Al Thomas

참여 작품

A twelve year old boy and a common criminal are being transported in the same ship from England to Australia in the last century. When the ship wrecked they happen to be the only survivors of the catastrophe. Now they have to get along with each other and finally become friends.
웨이크 인 프라이트
Tim Hynes
오스트레일리아의 오지 마을 티분다에서 학교 선생으로 일하는 존 그란트는 크리스마스 휴가에 여자 친구를 만나기 위해 시드니로 떠날 계획이다. 존은 시드니로 가는 비행기를 타기 위해 인근 소도시 분든야바에서 하룻밤를 보내는데...
Al (uncredited)
An unwed mother-to-be marries a total stranger so he can avoid the draft. She now has a father for her child and he doesn't have to go to Vietnam. But this marriage-of-convenience leads to a romance between the two.
Summer of the Seventeenth Doll
Two Australian sugarcane cutters spend their annual five-month vacations in Sydney with their mistresses.
Long John Silver
Mendoza pirate
In this sequel to Treasure Island, Long John hopes to rescue his friend Jim from a rival pirate and return for more treasure.
Eureka Stockade
Spectacular account of the infamous Eureka Stockade, and the events leading up to it.