life in a small village in the German Alps during the early 1930s. When the Nazis come to power, the family is divided and Martin Brietner, a family friend is caught up in the turmoil.
Alexander Komac
An American tourist in South America finds love and unexpected trouble.
The Mad Empress is a 1939 American historical drama film depicting the 3-year reign of Maximilian I of Mexico and his struggles against Benito Juarez.
Von Richtman
Three American soldiers help a young girl deliver a secret message across enemy lines.
Paul Strawn (as Robert O. Davis)
When Barry Corvall discovers that his new bride is a possible enemy agent, he resigns from the diplomatic service to go undercover to route out an espionage ring planning to destroy American industrial capability.
Captain Straubel
FBI agent Ed Renard investigates the pre-War espionage activities of the German-American Bund.
Doctor (uncredited)
That Mothers Might Live is a 1938 American short drama film directed by Fred Zinnemann. The short is a brief account of Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis and his discovery of the need for cleanliness in 19th-century maternity wards, thereby significantly decreasing maternal mortality, and of his struggle to gain acceptance of his idea. Although Semmelweis ultimately failed in his lifetime, later scientific luminaries advanced his work in spirit like microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who provided a scientific theoretical explanation of Semmelweis' observations by helping develop the germ theory of disease and the British surgeon, Dr. Joseph Lister who revolutionized medicine putting Pasteur's research to practical use. In 1939, at the 11th Academy Awards, the film won an Oscar for Best Short Subject (One-Reel).
Emperor Franz Joseph
n Vienna, a new jazz club featuring American trumpeter Buzzy Bellew threatens the existence of its neighbor, the Waltz Palace, run by Franz Strauss and featuring his granddaughter, singer Elsa. Smitten by Elsa, Buzzy hides his identity and association with the club -- whose owner intends to buy out the Palace property. When Elsa accidentally learns who Buzzy really is, it appears he may have to return to America alone.
Sgt. Groeber
Two petty gangsters trying to elude their enemies join the French Foreign Legion.
Superintendant's Assistant (uncredited)
Two South Sea Islanders fall in love, followed by a hurricane.
Kathleen Gerard, a high society wife fed up with her husband's artistic "protegées", decides to take one of her own in Nino, a promising tenor, patronizing him to study in Paris. He and her girlfriend are perfectly happy until the Gerards pay a visit and Mrs. Gerard starts to show too much interest in him.
Lt. Schroeder (as Rudolph Amendt)
During World War I, an American pilot vows to bring down the German ace responsible for his friend's death.
Geof Van Leyden
Set during the first World War in neutral, but pro-German, Holland, Lewis Allison, an interned British officer, is paroled to the castle of Baron Von Leyden and finds living there, but now married to German officer Rupert Von Narwitz, his childhood sweetheart Julie. Long discussions between Julie and Allison, centering on family conflicts that kept them apart, take place before the severely wounded Von Narwitz returns to the castle and more long discussions ensue.
Karl (as Rudolph Amendt)
In 1915, German Counter-Intelligence Chief Von Sturm learns that someone is providing the British with critical strategic planning for the Turkish theater. He suspects Ali Bey, Turkish commander for the Dardanelles, and dispatches Annemarie to Constantinople to secure the proof. En route, she becomes involved with Douglas Beall, a footloose American. Complications ensue, requiring Annemarie to engage in some dangerous improvisations.