Ryan Winkles

출생 : , Europe

참여 작품

보스턴 교살자
Daniel Marsh
1962년, 역사상 가장 악명 높았던 '보스턴 연쇄살인사건'. 진실을 밝힐 최초 보도가 시작된다!
King Lear
Duke of Cornwall
The once powerful King Lear chooses to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, and so begins one of Shakespeare’s most moving tragedies. At the crucial point of relinquishing his realm, Lear demands to know which of his daughters loves him the most. His ambitious older daughters answer with false praise and lavish flattery, however his youngest daughter, who does truly love him, answers with honesty. Wildly unsatisfied with her response, Lear’s rage sets in motion catastrophic consequences. Ultimately stripped of his privilege and its trappings, Lear must reckon with his own humanity.
A man sets out to photograph UFOs in a scientifically verifiable manner only to get more than he bargained for. Shot by acclaimed visual effects master Douglas Trumbull in a new process called MAGI, 4K 3D at 120 frames per second, to create a powerful sense of immersion previously unseen in cinema.