Leonardo Alonso

Leonardo Alonso

프로필 사진

Leonardo Alonso
Leonardo Alonso

참여 작품

웨어 더 트랙스 엔드
El Capataz
Georgina is a teacher determined to make a difference in the lives of the children she educates in the classroom of a wagon school in rural Mexico.
El Otro Lado
Vanessa is a trans girl who decides to run away from home to go with her boyfriend and cross together the border to reach the United States. They will live in their own flesh the fortunes and dangers of the desert that thousands of migrants have to face every day to get their dreams, to reach the other side.
More Tomorrow Than Before
It is the story of resilience of a mother and her son, each living with a chronic degenerative disease, and how they reconcile with each other when they accept that their disease has united and transformed them forever.
A devastating earthquake hits Oaxaca and causes hundreds to fall victims to its effects. The drastic physical effects are felt in Mexico while across the globe its emotional effects are felt in Finland. This seismic movement has caused an emotional tremor in the lives of the Muxes.
어 캅 무비
사법 제도를 괴롭히는 불처벌 관행은 어떻게 위기를 몰고 왔는가. 멕시코뿐만 아니라 전 세계에서 많은 논란을 빚고 있는 기관 중 하나인 경찰을 조명하면서 그 원인을 파헤친다. 장르의 경계를 넘나드는 다큐멘터리.
Honest Days
Gerente de Producción
When she is fired from her only job in a series of infomercials, Amanda, an actress with little talent and whose film career is forgotten, decides to resume her career in the midst of an economic crisis that leads her to a questionnaire about her vocation, but also, that the shore to rethink its responsibility as the mother of Nicolás, a 7-year-old boy to whom she had not paid much attention until then.
Throw Everything Into Play
Ismael, a 12 year old boy, dreams to become a professional baseball player but he is asthmatic. One night, while approaching the girl he loves, he witnesses a crime.
뉴 오더
현재 멕시코 전역에서는 심각한 수준의 폭력 사태가 벌어지고 있는 중이다. 반면 어느 고급 저택에서는 한껏 멋을 낸 상류층들이 수행원들의 경호 속에 호화로운 결혼 파티를 즐기고 있다. 그러나 불안한 기운은 저택 안에도 조금씩 전해지고, 신부 마리안을 포함한 가족들은 곧 충격적인 사건을 겪는다.
중부 멕시코의 황량한 들판에는 밤마다 지하 파이프라인에 구멍을 뚫어 석유를 훔치는 기름 도둑들이 기승이다. 가난한 홀어머니와 단둘이 사는 순진한 고등학생 랄로는 짝사랑 아나에게 용기를 내 여자친구가 돼달라고 말하지만 웃음거리만 된다. 아나는 오토바이를 타고 다니는 룰로 일당과 어울리지만 쉽게 룰로에게 마음을 주지도 않는다. 알바를 하는 석유 가게 노인에게 빚을 지고 있고, 아나에게 선물할 스마트폰도 사고 싶은 랄로는 큰돈을 벌 수 있는 일자리를 찾아 룰로가 속한 기름 도둑 일당에 가담한다. 아나에게 스마트폰을 선물한 후의 하룻밤 데이트는 랄로에게는 가장 행복한 순간이었을 것이다. 하지만 어른이 되고픈 소년의 운명은 비극적인 결말로 치닫는다. 트라이베카 영화제 극영화부문 최우수 감독상을 수상한 에드가니토의 이 강렬한 데뷔작은 과장 없이 담담하지만 커다란 충격과 울림을 던지는 범죄 드라마이자 성장영화다. 마치 감독이 예견한 듯 현실에서는 바로 넉 달 전 멕시코 송유관 폭발사고가 일어나 130명이 넘는 주민들의 목숨을 앗아갔다. 캐릭터가 충격에 종속되지 않고 현실을 살게 한, 감독이 취한 태도는 옳아 보인다. 아름다운 것은 사람이요, 잔혹한 것은 운명이며, 비극적인 것은 삶이다.
Before Oblivion
The life of Fermín goes by, divided between his work as a diablero and the confinement he lives in within his house. Like him, other families live in a vecindad in the heart of Mexico City. One day, a company colluded with the government threatens to evict the vecindad tenants in order to build a mall. Facing the threat of an eviction, the tenants join in solidarity to come out of their self-absorption and fight for a common cause.
Seed Of the Isthmus
A rural boy comes back to his town to discover that nothing is as it used to be.
We Vanish
After the devastating disappearance of her teenaged daughter, Rocío attempts to uncover the truth in the dense tangle of bureaucracy and patriarchal social norms.
The Night Guard
Humberto works as a night watchman at a remote and desolate construction site. One night he becomes, unwittingly, the sole witness to a cover up. Afraid of being retaliated against lest he come forth, he decides to keep quiet. Gradually and without him being aware of it, Humberto ends up inflicting on his family the same violence from which he´s running away.
Dark Side of the Light
Powerful psychological thriller based on the true story of a serial murderer, who for his crimes, was sentenced to the electric chair and survived. The murderer justified his crimes stating he was chosen by God to fulfill the desire for liberation and death of his victims.
Franco and Roberto, both photojournalists with different perspectives, witnes the violent repression of a young man in a political event. Franco photographs the incident but elements of the candidate's security discover him. Roberto will have the possibility of saving his friend's life risking his own safety.