Linda Begonja

참여 작품

Snow White
Željka is a 40-year-old woman, living a quiet life in an isolated village. An unexpected visit will take her back to the past, shaking up her daily routine.
Milostiva / Sena
A fairy tale set in the bucolic countryside of Central Europe at the turn of the 20th century. Anka, an orphan girl, bravely sets off in the pursuit of a home, facing the hardships of life, and ultimately finds her place with the help of a magical world and its mysterious creatures.
You Carry Me
Dora is a neglected girl, who dreams about becoming a football manager. Suddenly, her outlaw father enters her life and they build a close relationship. Ives, a soap opera director, nurses her father who suffers from Alzheimer’s. As she loses him, she gradually loses the ground beneath her feet. Nataša, successful producer, is pregnant. When things go awry for her, she decides to confront her estranged father. Three daughters battle for acceptance, redemption and new opportunities.
These Are the Rules
Glavna medicinska sestra
After their son has been beaten up in the street, parents find their world of false security collapsing and have to re-examine their lives and question everything into what they believed.
Zovko Teleport
Ms. Kraljević
After all this waiting it's finally here in Croatia - Zovko Teleport. Get anywhere in just four seconds.
Roza (segment "Zagreb")
Thursday morning, Jerusalem. Nira goes to work. Ahmad in London does the same, Ralf in Cologne and a priest in Prague too. Matija, Croat, goes to work as well. Ok, he doesn't, but he acts as if he does. Ahmad is taking his routine red bus journey. Out-of-breath young man comes in and interrupts it. Schoolteacher Nira is also interrupted - her pupil jumps out and performs a love rap song he wrote for her. The priest in Prague doesn't feel like singing today, he is in the mood for (over)sleeping instead. Someone falls asleep, someone else - Ralf - falls in love. All five mentioned above are listening to the top-news about the disappearance of bees. And trying their best, each one of them in his or her own 'hive': Zagreb, Jerusalem, London, Cologne, Prague...
레아와 다리아
Melita Gasteiger
열세 살 소녀, 레아는 크로아티아 국립극장에 소속된 어린이극단, ‘어린이 천국’의 스타다. 1938년 유럽에는 전운이 감돌지만 레아는 극단에 새로 들어온 다리아와 공연을 다니기에 바쁘다. 어른들은 유태인 소녀 레아와 독일계 다리아를 라이벌이라고 생각하지만 소녀들은 그저 무대에서 함께 춤추고 노래하는 것을 즐길 뿐이다. 그러나 나치가 크로아티아에 입성하고 유태인 탄압이 시작되자 레아는 학교와 극단에서 쫓겨난다. 레아의 부모는 아이들을 가톨릭으로 개종시켜서 레아를 다시 극단에 들어갈 수 있게 만들지만 모든 갈채는 다리아에게 돌아간다. 전쟁이 심해지고 급기야 레아는 극장 출입까지 금지 당한다. 주변의 유태인이 하나 둘씩 수용소로 끌려가고 레아의 가족을 지켜주던 청년마저 러시아 전선으로 배치되자 레아도 아우슈비츠행 열차에 오르게 된다. (출처: EBS 영화)
It Will Not End
Djuro is a Romany, he has a large, happy family, and earns a living appearing in Serbian porn films. And it's through his sarcastic perspective that we follow the story of the Croatian war veteran Martin. He falls in love with a beautiful girl who plays Little Red Riding Hood in a porn version of the fairy tale. She is also a prostitute. To be with her, Martin has to buy her from her pimp. A tragicomic story of love in a world where it seems all human values are put up for sale or destined for cynical destruction
Marshal Tito's Spirit
Stipan is a policeman who comes to small Adriatic island off the Croatian coast in order to investigate reported strange phenomena that had frightened the whole population. At first, nobody wants to co-operate with him, but he finally finds that the island is being allegedly haunted by the ghost of Josip Broz Tito, Communist leader of former Yugoslavia. For Luka, the mayor, this is the opportunity to turn entire island into Tito-themed amusement park. Tito's WW2 veterans, on the other hand, don't believe in ghosts; for them, the apparition is actually Tito himself, who had returned in order to lead them into a new revolution which would restore Communism. Written by Anonymous
Dramatic story of a returnee from Argentina who tries to find answers to the unfortunate events from the past.