Žuža Egreny

참여 작품

레아와 다리아
Darija Gasteiger - starica
열세 살 소녀, 레아는 크로아티아 국립극장에 소속된 어린이극단, ‘어린이 천국’의 스타다. 1938년 유럽에는 전운이 감돌지만 레아는 극단에 새로 들어온 다리아와 공연을 다니기에 바쁘다. 어른들은 유태인 소녀 레아와 독일계 다리아를 라이벌이라고 생각하지만 소녀들은 그저 무대에서 함께 춤추고 노래하는 것을 즐길 뿐이다. 그러나 나치가 크로아티아에 입성하고 유태인 탄압이 시작되자 레아는 학교와 극단에서 쫓겨난다. 레아의 부모는 아이들을 가톨릭으로 개종시켜서 레아를 다시 극단에 들어갈 수 있게 만들지만 모든 갈채는 다리아에게 돌아간다. 전쟁이 심해지고 급기야 레아는 극장 출입까지 금지 당한다. 주변의 유태인이 하나 둘씩 수용소로 끌려가고 레아의 가족을 지켜주던 청년마저 러시아 전선으로 배치되자 레아도 아우슈비츠행 열차에 오르게 된다. (출처: EBS 영화)
Three Stories About Sleeplessness
It is nighttime. In Croatia, a young woman cannot sleep because her baby keeps crying. Her mother-in-law is also being kept awake by the baby's crying and she is not shy about offering unwanted child-rearing advice to her daughter-in-law. In Spain, a young husband and wife are also wide awake in the dead of night: they are in the middle of a turbulent argument. She is Spanish, he is Croatian and their marriage is in crisis because they simply do not understand one another. Back in Croatia, the young man's elderly mother is also awake, plagued with indigestion pains. The old woman is also worried about her lodger, a young Spanish girl who happens to be the sister of the old woman's daughter-in-law in Spain. The young girl comes home with her new lover. He is a taxi driver who drifts aimlessly through the night while his own wife endures a sleepless night with a crying baby and a nagging mother-in-law.
The Harbor
Next to a small Dalmatian town of Murvice oil was found, and politicians make a hasty decision to build a tanker port, although there is no oil in the quantities required for exploitation. Urged by his ambitious wife, the engineer Slobodan Despot becomes director of the port construction, which his wife's lover skillfully exploits to use Despot as scapegoat. The construction of unprofitable airport gradually destroys the patriarchal structure of Murvice, as well as Despot's personal life and ideals, which he tried to restore by having affair with the young and unspoiled girl.
Crime at School
Kovačeva majka
Zlatko Kovač, a provincial professor, gets the job in the big city's school, only to find out that his red-employment is not random. Professor Toth, the man he replaced, has died under the strange circumstances. Kovac meets a variety of strange people in his school's collective, and it was not long before they came up with the new body. However, the police is unable to solve the case, but he takes the matter into his own hands and setting a trap for a murderer on a school manifestation.
My Part of the World
A beautiful and poetic at the same time difficult and tragic story. In the distant mountain village in Herzegovina, shortly after the end of World War II, lonely women and children await the return of men from the front. The few men that remained in the village trying to go to America and find the salvation of the lumber and stone. Center of the story is loneliness and anticipation. This is a tragic story of two men whose fight for the heart of a woman cost the head of both.