Woo Ying-Man

참여 작품

충직하고 강박적인 규율에 얽매이는 경관 웡(오언조)은 응급실 야간 근무 중 사고로 실려 온 환자에게 수혈을 해주게 되고 그것이 희대의 살인마 혼(장가휘)을 살리는 일이라는 것을 알게 된다. 결국 혼은 병원에서 탈주하여 또 다시 무차별 총격전을 벌이게 되고, 수많은 경찰과 시민이 목숨을 잃게 된다. 죄책감에 사로잡힌 웡은 혼자서라도 혼과 일당들을 막아내기 위해 자신도 마귀가 되어 가는데…
Frugal Game
Female emcee
Diana and Wai have become overburdened with debt, and in a scheme to make some quick cash, they put together a fake "family" to go on a reality TV show. Their family is pitted against another one, and they must compete to see who can live off the smallest amount of money. But as the game approaches the end, the show's producer forces the director to make a few changes to boost ratings, which may inadvertently expose Diana and Wai for the frauds they are.
Long and Winding Road
Sing's wife
Two different men each find their true meanings in life. Leslie and Tony, two lower middle-class bachelors, are bosom friends. Leslie is a wandering soul who seems unable to settle down. He give got fired and his girlfriend left him. Tony is a frustrating musician and a part-time worker at an elderly home. He doesn't like old people, but works there only to get close to his dream girl WAI.