Don Carroll

참여 작품

Ladies of the '80s: A Divas Christmas
Five soap opera divas as they reunite to shoot the final Christmas episode of their long-running sudser. The producer, Alex and director Nell, who happen to be old college friends, do their best to keep things on the rails but as the ladies come together, old rivalries resurface that threaten to tear the production apart.
Every Breath She Takes
After her abusive husband dies in a house fire, Jules tries to enjoy a fresh start — until the past comes back to haunt her.
홀리데이 러시
혼자 네 아이를 키우는 라디오 DJ 러시. 그는 크리스마스를 앞두고 해고 통보를 받는다. 가장 큰 문제는 비싼 선물을 바라는 아이들. 이 난관을 어찌 헤쳐나가야 할까?
Psycho Wedding Crasher
Since she started working as a dressmaker for her Aunt Daisy, Jenna has seen dozens of brides getting happily married in her gorgeous wedding gowns. Jenna longs to have a white wedding of her own and to find a handsome man who will take her away from her abusive Aunt.
Deadly Sorority
Best friends Samantha and Kristina go their separate ways when Kristina gets into the hottest sorority on campus. The nightmare begins when Kristina is murdered and Samantha becomes the next target of the campus killer.
Ring of Deception
Single mom Julie Stevens' life is turned upside-down when international con man Martin moves to her neighborhood. As Julie begins to open up to Martin's charms, another woman - Sloane - is determined to kill Martin for having left her and robbed her blind. Will Julie survive Martin's affections and Sloane's revenge?
I Know Where Lizzie Is
When 15-year-old Lizzie is kidnapped, her friendly but divorced parents Judith and Martin are devastated. The police can't find the girl but Tracy Spencer comes forward claiming she's a psychic and knows where Lizzie is. Judith is elated, but it soon becomes clear that Tracy has an agenda of her own.
Mother of All Lies
Adopted teenager Sara goes in search of her birth mother Abby, only to find the woman in prison for bank robbery and manslaughter. In an upcoming parole hearing, Sara helps Abby win release, and decides to spend the summer with her before leaving for college. But Sara soon finds herself in danger as her mother returns to her former partner in crime....
Sorority Murder
Pretty and likable Jennifer arrives as a freshman at Whittendale University and is greeted by pledge-seeker Carly of the Beta Sigma Eta Sorority. Once warmly embraced by the sorority, Jennifer soon realizes trouble is lurking beneath the happy surface of the sorority and makes an enemy of the sorority president Breanne. When Breanne's body is found in her car, Jennifer finds herself considered to be the number one suspect on campus.
Persuaded by her roommate, a college student makes an arrangement with an older man who pays for her companionship.
파이어 시티: 엔드 오브 데이즈
이 세상에는 괴물들이 인간들 몰래 그들을 조종하고 있다. 허름한 건물에서 인간들에게 약을 파는 괴물 바인은 우연히 지하실에서 위기에 처한 여자아이를 구하지만, 그후 조금씩 그에게 이상한 현상들이 나타나기 시작한다. 바인과 괴물들의 ‘전달자’ 역할을 하는 코넬리아는 그 이상한 현상 뒤에 숨어있는 진실과 마주하게 되는데...
Megachurch Murder
After popular and charismatic megachurch leader Hamilton Spears commits suicide, his teenage daughter Hannah's life goes off the rails. The only thing keeping her together is her new boyfriend, Oliver. When she finds evidence pointing to a church conspiracy and threats toward her father, she is determined to prove that Hamilton's death was murder not suicide. As she gets closer to the truth, she realizes her own mother may be involved in her father's murder...and that the boy she is falling in love with is the son of his killer.
Expecting Amish
Expecting Amish tells the story of 18-year-old Hannah Yoder, who is ready to join the Amish Church and marry her boyfriend Samuel. But things change when she goes to Hollywood and gets a glimpse of the world beyond.
