Joyce Godenzi
출생 : 1965-05-28, Hong Kong
Born to an Australian father and Chinese mother Joyce Mina Godenzi is a model who moved into acting after winning the 1984 Miss Hong Hong pageant.
She was scouted by legendary martial arts actor/director Sammo Hung, who showcased her beauty and screen presence in a slew of films, most notably his 1987 masterpiece EASTERN CONDORS.
She and Hung married in 1995 and she is now very active in the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Cook Show Audience [cameo]
사람 좋고 성실한 요리사 '재키'는 우연히 만난 여기자로 인해 암흑가의 전쟁 한가운데에 끼어들게 된다. 특종을 노리고 마약 밀매 장면을 몰래 취재중이던 여기자 다이애나는 돈카를로와 데몬 일당간의 살인 장면을 목격하고 되고 현장 촬영 중 마약단에게 발각되자 달아나다가 재키를 만나게 된다. 그녀는 재키에 의해 목숨을 건지지만 사건 현장을 담은 비디오 테이프를 재키의 차에 두고 가는데... 한편, 멜버른 최대의 마약 공급책인 돈카를로는 이 테이프를 입수, 돈카를로에게 복수하려 한다. 두 갱단사이에서 목표가 되고만 재키. 설상가상으로 재키의 연인 미키가 데몬파에게 납치되고 데몬은 재키에게 교환조건으로 테잎을 요구하는데...
Doctor Ko
Success Hung, an ace cell phone salesman who his feeling the heat from young, up and comer Miss Cheng. One day, Hung witnesses a mob hit. Though the panic-stricken salesman tries to tell his friends about the incident, Hung's gift for exaggeration in the past makes everyone suspicion of his claims except for a relative the deceased who comes to believe that Hung pulled the trigger.
Kim Pak Fai
In the 1930s, China was in a state of turmoil and flurry. The dethroned Emperor Pu-Yi had established the Puppet State of Manchukuo in Manchuria and was cooperating with the Japanese in the testing of poisonous gas. The revolutionary army headed by Lieutenant Mong is assigned to crush this vicious plot. During his mission, Mong comes across witty and valiant veteran Uncle Choy and his friends, who volunteer to help. Mong believes that Uncle Choy is too old to join them. How can Uncle Choy prove himself? And can they succeed in their mission?
Godenzi plays an acrobatic thief who, after taking part in an elaborate burglary, is double-crossed by her partner (Aurelio) and is captured by the police. On her release from prison, Godenzi discovers that her betrayer is now a highly influential criminal in the area and commands a posse of hired thugs. With a new partner by her side, Godenzi looks to avenge her imprisonment and steal the valuables her former partner had double-crossed her for.
Inspector Mina Kao
황씨 집안은 아버지대부터 홍콩 경찰계에 몸을 담고 있는 집안이다. 그에겐 경찰에 몸담아 혁혁한 공을 세우고 있는 외아들과 4명의 딸들이 있다. 큰아들이 동료경찰인 리나와 결혼을 하자 큰딸 아령은 오빠를 뺏겼다는 생각에 은근히 새언니를 미워하게 되고 또한 같이 처리한 사건의 공로가 새 언니에게 돌아가 승진을 하자 더욱 싫어한다. 월남 난민 수용소에서 탈출한 난민이 홍콩으로 가기위해 큰 술집을 턴다는 정보를 입수한 경찰은 이들에게 이 사건을 맡긴다. 술집에서 이틀간 땅을 보던 이들은 그 월남난민이 나타나자 즉각 행동을 취했지만 아령의 엉뚱한 행동으로 인해 놓치고 만다. 이로 인해 아령이 상부의 문책을 당하고 이를 만회하기 위해 혼자서 월남난민을 체포하려 공원으로 가자 이를 알고 오빠와 리나가 뒤쫓아간다. 하지만 놈들의 덫에 걸려 오빠가 목숨을 잃게 된다. 이에 황가 사람들은 외아들을 죽인 범인을 다른 경찰손에 잡게 하기보다는 황씨집안사람이 힘을 합쳐 체포해야한다는데 의견을 모으고 현장으로 가지만 거기엔 이미 서로 앙숙이던 아령과 리나가 의기투합하여 범인 일당을 처치한 후였는데...
