Alberto Ghira

참여 작품

Canção da Saudade
Padre Manuel
Leonel is a pianist, nostalgic of sweet melodies, while his son is the (real-life) leader of Os Gatos Pretos (black cats), a twist musical group. The conflict is eventu ally solved when Leonel's daughter, Cilinha, starts dating Raúl, a well-off young man, who promote a new dancing club, the Lisboa Antiga e Moderna, where old new music get even shares.
녹색의 해
19살의 줄리오는 시골 고향 마을을 떠나 리스본에 도착한다. 작은 신발 가게의 점원으로 일하게 된 그는 부잣집의 하녀로 일하는 일다와 가까워진다. 줄리오는 곧 일다에게 사랑을 느끼고 그녀에게 구애를 하지만 두 사람의 서로 다른 삶의 모습은 줄리오에게 큰 벽으로 다가온다. 파울로 로샤 감독의 데뷔작.
Crimes of Diogo Alves
Victim with a gun
Diogo Alves is a Spanish fugitive that comes to the Portuguese capital terrorizing the inhabitants by his cut-throat methods against rich and poor people alike. He attacks the women launderers on the Lisbon Aqueduct and throws the bodies over the high wall, and assaults homes with his large band of criminals. Eventually arrested, he, his female companion and his henchmen are condemned to death by the court.