Zoe Gone
Sixteen-year-old Jennifer Lynn's life is turned upside down when she gives birth to baby Zoe. Being a teen mom is not what she had planned for high school. Her boyfriend Randy refuses to step up and her mother Alicia is not interested in raising another child. But when Zoe is kidnapped, Jennifer's maternal instincts kick in and she will stop at nothing to find her baby.
The Wrong Woman
In this fresh take on Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Wrong Man,” Ellen Plainview, a sweet, caring, working wife and mother, answers the door one afternoon to learn that she is under arrest for attempted murder.
Mysterious emotional thriller about a woman who, after being left at the altar, has a brief liaison with a handsome stranger on a plane which ultimately puts her – and everyone else on the flight – in terrible danger.
Dangerous Intuition
Kate Aldrich, a successful career woman is devastated when her husband leaves her for stay at home mom, Laura, with whom she is forced to share custody of her beloved daughter, Izzy. But Kate's despair soon turns to terror as she begins to have intense visions that Izzy is in mortal danger -- and becomes convinced that Laura is the threat
The Good Mother
After her best friend dies, a teen discovers that the girl's mother deliberately made her sick.
A Mother's Rage
A mother and her daughter, Conner, embark on a journey to Conner's new school - both unaware of how many "bumps" they may find along the way.
In the Dark
On the way home from an art gallery featuring her work, a talented artist, Ali, her husband and their young child get into a car accident. The woman's husband and child die on impact, while the woman survives, but loses her eyesight. At her doctor's suggestion, Ali hires a caretaker named Jeff to help her adjust to life as a blind woman, and upon returning home, Jeff's aid proves to be indispensable in helping her acclimate; Ali even meets and quickly befriends her new neighbor, Linda. It is soon apparent, however, that Jeff is becoming increasingly possessive and jealous of Ali, and his obsession rapidly turns violent when Ali decides she needs less of his assistance because she is ready to resume living independently. Unsurprisingly, Jeff does not take the request well, and Ali is soon forced to use her remaining senses to fight for her life.
디보스 인비테이션
기독교인 마이크는 독실한 유대인 집안이 운영하는 레스토랑에서 일하다가 사장의 손녀인 딜런과 사랑에 빠진다. 마이크는 포경 수술까지하며 유대교인으로 개종하고 딜런과 결혼에 골인한다. 마이크는 뛰어난 사업 감각으로 레스토랑의 프랜차이즈 사업 계약을 위해 투자사를 알아보다가, 첫 사랑 알렉스와 재회하게 된다. 알렉스와의 감정이 깊어져서 기어이 딜런에게 이혼을 요구하지만 절대 이혼하지 않겠다는 딜런. 마이크는 과연 이혼에 성공할 수 있을까?
Taken Back: Finding Haley
Unable to get over the abduction of her daughter, a mother is convinced she has finally found her, but is she simply a mother obsessed?
Imaginary Friend
During her traumatic childhood with an abusive father, Emma relied on an imaginary friend for strength. She is now an artist struggling with mental illness living with her apparently loving husband, Brad. But when Emma's imaginary friend starts reappearing, she knows she's losing her grip. Desperate to save her marriage and show Brad she is in control, Emma takes drastic measures to free herself of her torment and her imaginary friend.
Black Widower
True story of a charming, popular American who managed to kill his mother and 3 wives before anyone even suspected him.
This Is Not a Test
This Is Not A Test is a comedy/drama directed by Christopher Angel. The film is based around a man called Carl (Hill Harper) who's living his everyday life whilst trying to cope with his fear of terrorist nuclear attacks. However, with the threat so high he soon lets loose and jeopardizes his family and friends.
The Watch
Cassie, a psych student, was kidnapped and traumatized as a child by a disturbed person. To exorcise her demons and to finish her thesis, she decides on an experiment in isolation, working at a secluded watch tower as a fire lookout. But once she's alone, strange things start happening. Or is she just paranoid? Cassie is terrified that her past may be coming back to haunt her.