The most explosive barehanded combat sequences ever filmed. An electrifying video of martial arts mastery and mayhem. This program takes a behind-the-scenes look at the weapons, the mystical eastern philosophy, and the incredible skills that have made martial arts films one of the most popular genres in the world today.
Sgt. Pak
Years ago, a village head in the Hong Kong countryside executed a man for committing adultery by drowning him in the ocean. His mistress, in attempts to flee the village, dies when she plummets into a pool of quicksand. Years later, people swimming in the ocean mysteriously vanishes, and their bodies wash ashore days later. A local policeman named Lu Hsien who practices Taoist magic believes a water ghost (presumably the ghost of the adulterer) is responsible for their deaths. Therefore, he joins forces with his colleague, Wang Hsiao-Ming, to rid the countryside of this demon before he can strike again. However, Hsiao-Ming is unaware that the ghost of the mistress, having risen out of her muddy grave, fell in love with him and will see to it that no other person falls for him.
Bo's ex-wife
미국 시민권자이자 한때는 잘 나가던 권투 선수였던 전보(홍금보)는 도박으로 빚더미에 앉아 사채업자에게 쫓긴다. 연구소에서 실험 대상으로 일하며 지내다 큰돈을 벌기 위해 홍콩에서 온 소옥(장만옥)과 위장 결혼을 한다. 하지만 소옥의 애인 피터(장견정)가 배신을 하고 돈을 갖고 떠나면서 전보와 소옥의 묘한 동거가 시작된다. 그러던 어느 날 밤, 두 사람은 갱단 소유였던 거액이 든 돈 가방을 발견하게 되는데…
Cambodian Guerrilla Leader
월남전에서 패한 미국은 월남전이 끝날 무렵 월남의 요지에 배치시켜놓았던 대량의 S-26 미사일이 숨겨진 무기고가 베트콩 손에 들어갈 것을 우려하여, 2천만 파운드급의 이 미사일 기지를 폭파시킬 것을 목적으로 '동방독응' 작전을 극비리에 개시한다. 이 작전에는 미국국적을 가진 10명의 화교수감자들을 특공대원으로 편입시킨다. ‘동방독응' 작전의 핵심은 임중령은 무술과 전투력을 겸비한 지휘관이며, 구성원들 중에는 일급 살인죄로 복역 중이던 의협심이 강하고 무술이 뛰어난 동명신을 비롯하여 개성이 다른 열명의 장기복역수 특공대들이 함께 침투시키는데....
Alex is the smart one who claims first place in every human endeavor. To be true, he really excels in all forms of gambling. Alex likes to help people. Thus, when his old friend Fung is jilted by a rich girl, he immediately takes Fung to a slave auction in the Philippines. There, Fung buys a woman of beauty and femininity. Alex himself falls in love with Mina, who is deadly against gambling. She would break ties with anyone found to be gambling...
Inspector Mina Ho
Wai is a waiter in a country club. One day at work he is humiliated by the wife of a millionaire Harry Tse; and in order to get even, he and his gang plan kidnap Mrs. Tse. His gang includes Jacky Chong, Sly Sze and Martha. The kidnapping goes wrong from the beginning. Instead of getting Mrs.Tse, they kidnap Harry Tse by mistake! The police sends Inspector Mina Ho to investigate, and she suspects Wai as one of the Kidnappers. Mina also asks Mrs. Tse to cooperate with the police, but Mrs. Tse refuses. On the other Hand, Wai and the others do not know how to get the ransom money. Harry in fact helps them to devise a plan, since he's afraid they might do something nasty to him if they don't get the money...
The story is about a new high rise office building that's haunted by a ghost patrol of Japanese soldiers from W.W. II. The angry ghosts want revenge and they'll do anything to achieve that goal.