People Like Us


Since 1991 British artist Vicki Bennett has been working across the field of audio-visual collage, and is recognised as an influential and pioneering figure in the still growing area of sampling, appropriation and cutting up of found footage and archives. Working under the name People Like Us, Vicki specialises in the manipulation and reworking of original sources from both the experimental and popular worlds of music, film and radio. People Like Us believe in open access to archives for creative use. In 2006 she was the first artist to be given unrestricted access to the entire BBC Archive. People Like Us have previously shown work at, amongst others, Tate Modern, The Barbican, Centro de Cultura Digital, Maxxi and Sonar, and performed radio sessions for John Peel and Mixing It. She has an ongoing sound art radio show 'DO or DIY' on WFMU. The People Like Us back catalogue is available for free download hosted by UbuWeb. In 2013 Vicki premiered the performance Consequences (One Thing Leads To Another) at transmediale, created a film for live improvising artists/musicians NOTATIONS which toured the UK with TUSK/Sound & Music, a film with 7 artist soundtracks GESTURE PIECE, films for Animate Projects/Channel 4, and a new CD called Don't Think Right, It's All Twice. Vicki had a solo gallery show Shutter at Leeds College of Art in February 2014 and is currently working on a new film/performance Citation City, a project reflecting upon Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project in relation to 20th Century London.

참여 작품

Nothing Can Turn Into a Void: An Art Apart: People Like Us
British artist Vicki Bennett takes you on a roller coaster-ride with her art project People Like Us. In performances, videos, collages and music, her amazing editing techniques and sense of humor leave you flabbergasted and enthusiastic at the same time. People Like Us is like free-zone where appropriation meets alchemy, humor meets social critique and the boundless imagination meets so-called reality.
Nothing Can Turn Into a Void: An Art Apart: People Like Us
British artist Vicki Bennett takes you on a roller coaster-ride with her art project People Like Us. In performances, videos, collages and music, her amazing editing techniques and sense of humor leave you flabbergasted and enthusiastic at the same time. People Like Us is like free-zone where appropriation meets alchemy, humor meets social critique and the boundless imagination meets so-called reality.
The Big Sleep
Sleep deficient actors drift in and out of consciousness. Peer into a parallel cinematic world that exists between the edits, when we are not looking at the screen.
A supercut of the Golden Gate Bridge and water.
The climactic scene of John Huston's Key Largo is fused with John Cage's 4'33", all dialogue is stripped away to reveal a cinema of movement, glances and inadvertent comedy.
The work is created using a technique that expands film scenes beyond the conventional screen ratio. The finished result reveals beautiful panoramic views of the background landscapes as captured by the panning camera, effectively allowing film scenes to be seen as never before.
Story Without End
Made using footage from the Prelinger Archives and A/V Geeks, this film explores how technology enables us to communicate faster. Despite advances in communication technology the film shows that the story of progress will never end; and that it leads to both connection and disconnection. The narrative is from a public domain film of the same name made in 1950 about the development of microwave radio transmission and the transistor.
The Remote Controller
Using found footage sourced from educational films in the Prelinger Archives, this work explores the subject of experimentation in human body and machine interfaces in the 20th century. The film edits together the different ways we have controlled our environment - through technology, magic and theatrical devices. As the world of communications brings people together, power still exists by pushing a button and pulling the puppet strings.
We Edit Life
This is the first in a series of films using documentary, industrial and educational film footage from the Prelinger Archive and The Internet Archive. The film explores the theme of technology, showing how the future can be edited and manipulated through advances in computer science. As the narrative in the film says "The art of computer graphics is only in its infancy yet it is already stimulating creative thought in far out areas where research is likely to get complex and unwieldy".
We Edit Life
This is the first in a series of films using documentary, industrial and educational film footage from the Prelinger Archive and The Internet Archive. The film explores the theme of technology, showing how the future can be edited and manipulated through advances in computer science. As the narrative in the film says "The art of computer graphics is only in its infancy yet it is already stimulating creative thought in far out areas where research is likely to get complex and unwieldy".
Discovering Electronic Music
This is part of a collection of rarely seen early avi films - primarily using relatively primitive techniques of scratch video then Adobe Premiere editing, resulting in a particular lo-fi look which isn't particularly intentional, but reflective of the process. "Music Of Your Own" and "Burning" originally existed as audio-only pieces on the "Thermos Explorer" album (2000), and since the audio was originally sourced from film it was later possible to recreate the stories in visual form.
Music Of Your Own
This is a collection of rarely seen early avi films - primarily using relatively primitive techniques of scratch video then Adobe Premiere editing, resulting in a particular lo-fi look which isn't particularly intentional, but reflective of the process. "Music Of Your Own" and "Burning" originally existed as audio-only pieces on the "Thermos Explorer" album (2000), and since the audio was originally sourced from film it was later possible to recreate the stories in visual form.