Girl's Best Friend
A disgruntled music critic travels cross-country with her inheritance -- a Jack Russell Terrier named Binky.
잭 브룩스: 몬스터 슬레이어
어릴적 가족 캠프에서 정체모를 괴물에게 일가족이 모두 살해당한 잭. 잭은 그 이후로 폭력적 성향의 정신질환에 시달려왔다. 배관공으로 일하던 잭은 과학 수업 교수의 오래된 집의 배관을 고치게 되고 그로 인해 고대의 악마가 깨어나게 된다
Tipping Point
A medical student is desperate to solve a murder to prove that she's not having a psychological breakdown, as her family and friends believe her to be.
Proof of Lies
A scientist researches the genetic cause of addictive behavior.
Mind Over Murder
Holly Winters (Tori Spelling) is an unhappy-in-love, prosecuting attorney. After suffering a serious head injury, she gains the psychic power to read minds and decides to use this new-found power to catch a killer...
Unbeatable Harold
A wannabe Elvis meets his true love, the best waitress in the West..
Eating Out
After getting dumped by his slutty girlfriend, Caleb falls in love with Gwen. However, thanks to Caleb's roommate, Gwen thinks he's gay and sets him up with her roommate, Marc.
사일런트 나이트
1944년 크리스마스 이브의 감동을 그린..어린 소년 프리츠 비켄의 실화를 바탕으로 만든 TV영화. 전쟁이 한창이던 1944년.. 서유럽 전선의 아르덴느 숲의 작은 오두막집에 거처하고 있던 독일인 엄마와 아들 프릿츠는.. 크리스마스 이브날 뜻밖의 손님들을 맞게 된다. 어린 프릿츠에게는 아빠와 형이 있었는데..형은 스탈린그라드 전선에서 전사했고 아빠는 독일군 부대의 요리사로 차출되어 집을 떠나 있었는데.. 미군 3명이 집으로 들어오고 얼마 안되어 독일군 병사 3명이 들이닥치자 집안은 언제 터질지 모를 긴장과 공포에 휩싸이게 된다. 그러나 오늘밤만큼은 전쟁을 잊고 크리스마스의 정신을 기리자는 엄마의 침착한 설득에 두 나라의 군인들은 어쩔수 없이 동의하지만..독일군들은 기회를 봐서 미군을 죽이려 계획한다. 하지만.. 크리스마스 저녁식사를 준비하기 위해 서로의 식량을 내놓고 이야기를 나누면서 뜻밖에도 즐거운 크리스마스 이브를 보내게 된 그들은 어느새 마음의 벽을 허물고 친해지게 된다. 다음날 아침.. 한 미군 헌병대 군인이 집으로 찾아오고 이 광경을 보고 놀라는데.. 갑자기 총구를 미군에게 향하며 독일군에게 자신은 미군에 침투한 독일군이라면서 투항한 미군들을 죽이라고 시킨다. 이를 저지하던 엄마를 그가 총으로 쏴죽이려 하자 보다못한 독일군중의 한명이 그를 기절시키고 엄마를 구한다. 이제는 서로 헤어져야 할 시간.. 독일군들은 그 독일군스파이를 전쟁포로로 미군에게 넘겨주고.. 이제 14살밖에 안된 어린 독일군 병사는 이 전쟁에서 죽고 싶지 않다면서 미군을 따라 나선다고 한다. 그렇게 미군과 독일군은 서로의 행운을 빌며 아쉬운 작별인사를 나눈다
Fits and Starts
A couple announce their engagement, but then find their relationship turning to sour within 24 hours.......
Since I Don't Have You
Makeup Artist
Dewight has a problem shut away deep in his mind. Old Man Kavenaugh has a problem locked away in his decrepit shed behind his rural home. When Dewight's car breaks down on a lonely road near Kavenaugh's abode, the two have a chance encounter that spirals into an ever increasing bizarre, horrific, and nightmarish journey.