Sophie Carlhian

출생 : 1962-01-01,

참여 작품

보스턴 교살자
Set Decoration
1962년, 역사상 가장 악명 높았던 '보스턴 연쇄살인사건'. 진실을 밝힐 최초 보도가 시작된다!
슈퍼 트루퍼스 2
Set Decoration
When an international border dispute arises between the U.S. and Canada, the Super Troopers- Mac, Thorny, Foster, Rabbit and Farva, are called in to set up a new Highway Patrol station in the disputed area.
Set Decoration
The film is a romantic comedy about a Portuguese widow whose husband had been a fisherman who died at sea. The widow's teenage daughter wants to be a professional gambler and she convinces her mother to date a British man whose new in town. The widow falls for the Brit, who pretends to be in the fishing business but is actually a professional gambler. The naive daughter gets into some trouble.
세션 나인
Production Design
고든과 필은 빌딩 전문 해체업자로 오랫동안 호흡을 맞추어온 한 팀이다. 어느 날 이들은 오래된 정신병원 건물 해체 의뢰를 받고 1주일 내에 모든 작업을 완료하겠다는 조건으로 계약을 체결한 후 팀의 수장격인 고든은 필을 비롯 행크, 마크, 제프 등 총 5명의 인원을 구성해 월요일부터 본격적인 작업에 착수하기로 결정한다. 그러나 작업이 진행될수록 이상한 기운이 감도는 병원 내부. 여기에 병원에 입원했던 한 여인의 진찰 기록이 담긴 릴 테잎이 발견되면서 작업 팀들에게는 점점 이상한 일들이 벌어지기 시작하는데.
Getting Personal
Production Design
Young professionals Christopher and Melissa meet and fall hard for each other. As their attraction grows, it becomes apparent that in order for their relationship to succeed, they must overcome Christopher's dark secret involving his father, with the help of his best friend and a sharp-edged psychiatrist.
Art Direction
South Boston Irish bad boy Danny Quinn returns back home from New York and gets stuck between his pals, who are supported by one Irish mafia clan, and his family, which are members of another.
아메리칸 버팔로
Three inner-city losers plan a robbery of a valuable coin in a seedy second-hand junk shop.