찰리와 엘리 시스터스 형제는 손에 피를 묻히고 산다. 청부살인이 직업이다. 형제는 파트너 존과 더불어 범죄자를 소탕하지만, 재미를 위해 살인을 하는 것은 아니다. 단지 일일 뿐이다. 동생 찰리가 이 일에 재능을 타고 난 반면, 엘리야는 평범한 삶을 꿈꾼다. 오레곤에서 캘리포니아까지, 새로운 추격이 시작된다.
A Terrible Beauty is the story of the men and women of the Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916, Irish and British, caught up in a conflict many did not understand and of the innocent men and boys, executed because of what transpired in The Battle of Mount Street Bridge. The British soldiers were the last of the Great War volunteers, who joined up together to fight the Germans. They knew that there was a strong chance they would die in France, but to die in Dublin would never have crossed their minds. The Irish Volunteers were weekend warriors many of whom had no idea they were about to take part in large scale battles on the streets of Dublin.