Cheol-hyeok Lee

참여 작품

Original Music Composer
치유할 수 없는 아픔을 남긴 6.25 전쟁이 끝나가고 있을 무렵. 접전 지역의 한 초가에도 전쟁은 피할 수 없는 상황이었다. 낮에는 태극기를, 밤에는 인민기를 걸면서 생존을 위해 애쓰던 이 초가에 두 명의 남자가 차례로 찾아온다. 홀로 초가를 지키고 있던 주인 여자(윤정희)는 이들에게 피난처를 제공하지만 전쟁의 희생자들에게 이곳은 또 다른 전쟁터가 된다. 처음에는 노인(장동휘)이 초가와 주인 여자를 차지하지만 청년은 20리나 걸어서 땔감 한 짐을 해서 나타난다. 엄동설한의 추위에 주인 여자는 땔감과 젊은 남자의 육체에 흔들리고 결국 그가 안방과 주인 여자를 차지한다. 냉기 서린 사랑방으로 밀려난 노인은 청년에게 발악을 하지만, 늙은 그에게는 서글픔만 더해진다. 차츰 평정을 찾아가는 초가, 그러나 길 잃은 젊은 색시(신영진)가 등장하면서 초가는 다시 한 번 폭풍에 휩싸이는데...
많은 빚을 지고 월향의 집이 몰락하자 채권자인 늙은 의원은 미색인 월향의 정조를 빼앗는다. 죽을 생각으로 서낭당을 찾은 그녀는 매매꾼 덕배를 만나 기방에 팔려가고 월향의 아름다움에 대한 소문이 퍼진다. 소문은 왜곡되어 그녀와 합방하면 회춘할 수 있다는 말까지 나오고 이를 들은 이대감은 월향을 소실로 들이고자 사주단자를 보낸다. 자신의 삶에 대해 회의를 품던 월향은 부귀영화를 버리고 순수한 삶, 진실한 사랑을 찾아 나선다. (박민) 많은 빚을 지고 월향의 집이 몰락하자 채권자인 늙은 의원은 미색인 월향의 정조를 빼앗는다. 죽을 생각으로 서낭당을 찾은 그녀는 매매꾼 덕배를 만나 기방에 팔려가고 월향의 아름다움에 대한 소문이 퍼진다. 소문은 왜곡되어 그녀와 합방하면 회춘할 수 있다는 말까지 나오고 이를 들은 이대감은 월향을 소실로 들이고자 사주단자를 보낸다. 자신의 삶에 대해 회의를 품던 월향은 부귀영화를 버리고 순수한 삶, 진실한 사랑을 찾아 나선다. (박민)
신사동 제비
Original Music Composer
In order to find his wife who had been toyed with by gigolos, one man is left with no other choice than to become a gigolo himself.
Jeom-rye works as a sharecropper to make a living for her good-for-nothing husband and her son Yong. But the village men are always trying to seduce her. When she rebuffs her landlord's advances, she is wrongly accused by his wife and is forced to leave. Sam-su, the servant who is smitten with her, offers to lend her husband, Deok-hi, money for her affections. Deok-hi tries to sell her off to Sam-su but Jeom-rye gets him arrested for trafficking humans. Sam-su realizes Jeom-rye's sincerity and drops the charges and Deok-hi repents his ways only too late. He dies of an illness. When her son Yong dies from indigestion after eating rice cakes, she goes off the edge.
빨간 앵두 3
Near the end of the Chosun Dynasty, a vagabond named Eok-swoi wandered over all of Korea. In the end, Eok-swoi settles in a remote village where he becomes the servant of Magistrate Ahn, a man of influence. Eok-swoi engages in an innocent love with Keum-sun, a maiden servant of Ahn. Though he is over the age of 50, Ahn is still childless. He treats his young second wife badly and finally, he turns his eye to Keum-sun. After being alone night after night, the young wife unintentionally starts an affair with Eok-swoi which Ahn discovers. Out of guilt, Keum-sun had rejected all of Ahn's advances to the end. She runs away with Eok-swoi. Afterwards, Ahn becomes disabled and deeply repents his wrongdoings.
Hyun-il and his wife are returning from a fishing trip when they get into a car accident with a drunken man. They end up killing him. They meet with the dead man's wife, Su-jin, to come to an agreement. Su-jin demands their house so they make her to stay in their house temporarily. Mi-young's nerves are on edge due to Su-jin. Mi-young meets Jin, Su-jin's neighbor, and finds out that Su-jin was once a hostess. But Jin tries to rape Mi-young and she ends up killing him. This sends Mi-young over the edge and she is confined to a mental institution. Too late, Su-jin goes to Mi-young to ask for her forgiveness and then she leaves.
밤을 먹고 사는 여인
Due to his burning ambitions, Wang Ju-ho, CEO of a construction firm, uses corrupt means to pursue a redevelopment construction deal. His friend Im Seon-hak and daughter Mi-suk live on the construction site. Ju-ho's daughter, Hye-young, runs away from a marriage her father arranged to expand his business. With the help of her friend Mi-suk, Hye-young is also living with them. In a desperate effort for business profit, Ju-ho's henchman sets Seon-hak's house on fire. Hye-young is severely burned in the fire. To cover up his crime, Ju-ho's henchman tries to rape Mi-suk. But he gets caught in the process and confesses everything. Ju-ho gets a lawyer and tries to avoid punishment. But when he finds out about what has happened to his only daughter, Ju-ho willingly takes responsibility for his crimes.
Original Music Composer
Seven-year-old girl Shin is sold off as a servant. She takes with her the 50-cent coin her grandmother gave her. However, at the master's house, Shin is accused of stealing the money and beaten. Shin escapes to mountains where she falls into a faint. Jin-ho, a student soldier, runs away from the army into mountains. He saves Shin and they live in the mountain where he teaches her how to read and fall in puppy love with each other. After the winter, Shin and Jin-ho go down the mountain. But they are discovered by soldiers who end up killing Jin-ho. Shin takes the harmonica that belonged to Jin-ho and goes home. When her father beats her and plans to sell her off again, Shin leaves in search of her mother. Shin finds her mother who is a kisaeng. Understanding that she can't stay, Shin leaves to become a servant. Learning that her grandmother is near death, Shin returns home and vows to overcome their poverty.
After witnessing the brutal murder of his mother, Ma-ryong grows up intent on revenge and sets out to become a master of martial arts. When Ma-ryong kills his mother’s murderer, Il-pyung, the son of Ma-ryong’s enemy, seeks a master to learn how to fight. Ma-ryong and Il-pyung form a bond as master and apprentice leading to an inevitable showdown.